"""Retrieve flight information from VirtualRadar APIs""" # PYTHON STUFFS ####################################################### import re from urllib.parse import quote import time from nemubot.exception import IMException from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.tools import web from more import Response import mapquest # GLOBALS ############################################################# URL_API = "http://public-api.adsbexchange.com/VirtualRadar/AircraftList.json?fcallC=%s" SPEED_TYPES = { 0: 'Ground speed', 1: 'Ground speed reversing', 2: 'Indicated air speed', 3: 'True air speed'} WTC_CAT = { 0: 'None', 1: 'Light', 2: 'Medium', 3: 'Heavy' } SPECIES = { 1: 'Land plane', 2: 'Sea plane', 3: 'Amphibian', 4: 'Helicopter', 5: 'Gyrocopter', 6: 'Tiltwing', 7: 'Ground vehicle', 8: 'Tower'} HANDLER_TABLE = { 'From': lambda x: 'From: \x02%s\x0F' % x, 'To': lambda x: 'To: \x02%s\x0F' % x, 'Op': lambda x: 'Airline: \x02%s\x0F' % x, 'Mdl': lambda x: 'Model: \x02%s\x0F' % x, 'Call': lambda x: 'Flight: \x02%s\x0F' % x, 'PosTime': lambda x: 'Last update: \x02%s\x0F' % (time.ctime(int(x)/1000)), 'Alt': lambda x: 'Altitude: \x02%s\x0F ft' % x, 'Spd': lambda x: 'Speed: \x02%s\x0F kn' % x, 'SpdTyp': lambda x: 'Speed type: \x02%s\x0F' % SPEED_TYPES[x] if x in SPEED_TYPES else None, 'Engines': lambda x: 'Engines: \x02%s\x0F' % x, 'Gnd': lambda x: 'On the ground' if x else None, 'Mil': lambda x: 'Military aicraft' if x else None, 'Species': lambda x: 'Aircraft species: \x02%s\x0F' % SPECIES[x] if x in SPECIES else None, 'WTC': lambda x: 'Turbulence level: \x02%s\x0F' % WTC_CAT[x] if x in WTC_CAT else None, } # MODULE CORE ######################################################### def virtual_radar(flight_call): obj = web.getJSON(URL_API % quote(flight_call)) if "acList" in obj: for flight in obj["acList"]: yield flight def flight_info(flight): for prop in HANDLER_TABLE: if prop in flight: yield HANDLER_TABLE[prop](flight[prop]) # MODULE INTERFACE #################################################### @hook.command("flight", help="Get flight information", help_usage={ "FLIGHT": "Get information on FLIGHT" }) def cmd_flight(msg): if not len(msg.args): raise IMException("please indicate a flight") res = Response(channel=msg.channel, nick=msg.nick, nomore="No more flights", count=" (%s more flights)") for param in msg.args: for flight in virtual_radar(param): if 'Lat' in flight and 'Long' in flight: loc = None for location in mapquest.geocode('{Lat},{Long}'.format(**flight)): loc = location break if loc: res.append_message('\x02{0}\x0F: Position: \x02{1}\x0F, {2}'.format(flight['Call'], \ mapquest.where(loc), \ ', '.join(filter(None, flight_info(flight))))) continue res.append_message('\x02{0}\x0F: {1}'.format(flight['Call'], \ ', '.join(filter(None, flight_info(flight))))) return res