# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Nemubot is a modulable IRC bot, built around XML configuration files. # Copyright (C) 2012 Mercier Pierre-Olivier # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from importlib.abc import Finder from importlib.abc import SourceLoader import imp import os import sys import xmlparser class ModuleFinder(Finder): def __init__(self, context, prompt): self.context = context self.prompt = prompt def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): #print ("looking for", fullname, "in", path) # Search only for new nemubot modules (packages init) if path is None: for mpath in self.context.modules_path: #print ("looking for", fullname, "in", mpath) if os.path.isfile(mpath + fullname + ".xml"): return ModuleLoader(self.context, self.prompt, fullname, mpath, mpath + fullname + ".xml") elif (os.path.isfile(mpath + fullname + ".py") or os.path.isfile(mpath + fullname + "/__init__.py")): return ModuleLoader(self.context, self.prompt, fullname, mpath, None) #print ("not found") return None class ModuleLoader(SourceLoader): def __init__(self, context, prompt, fullname, path, config_path): self.context = context self.prompt = prompt self.name = fullname self.config_path = config_path if config_path is not None: self.config = xmlparser.parse_file(config_path) if self.config.hasAttribute("name"): self.name = self.config["name"] if os.path.isfile(path + fullname + ".py"): self.source_path = path + self.name + ".py" self.package = False elif os.path.isfile(path + fullname + "/__init__.py"): self.source_path = path + self.name + "/__init__.py" self.package = True else: raise ImportError def get_filename(self, fullname): """Return the path to the source file as found by the finder.""" return self.source_path def get_data(self, path): """Return the data from path as raw bytes.""" with open(path, 'rb') as file: return file.read() def path_mtime(self, path): st = os.stat(path) return int(st.st_mtime) def set_data(self, path, data): """Write bytes data to a file.""" parent, filename = os.path.split(path) path_parts = [] # Figure out what directories are missing. while parent and not os.path.isdir(parent): parent, part = os.path.split(parent) path_parts.append(part) # Create needed directories. for part in reversed(path_parts): parent = os.path.join(parent, part) try: os.mkdir(parent) except FileExistsError: # Probably another Python process already created the dir. continue except PermissionError: # If can't get proper access, then just forget about writing # the data. return try: with open(path, 'wb') as file: file.write(data) except (PermissionError, FileExistsError): pass def get_code(self, fullname): return SourceLoader.get_code(self, fullname) def get_source(self, fullname): return SourceLoader.get_source(self, fullname) def is_package(self, fullname): return self.package def load_module(self, fullname): module = self._load_module(fullname, sourceless=True) # Remove the module from sys list del sys.modules[fullname] # If the module was already loaded, then reload it if hasattr(module, '__LOADED__'): reload(module) # Check that is a valid nemubot module if not hasattr(module, "nemubotversion"): raise ImportError("Module `%s' is not a nemubot module."%self.name) # Check module version if module.nemubotversion != self.context.version: raise ImportError("Module `%s' is not compatible with this " "version." % self.name) # Set module common functions and datas module.__LOADED__ = True # Set module common functions and datas module.DEBUG = False module.name = fullname module.print = lambda msg: print("[%s] %s"%(module.name, msg)) module.print_debug = lambda msg: mod_print_dbg(module, msg) if not hasattr(module, "NODATA"): module.DATAS = xmlparser.parse_file(self.context.datas_path + module.name + ".xml") module.save = lambda: mod_save(module, self.context.datas_path) else: module.DATAS = None module.save = lambda: False module.CONF = self.config module.has_access = lambda msg: mod_has_access(module, module.CONF, msg) # Load dependancies if module.CONF is not None and module.CONF.hasNode("dependson"): module.MODS = dict() for depend in module.CONF.getNodes("dependson"): for md in MODS: if md.name == depend["name"]: mod.MODS[md.name] = md break if depend["name"] not in module.MODS: print ("\033[1;31mERROR:\033[0m in module `%s', module " "`%s' require by this module but is not loaded." % (module.name, depend["name"])) return # Add the module to the global modules list if self.context.add_module(module): # Launch the module if hasattr(module, "load"): module.load(self.context) # Register hooks register_hooks(module, self.context, self.prompt) print (" Module `%s' successfully loaded." % module.name) else: raise ImportError("An error occurs while importing `%s'." % module.name) return module def add_cap_hook(prompt, module, cmd): if hasattr(module, cmd["call"]): prompt.add_cap_hook(cmd["name"], getattr(module, cmd["call"])) else: print ("Warning: In module `%s', no function `%s' defined for `%s' " "command hook." % (module.name, cmd["call"], cmd["name"])) def register_hooks(module, context, prompt): """Register all available hooks""" if module.CONF is not None: # Register command hooks if module.CONF.hasNode("command"): for cmd in module.CONF.getNodes("command"): if cmd.hasAttribute("name") and cmd.hasAttribute("call"): add_cap_hook(prompt, module, cmd) # Register message hooks if module.CONF.hasNode("message"): for msg in module.CONF.getNodes("message"): context.hooks.register_hook(module, msg) ########################## # # # Module functions # # # ########################## def mod_print_dbg(mod, msg): if mod.DEBUG: print("{%s} %s"%(mod.name, msg)) def mod_save(mod, datas_path): mod.DATAS.save(datas_path + "/" + mod.name + ".xml") mod.print ("Saving!") def mod_has_access(mod, config, msg): if config is not None and config.hasNode("channel"): for chan in config.getNodes("channel"): if (chan["server"] is None or chan["server"] == msg.srv.id) and ( chan["channel"] is None or chan["channel"] == msg.channel): return True return False else: return True