# coding=utf-8 import re import time import sys from datetime import timedelta from datetime import datetime from datetime import date from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml.dom.minidom import parseString from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation filename = "" channels = "#nemutest #42sh #epitagueule" MANCHE = None SCORES = dict () temps = dict () class Score: def __init__(self): #FourtyTwo self.ftt = 0 #TwentyThree self.twt = 0 self.pi = 0 self.notfound = 0 self.tententen = 0 self.leet = 0 self.great = 0 self.bad = 0 self.last = None self.changed = False def parse(self, item): self.ftt = int(item.getAttribute("fourtytwo")) self.twt = int(item.getAttribute("twentythree")) self.pi = int(item.getAttribute("pi")) self.notfound = int(item.getAttribute("notfound")) self.tententen = int(item.getAttribute("tententen")) self.leet = int(item.getAttribute("leet")) self.great = int(item.getAttribute("great")) self.bad = int(item.getAttribute("bad")) def newWinner(self): self.ftt = 0 self.twt = 0 self.pi = 1 self.notfound = 1 self.tententen = 0 self.leet = 1 self.great = -1 self.bad = -4 def isWinner(self): return self.great >= 42 def playFtt(self): if self.canPlay(): self.ftt += 1 self.last = datetime.now() def playTwt(self): if self.canPlay(): self.twt += 1 self.last = datetime.now() def playPi(self): if self.canPlay(): self.pi += 1 self.last = datetime.now() def playNoutfound(self): if self.canPlay(): self.notfound += 1 self.last = datetime.now() def playTen(self): if self.canPlay(): self.tententen += 1 self.last = datetime.now() def playLeet(self): if self.canPlay(): self.leet += 1 self.last = datetime.now() def playGreat(self): if self.canPlay(): self.great += 1 self.last = datetime.now() def playBad(self): if self.canPlay(): self.bad += 1 self.last = datetime.now() def toTuple(self): return (self.ftt, self.twt, self.pi, self.notfound, self.tententen, self.leet, self.great, self.bad) def canPlay(self): self.changed = True return self.last == None or self.last.minute != datetime.now().minute or self.last.hour != datetime.now().hour or self.last.day != datetime.now().day def hasChanged(self): if self.changed: self.changed = False return True else: return False def score(self): return (self.ftt * 2 - self.bad * 10 + self.great * 5 + self.leet * 3 + self.pi * 3.1415 + self.twt + self.notfound * 4.04) def details(self): return "42: %d, 23: %d, bad: %d, great: %d, leet: %d, pi: %d, 404: %d, 10: %d = %d."%(self.ftt, self.twt, self.bad, self.great, self.leet, self.pi, self.notfound, self.tententen, self.score()) def xmlparse(node): """Parse the given node and add scores to the global list.""" global SCORES, MANCHE for item in node.getElementsByTagName("score"): SCORES[item.getAttribute("name")] = Score () SCORES[item.getAttribute("name")].parse(item) manche = node.getElementsByTagName("manche")[0] MANCHE = (int(manche.getAttribute("number")), manche.getAttribute("winner"), int(manche.getAttribute("winner_score")), manche.getAttribute("who"), # datetime.now ()) datetime.fromtimestamp (time.mktime (time.strptime (manche.getAttribute("date")[:19], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))) def load_module(datas_path): """Load this module""" global MANCHE, SCORES, filename MANCHE = None SCORES = dict () filename = datas_path + "/42.xml" sys.stdout.write ("Loading 42scores ... ") dom = parse(filename) xmlparse (dom.documentElement) print ("done (%d loaded, currently in round %d)" % (len(SCORES), -42)) def save_module(): """Save the scores""" global filename sys.stdout.write ("Saving 42scores ... ") impl = getDOMImplementation() newdoc = impl.createDocument(None, 'game', None) top = newdoc.documentElement for name in SCORES.keys(): scr = 'fourtytwo="%d" twentythree="%d" pi="%d" notfound="%d" tententen="%d" leet="%d" great="%d" bad="%d"'% SCORES[name].toTuple() item = parseString ('' % (name, scr)).documentElement top.appendChild(item); top.appendChild(parseString ('' % MANCHE).documentElement) with open(filename, "w") as f: newdoc.writexml (f) print ("done") def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "42 game!" def help_full (): return "!42: display scores\n!42 help: display the performed calculate\n!42 manche: display information about current round\n!42 /who/: show the /who/'s scores" def rev (tupl): (k, v) = tupl return (v.score(), k) def parseanswer (msg): if msg.cmd[0] == "42" or msg.cmd[0] == "score" or msg.cmd[0] == "scores": global SCORES, MANCHE if len(msg.cmd) > 1 and (msg.cmd[1] == "help" or msg.cmd[1] == "aide"): msg.send_chn ("Formule : normal * 2 - bad * 10 + great * 5 + leet * 3 + pi * 3.1415 + dt + not_found * 4.04") elif len(msg.cmd) > 1 and (msg.cmd[1] == "manche" or msg.cmd[1] == "round"): msg.send_chn ("Nous sommes dans la %de manche, gagnée par %s avec %d points et commencée par %s le %s"%MANCHE) #elif where == "#nemutest": else: phrase = "" if len(msg.cmd) > 1: if msg.cmd[1].lower() in SCORES: phrase += " " + msg.cmd[1] + ": " + SCORES[msg.cmd[1].lower()].details() else: phrase = " %s n'a encore jamais joué,"%(msg.cmd[1]) else: for nom, scr in sorted(SCORES.items(), key=rev, reverse=True): if phrase == "": phrase = " *%s: %d*,"%(nom, scr.score()) else: phrase += " %s: %d,"%(nom, scr.score()) msg.send_chn ("Scores :%s" % (phrase[0:len(phrase)-1])) return True else: return False def win(s, who): global SCORES, MANCHE who = who.lower() (num_manche, winner, nb_points, whosef, dayte) = MANCHE maxi_scor = 0 maxi_name = None for player in SCORES.keys(): scr = score(player) if scr > maxi_scor: maxi_scor = scr maxi_name = player #Reset ! SCORES = dict() # SCORES[maxi_name] = (-10, 0, -4, 0, 0, -2, 0) # SCORES[maxi_name] = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) SCORES[who].newWinner if who != maxi_name: msg.send_global ("Félicitations %s, tu remportes cette manche terminée par %s, avec un score de %d !"%(maxi_name, who, maxi_scor)) else: msg.send_global ("Félicitations %s, tu remportes cette manche avec %d points !"%(maxi_name, maxi_scor)) MANCHE = (num_manche + 1, maxi_name, maxi_scor, who, datetime.now ()) print ("Nouvelle manche :", MANCHE) save_module () def parseask (msg): return False def getUser(name): global SCORES if name not in SCORES: SCORES[name] = Score() return SCORES[name] def parselisten (msg): # if msg.channel == "#nemutest": if msg.channel != "#nemutest": if (msg.content.strip().startswith("42") and len (msg.content) < 5) or ((msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("quarante-deux") or msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("quarante deux")) and len (msg.content) < 17): if datetime.now().minute == 10 and datetime.now().second == 10 and datetime.now().hour == 10: getUser(msg.sender).playTen() getUser(msg.sender).playGreat() elif datetime.now().minute == 42: if datetime.now().second == 0: getUser(msg.sender).playGreat() getUser(msg.sender).playFtt() else: getUser(msg.sender).playBad() if (msg.content.strip().startswith("23") and len (msg.content) < 5) or ((msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("vingt-trois") or msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("vingt trois")) and len (msg.content) < 14): if datetime.now().minute == 23: if datetime.now().second == 0: getUser(msg.sender).playGreat() getUser(msg.sender).playTwt() else: getUser(msg.sender).playBad() if (msg.content.strip().startswith("101010") and len (msg.content) < 9): if datetime.now().minute == 10 and datetime.now().hour == 10: if datetime.now().second == 10: getUser(msg.sender).playGreat() getUser(msg.sender).playTen() else: getUser(msg.sender).playBad() if (msg.content.strip().startswith("12345") and len (msg.content) < 8) or (msg.content.strip().startswith("012345") and len (msg.content) < 9): if datetime.now().hour == 1 and datetime.now().minute == 23 and datetime.now().second == 45: getUser(msg.sender).playGreat() getUser(msg.sender).playTwt() else: getUser(msg.sender).playBad() if len (msg.content) < 12 and (msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("leet time") or msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("leettime") or msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("leetime") or msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("l33t time") or msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("1337")): if datetime.now().hour == 13 and datetime.now().minute == 37: if datetime.now().second == 0: getUser(msg.sender).playGreat() getUser(msg.sender).playLeet() else: getUser(msg.sender).playBad() if len (msg.content) < 11 and (msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("pi time") or msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("pitime") or msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("3.14 time")): if datetime.now().hour == 3 and datetime.now().minute == 14: if datetime.now().second == 15 or datetime.now().second == 16: getUser(msg.sender).playGreat() getUser(msg.sender).playPi() else: getUser(msg.sender).playBad() if len (msg.content) < 16 and (msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("time not found") or msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("timenotfound") or msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("404 time")) or (len (msg.content) < 6 and msg.content.strip().lower().startswith("404")): if datetime.now().hour == 4 and datetime.now().minute == 4: if datetime.now().second == 0 or datetime.now().second == 4: getUser(msg.sender).playGreat() getUser(msg.sender).playNotfound() else: getUser(msg.sender).playBad() if getUser(msg.sender).isWinner(): print ("Nous avons un vainqueur ! Nouvelle manche :p") win(s, msg.sender) elif getUser(msg.sender).hasChanged(): save_module () return False