# coding=utf-8 from datetime import datetime import time import newyear def sync(sec): print "Time thread synchronization..." time.sleep(((60 + sec) - datetime.now().second - 1) % 60) while datetime.now().second % sec != 0: time.sleep (0.1) time.sleep (0.4) print "Synchonized on {0}={1} seconds...".format(sec, datetime.now().second) def startThread(s, ndate, sentences, CHANLIST): sync (60); while 1: minute = datetime.now ().minute if minute == 0 and datetime.now ().hour == 0 and datetime.now ().day == 1 and datetime.now ().month == 1: print("Happy new year!") for chan in CHANLIST.split(): newyear.special (s, chan) elif minute == 0 and datetime.now ().hour == 6 and datetime.now ().day == 18 and datetime.now ().month == 1: print("WikiEnd!") for chan in CHANLIST.split(): newyear.special (s, chan) if minute == 18: for chan in CHANLIST.split(): newyear.launch (s, chan, datetime(2012, 1, 18, 6, 0, 1), sentences, 0) if minute == 42: sync(42) print("42!") # for chan in CHANLIST.split(): # s.send("PRIVMSG %s :42 !\r\n" % chan) if datetime.now ().second != 0: sync(60) else: time.sleep(60)