# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Nemubot is a smart and modulable IM bot. # Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Mercier Pierre-Olivier # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import logging import threading from nemubot import __version__ from nemubot.consumer import Consumer, EventConsumer, MessageConsumer from nemubot import datastore import nemubot.hooks from nemubot.modulecontext import ModuleContext logger = logging.getLogger("nemubot") class Bot(threading.Thread): """Class containing the bot context and ensuring key goals""" def __init__(self, ip="", modules_paths=list(), data_store=datastore.Abstract(), verbosity=0): """Initialize the bot context Keyword arguments: ip -- The external IP of the bot (default: modules_paths -- Paths to all directories where looking for module data_store -- An instance of the nemubot datastore for bot's modules """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) logger.info("Initiate nemubot v%s", __version__) self.verbosity = verbosity # External IP for accessing this bot import ipaddress self.ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip) # Context paths self.modules_paths = modules_paths self.datastore = data_store self.datastore.open() # Keep global context: servers and modules self.servers = dict() self.modules = dict() self.modules_configuration = dict() # Events self.events = list() self.event_timer = None # Own hooks from nemubot.hooks.manager import HooksManager self.hooks = HooksManager() import re def in_ping(msg): if re.match("^ *(m[' ]?entends?[ -]+tu|h?ear me|do you copy|ping)", msg.message, re.I) is not None: return msg.respond("pong") self.hooks.add_hook(nemubot.hooks.Message(in_ping), "in", "DirectAsk") def _help_msg(msg): """Parse and response to help messages""" from more import Response res = Response(channel=msg.frm) if len(msg.args) >= 1: if msg.args[0] in self.modules: if len(msg.args) >= 2: if hasattr(self.modules[msg.args[0]], "HELP_cmd"): return self.modules[msg.args[0]].HELP_cmd(msg.args[1]) else: res.append_message("No help for command %s in module %s" % (msg.args[1], msg.args[0])) elif hasattr(self.modules[msg.args[0]], "help_full"): hlp = self.modules[msg.args[0]].help_full() if isinstance(hlp, Response): return hlp else: res.append_message(hlp) else: res.append_message("No help for module %s" % msg.args[0]) else: res.append_message("No module named %s" % msg.args[0]) else: res.append_message("Pour me demander quelque chose, commencez " "votre message par mon nom ; je réagis " "également à certaine commandes commençant par" " !. Pour plus d'informations, envoyez le " "message \"!more\".") res.append_message("Mon code source est libre, publié sous " "licence AGPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/). " "Vous pouvez le consulter, le dupliquer, " "envoyer des rapports de bogues ou bien " "contribuer au projet sur GitHub : " "http://github.com/nemunaire/nemubot/") res.append_message(title="Pour plus de détails sur un module, " "envoyez \"!help nomdumodule\". Voici la liste" " de tous les modules disponibles localement", message=["\x03\x02%s\x03\x02 (%s)" % (im, self.modules[im].__doc__) for im in self.modules if self.modules[im].__doc__]) return res self.hooks.add_hook(nemubot.hooks.Message(_help_msg, "help"), "in", "Command") # Messages to be treated from queue import Queue self.cnsr_queue = Queue() self.cnsr_thrd = list() self.cnsr_thrd_size = -1 def run(self): from select import select from nemubot.server import _rlist, _wlist, _xlist self.stop = False while not self.stop: try: rl, wl, xl = select(_rlist, _wlist, _xlist, 0.1) except: logger.error("Something went wrong in select") fnd_smth = False # Looking for invalid server for r in _rlist: if not hasattr(r, "fileno") or not isinstance(r.fileno(), int) or r.fileno() == -1: _rlist.remove(r) logger.error("Found invalid object in _rlist: " + r) fnd_smth = True for w in _wlist: if not hasattr(w, "fileno") or not isinstance(w.fileno(), int) or w.fileno() == -1: _wlist.remove(w) logger.error("Found invalid object in _wlist: " + w) fnd_smth = True for x in _xlist: if not hasattr(x, "fileno") or not isinstance(x.fileno(), int) or x.fileno() == -1: _xlist.remove(x) logger.error("Found invalid object in _xlist: " + x) fnd_smth = True if not fnd_smth: logger.exception("Can't continue, sorry") self.quit() continue for x in xl: try: x.exception() except: logger.exception("Uncatched exception on server exception") for w in wl: try: w.write_select() except: logger.exception("Uncatched exception on server write") for r in rl: for i in r.read(): try: self.receive_message(r, i) except: logger.exception("Uncatched exception on server read") # Events methods def add_event(self, evt, eid=None, module_src=None): """Register an event and return its identifiant for futur update Return: None if the event is not in the queue (eg. if it has been executed during the call) or returns the event ID. Argument: evt -- The event object to add Keyword arguments: eid -- The desired event ID (object or string UUID) module_src -- The module to which the event is attached to """ if hasattr(self, "stop") and self.stop: logger.warn("The bot is stopped, can't register new events") return import uuid # Generate the event id if no given if eid is None: eid = uuid.uuid1() # Fill the id field of the event if type(eid) is uuid.UUID: evt.id = str(eid) else: # Ok, this is quite useless... try: evt.id = str(uuid.UUID(eid)) except ValueError: evt.id = eid # TODO: mutex here plz # Add the event in its place t = evt.current i = 0 # sentinel for i in range(0, len(self.events)): if self.events[i].current > t: break self.events.insert(i, evt) if i == 0: # First event changed, reset timer self._update_event_timer() if len(self.events) <= 0 or self.events[i] != evt: # Our event has been executed and removed from queue return None # Register the event in the source module if module_src is not None: module_src.__nemubot_context__.events.append(evt.id) evt.module_src = module_src logger.info("New event registered: %s -> %s", evt.id, evt) return evt.id def del_event(self, evt, module_src=None): """Find and remove an event from list Return: True if the event has been found and removed, False else Argument: evt -- The ModuleEvent object to remove or just the event identifier Keyword arguments: module_src -- The module to which the event is attached to (ignored if evt is a ModuleEvent) """ logger.info("Removing event: %s from %s", evt, module_src) from nemubot.event import ModuleEvent if type(evt) is ModuleEvent: id = evt.id module_src = evt.module_src else: id = evt if len(self.events) > 0 and id == self.events[0].id: self.events.remove(self.events[0]) self._update_event_timer() if module_src is not None: module_src.__nemubot_context__.events.remove(id) return True for evt in self.events: if evt.id == id: self.events.remove(evt) if module_src is not None: module_src.__nemubot_context__.events.remove(evt.id) return True return False def _update_event_timer(self): """(Re)launch the timer to end with the closest event""" # Reset the timer if this is the first item if self.event_timer is not None: self.event_timer.cancel() if len(self.events) > 0: logger.debug("Update timer: next event in %d seconds", self.events[0].time_left.seconds) if datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(seconds=5) >= self.events[0].current: import time while datetime.now(timezone.utc) < self.events[0].current: time.sleep(0.6) self._end_event_timer() else: self.event_timer = threading.Timer( self.events[0].time_left.seconds + 1, self._end_event_timer) self.event_timer.start() else: logger.debug("Update timer: no timer left") def _end_event_timer(self): """Function called at the end of the event timer""" while len(self.events) > 0 and datetime.now(timezone.utc) >= self.events[0].current: evt = self.events.pop(0) self.cnsr_queue.put_nowait(EventConsumer(evt)) self._launch_consumers() self._update_event_timer() # Consumers methods def _launch_consumers(self): """Launch new consumer threads if necessary""" while self.cnsr_queue.qsize() > self.cnsr_thrd_size: # Next launch if two more items in queue self.cnsr_thrd_size += 2 c = Consumer(self) self.cnsr_thrd.append(c) c.start() def add_server(self, srv, autoconnect=True): """Add a new server to the context Arguments: srv -- a concrete AbstractServer instance autoconnect -- connect after add? """ if srv.id not in self.servers: self.servers[srv.id] = srv if autoconnect and not hasattr(self, "noautoconnect"): srv.open() return True else: return False # Modules methods def import_module(self, name): """Load a module Argument: name -- name of the module to load """ if name in self.modules: import imp self.unload_module(name) tt = __import__(name) imp.reload(tt) else: __import__(name) def add_module(self, module): """Add a module to the context, if already exists, unload the old one before""" module_name = module.__spec__.name if hasattr(module, "__spec__") else module.__name__ if hasattr(self, "stop") and self.stop: logger.warn("The bot is stopped, can't register new modules") return # Check if the module already exists if module_name in self.modules: self.unload_module(module_name) # Overwrite print built-in def prnt(*args): print("[%s]" % module_name, *args) if hasattr(module, "logger"): module.logger.info(" ".join([str(s) for s in args])) module.print = prnt # Create module context module.__nemubot_context__ = ModuleContext(self, module) if not hasattr(module, "logger"): module.logger = logging.getLogger("nemubot.module." + module_name) # Replace imported context by real one for attr in module.__dict__: if attr != "__nemubot_context__" and type(module.__dict__[attr]) == ModuleContext: module.__dict__[attr] = module.__nemubot_context__ # Register decorated functions import nemubot.hooks for s, h in nemubot.hooks.last_registered: module.__nemubot_context__.add_hook(s, h) nemubot.hooks.last_registered = [] # Launch the module if hasattr(module, "load"): try: module.load(module.__nemubot_context__) except: module.__nemubot_context__.unload() raise # Save a reference to the module self.modules[module_name] = module def unload_module(self, name): """Unload a module""" if name in self.modules: self.modules[name].print("Unloading module %s" % name) if hasattr(self.modules[name], "unload"): self.modules[name].unload(self) self.modules[name].__nemubot_context__.unload() # Remove from the dict del self.modules[name] logger.info("Module `%s' successfully unloaded.", name) return True return False def receive_message(self, srv, msg): """Queued the message for treatment Arguments: srv -- The server where the message comes from msg -- The message not parsed, as simple as possible """ self.cnsr_queue.put_nowait(MessageConsumer(srv, msg)) # Launch a new thread if necessary self._launch_consumers() def quit(self): """Save and unload modules and disconnect servers""" self.datastore.close() if self.event_timer is not None: logger.info("Stop the event timer...") self.event_timer.cancel() logger.info("Stop consumers") k = self.cnsr_thrd for cnsr in k: cnsr.stop = True logger.info("Save and unload all modules...") k = list(self.modules.keys()) for mod in k: self.unload_module(mod) logger.info("Close all servers connection...") k = list(self.servers.keys()) for srv in k: self.servers[srv].close() self.stop = True # Treatment def check_rest_times(self, store, hook): """Remove from store the hook if it has been executed given time""" if hook.times == 0: if isinstance(store, dict): store[hook.name].remove(hook) if len(store) == 0: del store[hook.name] elif isinstance(store, list): store.remove(hook) def hotswap(bak): bak.stop = True if bak.event_timer is not None: bak.event_timer.cancel() bak.datastore.close() new = Bot(str(bak.ip), bak.modules_paths, bak.datastore) new.servers = bak.servers new.modules = bak.modules new.modules_configuration = bak.modules_configuration new.events = bak.events new.hooks = bak.hooks new._update_event_timer() return new