# coding=utf-8 """The 2014,2018 football worldcup module""" from datetime import datetime, timezone import json import re from urllib.parse import quote from urllib.request import urlopen from nemubot import context from nemubot.event import ModuleEvent from nemubot.exception import IMException from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.tools.xmlparser.node import ModuleState nemubotversion = 3.4 from nemubot.module.more import Response API_URL="http://worldcup.sfg.io/%s" def load(context): context.add_event(ModuleEvent(func=lambda url: urlopen(url, timeout=10).read().decode(), func_data=API_URL % "matches/current?by_date=DESC", call=current_match_new_action, interval=30)) def help_full (): return "!worldcup: do something." def start_watch(msg): w = ModuleState("watch") w["server"] = msg.server w["channel"] = msg.channel w["proprio"] = msg.frm w["start"] = datetime.now(timezone.utc) context.data.addChild(w) context.save() raise IMException("This channel is now watching world cup events!") @hook.command("watch_worldcup") def cmd_watch(msg): # Get current state node = None for n in context.data.getChilds(): if n["server"] == msg.server and n["channel"] == msg.channel: node = n break if len(msg.args): if msg.args[0] == "stop" and node is not None: context.data.delChild(node) context.save() raise IMException("This channel will not anymore receives world cup events.") elif msg.args[0] == "start" and node is None: start_watch(msg) else: raise IMException("Use only start or stop as first argument") else: if node is None: start_watch(msg) else: context.data.delChild(node) context.save() raise IMException("This channel will not anymore receives world cup events.") def current_match_new_action(matches, osef): def cmp(om, nm): return len(nm) and (len(om) == 0 or len(nm[0]["home_team_events"]) != len(om[0]["home_team_events"]) or len(nm[0]["away_team_events"]) != len(om[0]["away_team_events"])) context.add_event(ModuleEvent(func=lambda url: json.loads(urlopen(url).read().decode()), func_data=API_URL % "matches/current?by_date=DESC", cmp=cmp, call=current_match_new_action, interval=30)) for match in matches: if is_valid(match): events = sort_events(match["home_team"], match["away_team"], match["home_team_events"], match["away_team_events"]) msg = "Match %s vs. %s ; score %s - %s" % (match["home_team"]["country"], match["away_team"]["country"], match["home_team"]["goals"], match["away_team"]["goals"]) if len(events) > 0: msg += " ; à la " + txt_event(events[0]) for n in context.data.getChilds(): context.send_response(n["server"], Response(msg, channel=n["channel"])) def is_int(s): try: int(s) return True except ValueError: return False def sort_events(teamA, teamB, eventA, eventB): res = [] for e in eventA: e["team"] = teamA res.append(e) for e in eventB: e["team"] = teamB res.append(e) return sorted(res, key=lambda evt: int(evt["time"][0:2]), reverse=True) def detail_event(evt): if evt == "yellow-card": return "carton jaune pour" elif evt == "yellow-card-second": return "second carton jaune pour" elif evt == "red-card": return "carton rouge pour" elif evt == "substitution-in" or evt == "substitution-in halftime": return "joueur entrant :" elif evt == "substitution-out" or evt == "substitution-out halftime": return "joueur sortant :" elif evt == "goal": return "but de" elif evt == "goal-own": return "but contre son camp de" elif evt == "goal-penalty": return "but (pénalty) de" return evt + " par" def txt_event(e): return "%s minute : %s %s (%s)" % (e["time"], detail_event(e["type_of_event"]), e["player"], e["team"]["code"]) def prettify(match): matchdate = datetime.strptime(match["datetime"].replace(':', ''), "%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%SZ").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) if match["status"] == "future": return ["Match à venir (%s) le %s : %s vs. %s" % (match["fifa_id"], matchdate.strftime("%A %d à %H:%M"), match["home_team"]["country"], match["away_team"]["country"])] else: msgs = list() msg = "" if match["status"] == "completed": msg += "Match (%s) du %s terminé : " % (match["fifa_id"], matchdate.strftime("%A %d à %H:%M")) else: msg += "Match en cours (%s) depuis %d minutes : " % (match["fifa_id"], (datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) - matchdate).total_seconds() / 60) msg += "%s %d - %d %s" % (match["home_team"]["country"], match["home_team"]["goals"], match["away_team"]["goals"], match["away_team"]["country"]) events = sort_events(match["home_team"], match["away_team"], match["home_team_events"], match["away_team_events"]) if len(events) > 0: msg += " ; dernière action, à la " + txt_event(events[0]) msgs.append(msg) for e in events[1:]: msgs.append("À la " + txt_event(e)) else: msgs.append(msg) return msgs def is_valid(match): return isinstance(match, dict) and ( isinstance(match.get('home_team'), dict) and 'goals' in match.get('home_team') ) and ( isinstance(match.get('away_team'), dict) and 'goals' in match.get('away_team') ) or isinstance(match.get('group_id'), int) def get_match(url, matchid): allm = get_matches(url) for m in allm: if int(m["fifa_id"]) == matchid: return [ m ] def get_matches(url): try: raw = urlopen(url) except: raise IMException("requête invalide") matches = json.loads(raw.read().decode()) for match in matches: if is_valid(match): yield match @hook.command("worldcup") def cmd_worldcup(msg): res = Response(channel=msg.channel, nomore="No more match to display", count=" (%d more matches)") url = None if len(msg.args) == 1: if msg.args[0] == "today" or msg.args[0] == "aujourd'hui": url = "matches/today?by_date=ASC" elif msg.args[0] == "tomorrow" or msg.args[0] == "demain": url = "matches/tomorrow?by_date=ASC" elif msg.args[0] == "all" or msg.args[0] == "tout" or msg.args[0] == "tous": url = "matches/" elif len(msg.args[0]) == 3: url = "matches/country?fifa_code=%s&by_date=DESC" % msg.args[0] elif is_int(msg.args[0]): url = int(msg.args[0]) else: raise IMException("unrecognized request; choose between 'today', 'tomorrow', a FIFA country code or a match identifier") if url is None: url = "matches/current?by_date=ASC" res.nomore = "There is no match currently" if isinstance(url, int): matches = get_match(API_URL % "matches/", url) else: matches = [m for m in get_matches(API_URL % url)] for match in matches: if len(matches) == 1: res.count = " (%d more actions)" for m in prettify(match): res.append_message(m) else: res.append_message(prettify(match)[0]) return res