"""Show many information about a movie or serie""" # PYTHON STUFFS ####################################################### import re import urllib.parse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from nemubot.exception import IMException from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.tools import web from nemubot.module.more import Response # MODULE CORE ######################################################### def get_movie_by_id(imdbid): """Returns the information about the matching movie""" url = "http://www.imdb.com/title/" + urllib.parse.quote(imdbid) soup = BeautifulSoup(web.getURLContent(url)) return { "imdbID": imdbid, "Title": soup.body.find(attrs={"itemprop": "name"}).next_element.strip(), "Year": soup.body.find(id="titleYear").find("a").text.strip() if soup.body.find(id="titleYear") else ", ".join([y.text.strip() for y in soup.body.find(attrs={"class": "seasons-and-year-nav"}).find_all("div")[3].find_all("a")[:-1]]), "Duration": soup.body.find_all(attrs={"itemprop": "duration"})[-1].text.strip(), "imdbRating": soup.body.find(attrs={"itemprop": "ratingValue"}).text.strip(), "imdbVotes": soup.body.find(attrs={"itemprop": "ratingCount"}).text.strip(), "Plot": re.sub(r"\s+", " ", soup.body.find(id="titleStoryLine").find(attrs={"itemprop": "description"}).text).strip(), "Type": "TV Series" if soup.find(attrs={"class": "np_episode_guide"}) else "Movie", "Country": ", ".join([c.find("a").text.strip() for c in soup.body.find(id="titleDetails").find_all(attrs={"class": "txt-block"}) if c.text.find("Country") != -1]), "Released": soup.body.find(attrs={"itemprop": "datePublished"}).attrs["content"] if "content" in soup.body.find(attrs={"itemprop": "datePublished"}).attrs else "N\A", "Genre": ", ".join([g.text.strip() for g in soup.body.find_all(attrs={"itemprop": "genre"})[:-1]]), "Director": ", ".join([d.find(attrs={"itemprop": "name"}).text.strip() for d in soup.body.find_all(attrs={"itemprop": "director"})]), "Writer": ", ".join([d.find(attrs={"itemprop": "name"}).text.strip() for d in soup.body.find_all(attrs={"itemprop": "creator"})]), "Actors": ", ".join([d.find(attrs={"itemprop": "name"}).text.strip() for d in soup.body.find_all(attrs={"itemprop": "actors"})]), } def find_movies(title, year=None): """Find existing movies matching a approximate title""" title = title.lower() # Built URL url = "https://v2.sg.media-imdb.com/suggests/%s/%s.json" % (urllib.parse.quote(title[0]), urllib.parse.quote(title.replace(" ", "_"))) # Make the request data = web.getJSON(url, remove_callback=True) if "d" not in data: return None elif year is None: return data["d"] else: return [d for d in data["d"] if "y" in d and str(d["y"]) == year] # MODULE INTERFACE #################################################### @hook.command("imdb", help="View movie/serie details, using OMDB", help_usage={ "TITLE": "Look for a movie titled TITLE", "IMDB_ID": "Look for the movie with the given IMDB_ID", }) def cmd_imdb(msg): if not len(msg.args): raise IMException("precise a movie/serie title!") title = ' '.join(msg.args) if re.match("^tt[0-9]{7}$", title) is not None: data = get_movie_by_id(imdbid=title) else: rm = re.match(r"^(.+)\s\(([0-9]{4})\)$", title) if rm is not None: data = find_movies(rm.group(1), year=rm.group(2)) else: data = find_movies(title) if not data: raise IMException("Movie/series not found") data = get_movie_by_id(data[0]["id"]) res = Response(channel=msg.channel, title="%s (%s)" % (data['Title'], data['Year']), nomore="No more information, more at http://www.imdb.com/title/%s" % data['imdbID']) res.append_message("%s \x02genre:\x0F %s; \x02rating\x0F: %s (%s votes); \x02plot\x0F: %s" % (data['Type'], data['Genre'], data['imdbRating'], data['imdbVotes'], data['Plot'])) res.append_message("%s \x02from\x0F %s \x02released on\x0F %s; \x02directed by:\x0F %s; \x02written by:\x0F %s; \x02main actors:\x0F %s" % (data['Type'], data['Country'], data['Released'], data['Director'], data['Writer'], data['Actors'])) return res @hook.command("imdbs", help="Search a movie/serie by title", help_usage={ "TITLE": "Search a movie/serie by TITLE", }) def cmd_search(msg): if not len(msg.args): raise IMException("precise a movie/serie title!") data = find_movies(' '.join(msg.args)) movies = list() for m in data: movies.append("\x02%s\x0F%s with %s" % (m['l'], (" (" + str(m['y']) + ")") if "y" in m else "", m['s'])) return Response(movies, title="Titles found", channel=msg.channel)