#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # coding=utf-8 #import signal import sys import socket import string import os import re import thread import norme import newyear import ontime if len(sys.argv) > 1: sys.exit(0) HOST='' PORT=2770 #HOST='irc.rezosup.org' #PORT=6667 NICK='nemubot' IDENT='nemubot' REALNAME='nemubot' OWNER='nemunaire' #The bot owner's nick #CHANLIST='#nemutest' CHANLIST='#42sh #nemutest' readbuffer='' #Here we store all the messages from server s = socket.socket( ) #Create the socket s.connect((HOST, PORT)) #Connect to server s.send("PASS %s\r\n" % "McsuapTesbuf") s.send("NICK %s\r\n" % NICK) s.send("USER %s %s bla :%s\r\n" % (IDENT, HOST, REALNAME)) #s.send("JOIN %s\r\n" % CHANLIST) print("Welcome on Nemubot. I operate on %s. My PID is %i" % (CHANLIST, os.getpid())) def parsemsg(msg): complete = msg[1:].split(':',1) #Parse the message into useful data info = complete[0].split(' ') msgpart = complete[1] sender = info[0].split('!') if CHANLIST.find(info[2]) != -1 and re.match(".*(norme|coding style).*", msgpart) is not None and re.match(".*(please|give|obtenir|now|plz|stp|svp|s'il (te|vous) pla.t|check).*", msgpart) is not None: norme.launch (s, sender, msgpart) elif msgpart[0] == '!' and CHANLIST.find(info[2]) != -1: #Treat all messages starting with '!' as command cmd=msgpart[1:].split(' ') if cmd[0] == 'new-year' or cmd[0] == 'newyear' or cmd[0] == 'ny': newyear.launch (s, info[2], cmd) elif msgpart[0] == '`' and sender[0] == OWNER and CHANLIST.find(info[2]) != -1: #Treat all messages starting with '`' as command cmd=msgpart[1:].split(' ') if cmd[0]=='op': s.send("MODE %s +o %s\r\n" % (info[2], cmd[1])) if cmd[0]=='deop': s.send("MODE %s -o %s\r\n" % (info[2], cmd[1])) if cmd[0]=='voice': s.send('MODE '+info[2]+' +v '+cmd[1]+'n') if cmd[0]=='devoice': s.send('MODE '+info[2]+' -v '+cmd[1]+'n') if cmd[0]=='restart': print "Restarting thread" thread.start_new_thread(ontime.startThread, (s,CHANLIST)) if cmd[0]=='stop': print "Bye!" s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :Bye!\r\n".format(info[2])) sys.exit (0) if cmd[0]=='sys': syscmd(msgpart[1:],info[2]) if msgpart[0]=='-' and sender[0]==OWNER : #Treat msgs with - as explicit command to send to server cmd=msgpart[1:] #s.send(cmd+'n') print 'cmd='+cmd def read(): global s, readbuffer while 1: readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024) #recieve server messages temp = readbuffer.split("\n") readbuffer = temp.pop( ) #signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, onSignal) for line in temp: print line line = line.rstrip() #remove trailing 'rn' if line.find('PRIVMSG') != -1: #Call a parsing function parsemsg(line) line = line.split() if(line[0] == 'PING'): #If server pings then pong s.send("PONG %s\r\n" % line[1]) thread.start_new_thread(ontime.startThread, (s,CHANLIST)) read()