# coding=utf-8 """Repositories, users or issues on GitHub""" import json import re import urllib.error from urllib.parse import quote from urllib.request import urlopen from hooks import hook nemubotversion = 3.4 def help_full (): return "!github /repo/: Display information about /repo/.\n!github_user /user/: Display information about /user/." def info_repos(repo): raw = urlopen("https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=%s" % quote(repo), timeout=10) return json.loads(raw.read().decode()) def info_user(username): raw = urlopen("https://api.github.com/users/%s" % quote(username), timeout=10) user = json.loads(raw.read().decode()) raw = urlopen("https://api.github.com/users/%s/repos?sort=updated" % quote(username), timeout=10) user["repos"] = json.loads(raw.read().decode()) return user def info_issue(repo, issue=None): rp = info_repos(repo) if rp["items"]: fullname = rp["items"][0]["full_name"] else: fullname = repo try: if issue is not None: raw = urlopen("https://api.github.com/repos/%s/issues/%s" % (quote(fullname), quote(issue)), timeout=10) return [ json.loads(raw.read().decode()) ] else: raw = urlopen("https://api.github.com/repos/%s/issues?sort=updated" % quote(fullname), timeout=10) return json.loads(raw.read().decode()) except urllib.error.HTTPError: raise IRCException("Repository not found") def info_commit(repo, commit=None): rp = info_repos(repo) if rp["items"]: fullname = rp["items"][0]["full_name"] else: fullname = repo try: if commit is not None: raw = urlopen("https://api.github.com/repos/%s/commits/%s" % (quote(fullname), quote(commit)), timeout=10) return [ json.loads(raw.read().decode()) ] else: raw = urlopen("https://api.github.com/repos/%s/commits" % quote(fullname), timeout=10) return json.loads(raw.read().decode()) except urllib.error.HTTPError: raise IRCException("Repository not found") @hook("cmd_hook", "github") def cmd_github(msg): if len(msg.cmds) < 2: raise IRCException("indicate a repository name to search") repos = info_repos(" ".join(msg.cmds[1:])) res = Response(msg.sender, channel=msg.channel, nomore="No more repository", count=" (%d more repo)") for repo in repos["items"]: homepage = "" if repo["homepage"] is not None: homepage = repo["homepage"] + " - " res.append_message("Repository %s: %s%s Main language: %s; %d forks; %d stars; %d watchers; %d opened_issues; view it at %s" % (repo["full_name"], homepage, repo["description"], repo["language"], repo["forks"], repo["stargazers_count"], repo["watchers_count"], repo["open_issues_count"], repo["html_url"])) return res @hook("cmd_hook", "github_user") def cmd_github(msg): if len(msg.cmds) < 2: raise IRCException("indicate a user name to search") res = Response(msg.sender, channel=msg.channel, nomore="No more user") user = info_user(" ".join(msg.cmds[1:])) if "login" in user: if user["repos"]: kf = " Known for: " + ", ".join([repo["name"] for repo in user["repos"]]) else: kf = "" if "name" in user: name = user["name"] else: name = user["login"] res.append_message("User %s: %d public repositories; %d public gists; %d followers; %d following; view it at %s.%s" % (name, user["public_repos"], user["public_gists"], user["followers"], user["following"], user["html_url"], kf)) else: raise IRCException("User not found") return res @hook("cmd_hook", "github_issue") def cmd_github(msg): if len(msg.cmds) < 2: raise IRCException("indicate a repository to view its issues") issue = None if len(msg.cmds) > 2: li = re.match("^#?([0-9]+)$", msg.cmds[1]) ri = re.match("^#?([0-9]+)$", msg.cmds[-1]) if li is not None: issue = msg.cmds[1] del msg.cmds[1] elif ri is not None: issue = msg.cmds[-1] del msg.cmds[-1] repo = " ".join(msg.cmds[1:]) count = " (%d more issues)" if issue is None else None res = Response(msg.sender, channel=msg.channel, nomore="No more issue", count=count) issues = info_issue(repo, issue) for issue in issues: res.append_message("%s%s issue #%d: \x03\x02%s\x03\x02 opened by %s on %s: %s" % (issue["state"][0].upper(), issue["state"][1:], issue["number"], issue["title"], issue["user"]["login"], issue["created_at"], issue["body"].replace("\n", " "))) return res @hook("cmd_hook", "github_commit") def cmd_github(msg): if len(msg.cmds) < 2: raise IRCException("indicate a repository to view its commits") commit = None if len(msg.cmds) > 2: if re.match("^[a-fA-F0-9]+$", msg.cmds[1]): commit = msg.cmds[1] del msg.cmds[1] elif re.match("^[a-fA-F0-9]+$", msg.cmds[-1]): commit = msg.cmds[-1] del msg.cmds[-1] repo = " ".join(msg.cmds[1:]) count = " (%d more commits)" if commit is None else None res = Response(msg.sender, channel=msg.channel, nomore="No more commit", count=count) commits = info_commit(repo, commit) for commit in commits: res.append_message("Commit %s by %s on %s: %s" % (commit["sha"][:10], commit["commit"]["author"]["name"], commit["commit"]["author"]["date"], commit["commit"]["message"].replace("\n", " "))) return res