# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Nemubot is a modulable IRC bot, built around XML configuration files. # Copyright (C) 2012 Mercier Pierre-Olivier # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from datetime import datetime import re import shlex from response import Response mgx = re.compile(b'''^(?:@(?P[^ ]+)\ )? (?::(?P (?P[^!@ ]+) (?: !(?P[^@ ]+))? (?:@(?P[^ ]+))? )\ )? (?P(?:[a-zA-Z]+|[0-9]{3})) (?P(?:\ [^:][^ ]*)*)(?:\ :(?P.*))? $''', re.X) class Message: def __init__ (self, raw_line, timestamp, private=False): self.raw = raw_line self.private = private self.tags = { 'time': timestamp } self.params = list() p = mgx.match(raw_line.rstrip()) # Parse tags if exists: @aaa=bbb;ccc;example.com/ddd=eee if p.group("tags"): for tgs in self.decode(p.group("tags")).split(';'): tag = tgs.split('=') if len(tag) > 1: self.add_tag(tag[0], tag[1]) else: self.add_tag(tag[0]) # Parse prefix if exists: :nick!user@host.com self.prefix = self.decode(p.group("prefix")) self.nick = self.decode(p.group("nick")) self.user = self.decode(p.group("user")) self.host = self.decode(p.group("host")) # Parse command self.cmd = self.decode(p.group("command")) # Parse params if p.group("params"): for param in p.group("params").strip().split(b' '): self.params.append(param) if p.group("trailing"): self.params.append(p.group("trailing")) # Special commands if self.cmd == 'PRIVMSG' or self.cmd == 'NOTICE': self.receivers = self.decode(self.params[0]).split(',') # If CTCP, remove 0x01 if len(self.params[1]) > 1 and (self.params[1][0] == 0x01 or self.params[1][1] == 0x01): self.is_ctcp = True self.text = self.decode(self.params[1][1:len(self.params[1])-1]) else: self.is_ctcp = False self.text = self.decode(self.params[1]) # Split content by words self.parse_content() elif self.cmd == '353': # RPL_NAMREPLY self.receivers = [ self.decode(self.params[0]) ] self.nicks = self.decode(self.params[1]).split(" ") elif self.cmd == '332': self.receivers = [ self.decode(self.params[0]) ] self.topic = self.decode(self.params[1]).split(" ") else: for i in range(0, len(self.params)-1): self.params[i] = self.decode(self.params[i]) # TODO: here for legacy content @property def sender(self): return self.prefix @property def channel(self): return self.receivers[0] def parse_content(self): """Parse or reparse the message content""" # Remove ! if self.text[0] == '!': self.qual = "cmd" self.text = self.text[1:].strip() # Split content by words try: self.cmds = shlex.split(self.text) except ValueError: self.cmds = self.text.split(' ') def decode(self, s): """Decode the content string usign a specific encoding""" if isinstance(s, bytes): try: s = s.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: #TODO: use encoding from config file s = s.decode('utf-8', 'replace') return s ############################## # # # Extraction/Format text # # # ############################## def extractDate (self): """Parse a message to extract a time and date""" msgl = self.content.lower () result = re.match("^[^0-9]+(([0-9]{1,4})[^0-9]+([0-9]{1,2}|janvier|january|fevrier|février|february|mars|march|avril|april|mai|maï|may|juin|juni|juillet|july|jully|august|aout|août|septembre|september|october|octobre|oktober|novembre|november|decembre|décembre|december)([^0-9]+([0-9]{1,4}))?)[^0-9]+(([0-9]{1,2})[^0-9]*[h':]([^0-9]*([0-9]{1,2})([^0-9]*[m\":][^0-9]*([0-9]{1,2}))?)?)?.*$", msgl + " TXT") if result is not None: day = result.group(2) if len(day) == 4: year = day day = 0 month = result.group(3) if month == "janvier" or month == "january" or month == "januar": month = 1 elif month == "fevrier" or month == "février" or month == "february": month = 2 elif month == "mars" or month == "march": month = 3 elif month == "avril" or month == "april": month = 4 elif month == "mai" or month == "may" or month == "maï": month = 5 elif month == "juin" or month == "juni" or month == "junni": month = 6 elif month == "juillet" or month == "jully" or month == "july": month = 7 elif month == "aout" or month == "août" or month == "august": month = 8 elif month == "september" or month == "septembre": month = 9 elif month == "october" or month == "october" or month == "oktober": month = 10 elif month == "november" or month == "novembre": month = 11 elif month == "december" or month == "decembre" or month == "décembre": month = 12 if day == 0: day = result.group(5) else: year = result.group(5) hour = result.group(7) minute = result.group(9) second = result.group(11) if year == None: year = date.today().year if hour == None: hour = 0 if minute == None: minute = 0 if second == None: second = 1 else: second = int (second) + 1 if second > 59: minute = int (minute) + 1 second = 0 return datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute), int(second)) else: return None