# coding=utf-8 import http.client import hashlib import time import _thread from urllib.parse import unquote from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml.dom.minidom import parseString from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation import atom filename = "" SITES = [] SRVS = None def xmlparse(node): """Parse the given node and add events to the global list.""" for item in node.getElementsByTagName("watch"): if item.getAttribute("type"): type = item.getAttribute("type") else: type = "hash" SITES.append ((item.getAttribute("server"), item.getAttribute("page"), type, item.getAttribute("message"), None, 40)) def load_module(datas_path): """Load this module""" global SITES, filename SITES = [] filename = datas_path + "/watch.xml" print ("Loading watchsites ...",) dom = parse(filename) xmlparse (dom.documentElement) print ("done (%d loaded)" % len(SITES)) def launch (servers): global SRVS SRVS = servers for site in SITES: _thread.start_new_thread (startThread, (site,)) def send_global (msg): for server in SRVS: server.send_global (msg) def treat_atom (lastpage, content, message): change=False f = atom.Atom (content) if lastpage is not None: diff = lastpage.diff (f) if len(diff) > 0: if f.id == "http://public.nbr23.com/rss.php": for d in diff: if d.summary == "Music": messageI = message % ("quelles sont ces nouvelles musiques", "%s") elif d.summary == "TV_Shows": messageI = message % ("quelle est cette nouvelle série", "%s") elif d.summary == "Movies": messageI = message % ("quel est ce nouveau film", "%s") elif d.summary == "Books": messageI = message % ("quel est ce nouveau livre", "%s") else: messageI = message % ("quel est ce nouveau fichier", "%s") send_global (messageI % unquote (d.link)) elif message.find ("%s") >= 0: for d in diff: send_global (message % unquote (d.link)) else: send_global (message) change=True return (f,change) def getPage (s, p): conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(s) conn.request("GET", "/%s"%(p)) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() conn.close() return data def startThread(site): (srv, page, type, message, lastpage, updateTime) = site lastChange = 0 while 1: content = getPage(srv, page) if type == "atom": (lastpage, change) = treat_atom (lastpage, content, message) if change: if lastChange <= 0: lastChange -= 1 else: lastChange = 0 else: lastChange += 1 else: hash = hashlib.sha224(content).hexdigest() if hash != lastpage: if lastpage is not None: send_global (message) lastpage = hash if lastChange <= 0: lastChange -= 1 else: lastChange = 0 else: lastChange += 1 #Update check time intervalle if lastChange >= 1 and updateTime < 60: updateTime *= 2 elif lastChange >= 10 and updateTime < 200: updateTime *= 1.25 elif lastChange >= 50 and updateTime < 500: updateTime *= 1.1 elif lastChange < 0 and updateTime < 60: updateTime /= 2 elif lastChange <= 0 and updateTime < 200: updateTime /= 3 elif lastChange <= 0 and updateTime > 350: updateTime /= 7 elif lastChange <= 0: updateTime /= 4.5 if updateTime < 10: updateTime = 10 if updateTime > 500: updateTime = 500 time.sleep(updateTime)