# coding=utf-8 import json import re from urllib.parse import quote from urllib.request import urlopen nemubotversion = 3.4 def load(context): if not CONF or not CONF.hasNode("mapquestapi") or not CONF.getNode("mapquestapi").hasAttribute("key"): print ("You need a MapQuest API key in order to use this " "module. Add it to the module configuration file:\n\nRegister at " "http://developer.mapquest.com/") return None from hooks.messagehook import MessageHook add_hook("cmd_hook", MessageHook(cmd_geocode, "geocode")) def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "The mapquest module" def help_full (): return "!geocode /place/: get coordinate of /place/." def geocode(location): raw = urlopen("http://open.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/v1/address?key=%s&location=%s" % (CONF.getNode("mapquestapi")["key"], quote(location))) obj = json.loads(raw.read().decode()) if "results" in obj and "locations" in obj["results"][0]: for loc in obj["results"][0]["locations"]: yield loc def where(loc): return re.sub(" +", " ", "%s %s %s %s %s" % (loc["street"], loc["adminArea5"], loc["adminArea4"], loc["adminArea3"], loc["adminArea1"])).strip() def cmd_geocode(msg): if len(msg.cmds) < 2: raise IRCException("indicate a name") locname = ' '.join(msg.cmds[1:]) res = Response(channel=msg.channel, nick=msg.nick, nomore="No more geocode", count=" (%s more geocode)") for loc in geocode(locname): res.append_message("%s is at %s,%s (%s precision)" % (where(loc), loc["latLng"]["lat"], loc["latLng"]["lng"], loc["geocodeQuality"].lower())) return res