# coding=utf-8 import http.client import time import re import _thread import threading from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from module_state import ModuleState from .SiteSoutenances import SiteSoutenances from .Delayed import Delayed nemubotversion = 3.0 DELAYED = dict() def help_tiny(): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "EPITA ING1 defenses module" def help_full(): return "!soutenance: gives information about current defenses state\n!soutenance : gives the date of the next defense of /who/.\n!soutenances : gives all defense dates of /who/" datas = None THREAD = None wait = list() def parseanswer(msg): global THREAD, wait if msg.cmd[0] == "soutenance" or msg.cmd[0] == "soutenances": if THREAD is None: THREAD = _thread.start_new_thread (startSoutenance, (msg,)) else: wait.append(msg) return True return False def parseask(msg): if len(DELAYED) > 0 and msg.sender == msg.srv.partner: treat = False for part in msg.content.split(';'): if part is None: continue for d in DELAYED.keys(): if DELAYED[d].res is None and part.find(DELAYED[d].name) >= 0: result = re.match(".* est (.*[^.])\.?", part) if result is not None: DELAYED[d].res = result.group(1) DELAYED[d].evt.set() return treat return False def startSoutenance (msg): global datas, THREAD, wait #Starts by updating datas if datas is not None: datas = datas.update () if datas is None: datas = SiteSoutenances(getPage().decode()) if len(msg.cmd) == 1 or msg.cmd[1] == "next": soutenance = datas.findLast() if soutenance is None: msg.send_chn ("Il ne semble pas y avoir de soutenance pour le moment.") else: if soutenance.start > soutenance.hour: avre = "%s de *retard*"%msg.just_countdown(soutenance.start - soutenance.hour, 4) else: avre = "%s *d'avance*"%msg.just_countdown(soutenance.hour - soutenance.start, 4) msg.send_chn ("Actuellement à la soutenance numéro %d, commencée il y a %s avec %s."%(soutenance.rank, msg.just_countdown(datetime.now () - soutenance.start, 4), avre)) elif msg.cmd[1] == "assistants" or msg.cmd[1] == "assistant" or msg.cmd[1] == "yaka" or msg.cmd[1] == "yakas" or msg.cmd[1] == "acu" or msg.cmd[1] == "acus": assistants = datas.findAssistants() if len(assistants) > 0: msg.send_chn ("Les %d assistants faisant passer les soutenances sont : %s." % (len(assistants), ', '.join(assistants.keys()))) else: msg.send_chn ("Il ne semble pas y avoir de soutenance pour le moment.") else: name = msg.cmd[1] if msg.cmd[0] == "soutenance": soutenance = datas.findClose(name) if soutenance is None: global DELAYED DELAYED[msg] = Delayed(name) msg.srv.send_msg_prtn ("~whois %s" % name) DELAYED[msg].wait(5) if DELAYED[msg].res is not None: name = DELAYED[msg].res soutenance = datas.findClose(name) if soutenance is None: msg.send_chn ("Pas d'horaire de soutenance pour %s."%name) else: if soutenance.state == "En cours": msg.send_chn ("%s est actuellement en soutenance avec %s. Elle était prévue à %s, position %d."%(name, soutenance.assistant, soutenance.hour, soutenance.rank)) elif soutenance.state == "Effectue": msg.send_chn ("%s a passé sa soutenance avec %s. Elle a duré %s."%(name, soutenance.assistant, msg.just_countdown(soutenance.end - soutenance.start, 4))) elif soutenance.state == "Retard": msg.send_chn ("%s était en retard à sa soutenance de %s."%(name, soutenance.hour)) else: last = datas.findLast() if last is not None: if soutenance.hour + (last.start - last.hour) > datetime.now (): msg.send_chn ("Soutenance de %s : %s, position %d ; estimation du passage : dans %s."%(name, soutenance.hour, soutenance.rank, msg.just_countdown((soutenance.hour - datetime.now ()) + (last.start - last.hour)))) else: msg.send_chn ("Soutenance de %s : %s, position %d ; passage imminent."%(name, soutenance.hour, soutenance.rank)) else: msg.send_chn ("Soutenance de %s : %s, position %d."%(name, soutenance.hour, soutenance.rank)) elif msg.cmd[0] == "soutenances": souts = datas.findAll(name) if souts is None: msg.send_snd ("Pas de soutenance prévues pour %s."%name) else: first = True for s in souts: if first: msg.send_snd ("Soutenance(s) de %s : - %s (position %d) ;"%(name, s.hour, s.rank)) first = False else: msg.send_snd (" %s - %s (position %d) ;"%(len(name)*' ', s.hour, s.rank)) THREAD = None if len(wait) > 0: startSoutenance(wait.pop()) def getPage(): conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(CONF.getNode("server")["ip"]) try: conn.request("GET", CONF.getNode("server")["url"]) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() except: print ("[%s] impossible de récupérer la page %s."%(s, p)) return "" conn.close() return data