# coding=utf-8 """Find synonyms""" import re from urllib.parse import quote from nemubot.exception import IMException from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.tools import web nemubotversion = 4.0 from more import Response def help_full(): return "!syno [LANG] : give a list of synonyms for ." def load(context): global lang_binding if not context.config or not "bighugelabskey" in context.config: logger.error("You need a NigHugeLabs API key in order to have english " "theasorus. Add it to the module configuration file:\n" "\nRegister at https://words.bighugelabs.com/getkey.php") else: lang_binding["en"] = lambda word: get_english_synos(context.config["bighugelabskey"], word) def get_french_synos(word): url = "http://www.crisco.unicaen.fr/des/synonymes/" + quote(word.encode("ISO-8859-1")) page = web.getURLContent(url) best = list(); synos = list(); anton = list() if page is not None: for line in page.split("\n"): if line.find("!-- Fin liste des antonymes --") > 0: for elt in re.finditer(">([^<>]+)", line): anton.append(elt.group(1)) elif line.find("!--Fin liste des synonymes--") > 0: for elt in re.finditer(">([^<>]+)", line): synos.append(elt.group(1)) elif re.match("[ \t]*]*>.*[ \t]*.*", line) is not None: for elt in re.finditer(">&[^;]+;([^&]*)&[^;]+;<", line): best.append(elt.group(1)) return (best, synos, anton) def get_english_synos(key, word): cnt = web.getJSON("http://words.bighugelabs.com/api/2/%s/%s/json" % (quote(key), quote(word.encode("ISO-8859-1")))) best = list(); synos = list(); anton = list() if cnt is not None: for k, c in cnt.items(): if "syn" in c: best += c["syn"] if "rel" in c: synos += c["rel"] if "ant" in c: anton += c["ant"] return (best, synos, anton) lang_binding = { 'fr': get_french_synos } @hook.command("synonymes", data="synonymes") @hook.command("antonymes", data="antonymes") def go(msg, what): if not len(msg.args): raise IMException("de quel mot veux-tu connaître la liste des synonymes ?") # Detect lang if msg.args[0] in lang_binding: func = lang_binding[msg.args[0]] word = ' '.join(msg.args[1:]) else: func = lang_binding["fr"] word = ' '.join(msg.args) # TODO: depreciate usage without lang #raise IMException("language %s is not handled yet." % msg.args[0]) try: best, synos, anton = func(word) except: best, synos, anton = (list(), list(), list()) if what == "synonymes": if len(synos) > 0 or len(best) > 0: res = Response(channel=msg.channel, title="Synonymes de %s" % word) if len(best) > 0: res.append_message(best) if len(synos) > 0: res.append_message(synos) return res else: raise IMException("Aucun synonyme de %s n'a été trouvé" % word) elif what == "antonymes": if len(anton) > 0: res = Response(anton, channel=msg.channel, title="Antonymes de %s" % word) return res else: raise IMException("Aucun antonyme de %s n'a été trouvé" % word) else: raise IMException("WHAT?!")