# coding=utf-8 """Get information about subreddit""" import re from nemubot.exception import IMException from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.tools import web nemubotversion = 3.4 from more import Response def help_full(): return "!subreddit /subreddit/: Display information on the subreddit." LAST_SUBS = dict() @hook.command("subreddit") def cmd_subreddit(msg): global LAST_SUBS if not len(msg.args): if msg.channel in LAST_SUBS and len(LAST_SUBS[msg.channel]) > 0: subs = [LAST_SUBS[msg.channel].pop()] else: raise IMException("Which subreddit? Need inspiration? " "type !horny or !bored") else: subs = msg.args all_res = list() for osub in subs: sub = re.match(r"^/?(?:(\w)/)?(\w+)/?$", osub) if sub is not None: if sub.group(1) is not None and sub.group(1) != "": where = sub.group(1) else: where = "r" sbr = web.getJSON("http://www.reddit.com/%s/%s/about.json" % (where, sub.group(2))) if sbr is None: raise IMException("subreddit not found") if "title" in sbr["data"]: res = Response(channel=msg.channel, nomore="No more information") res.append_message( ("[NSFW] " if sbr["data"]["over18"] else "") + sbr["data"]["url"] + " " + sbr["data"]["title"] + ": " + sbr["data"]["public_description" if sbr["data"]["public_description"] != "" else "description"].replace("\n", " ") + " %s subscriber(s)" % sbr["data"]["subscribers"]) if sbr["data"]["public_description"] != "": res.append_message( sbr["data"]["description"].replace("\n", " ")) all_res.append(res) else: all_res.append(Response("/%s/%s doesn't exist" % (where, sub.group(2)), channel=msg.channel)) else: all_res.append(Response("%s is not a valid subreddit" % osub, channel=msg.channel, nick=msg.frm)) return all_res @hook.message() def parselisten(msg): parseresponse(msg) return None @hook.post() def parseresponse(msg): global LAST_SUBS if hasattr(msg, "text") and msg.text and type(msg.text) == str: urls = re.findall("www.reddit.com(/\w/\w+/?)", msg.text) for url in urls: for recv in msg.to: if recv not in LAST_SUBS: LAST_SUBS[recv] = list() LAST_SUBS[recv].append(url) return msg