# coding=utf-8 import re from urllib.parse import quote from .pyaspell import Aspell from .pyaspell import AspellError nemubotversion = 3.3 def help_tiny (): return "Check words spelling" def help_full (): return "!spell [] : give the correct spelling of in ." def load(context): from hooks import Hook add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_spell, "spell")) add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_spell, "orthographe")) def cmd_spell(msg): if len(msg.cmds) < 2: return Response(msg.sender, "Indiquer une orthographe approximative du mot dont vous voulez vérifier l'orthographe.", msg.channel) lang = "fr" strRes = list() for word in msg.cmds[1:]: if len(word) <= 2 and len(msg.cmds) > 2: lang = word else: try: r = check_spell(word, lang) except AspellError: return Response(msg.sender, "Je n'ai pas le dictionnaire `%s' :(" % lang, msg.channel) if r == True: strRes.append("l'orthographe de `%s' est correcte" % word) elif len(r) > 0: strRes.append("suggestions pour `%s' : %s" % (word, ", ".join(r))) else: strRes.append("aucune suggestion pour `%s'" % word) return Response(msg.sender, strRes, channel=msg.channel) def check_spell(word, lang='fr'): a = Aspell(("lang", lang)) if a.check(word): return True else: return a.suggest(word)