# coding=utf-8 from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import re import sys import string import time import imp import random from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml.dom.minidom import parseString from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation BANLIST = [] CREDITS = {} filename = "" def load(datas_path): global BANLIST, CREDITS, filename CREDITS = dict () BANLIST = list () filename = datas_path + "/general.xml" sys.stdout.write ("Loading banlist ... ") dom = parse(filename) for item in dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("ban"): BANLIST.append(item.getAttribute("name")) print ("done (%d users banned)" % (len(BANLIST))) def save_module(): global BANLIST, ALIAS, filename sys.stdout.write ("Saving banlist ... ") impl = getDOMImplementation() newdoc = impl.createDocument(None, 'global', None) top = newdoc.documentElement for name in BANLIST: item = parseString ('' % (name)).documentElement top.appendChild(item); with open(filename, "w") as f: newdoc.writexml (f) print ("done") class Credits: def __init__ (self, name): self.name = name self.credits = 5 self.randsec = timedelta(seconds=random.randint(0, 55)) self.lastmessage = datetime.now() + self.randsec self.iask = True def ask(self): if self.name in BANLIST: return False now = datetime.now() + self.randsec if self.lastmessage.minute == now.minute and (self.lastmessage.second == now.second or self.lastmessage.second == now.second - 1): print("AUTOBAN %s: too low time between messages" % self.name) #BANLIST.append(self.name) self.credits -= self.credits / 2 #Une alternative return False self.iask = True return self.credits > 0 or self.lastmessage.minute != now.minute def speak(self): if self.iask: self.iask = False now = datetime.now() + self.randsec if self.lastmessage.minute != now.minute: self.credits = min (15, self.credits + 5) self.lastmessage = now self.credits -= 1 return self.credits > -3 def to_string(self): print ("%s: %d ; reset: %d" % (self.name, self.credits, self.randsec.seconds)) class Message: def __init__ (self, srv, line): self.srv = srv self.time = datetime.now () line = line.rstrip() #remove trailing 'rn' words = line.split(' ') if words[0][0] == ':': self.name = words[0][1:] self.cmd = words[1] else: self.cmd = words[0] self.name = None if self.cmd == 'PING': self.content = words[1] elif self.name is not None: self.sender = (self.name.split('!'))[0] if self.sender != self.name: self.realname = (self.name.split('!'))[1] else: self.realname = self.sender if len(words) > 2: self.channel = words[2] if self.cmd == 'PRIVMSG': self.content = words[3] if self.content[0] == ':': self.content = line.split(':', 2)[2] else: print (line) else: print (line) if self.cmd == 'PRIVMSG': self.channel = words[2] self.content = words[3] if self.content[0] == ':': self.content = line.split(':', 2)[2] @property def is_owner(self): return self.sender == self.srv.owner def send_msg (self, channel, msg, cmd = "PRIVMSG", endl = "\r\n"): if CREDITS[self.realname].speak(): self.srv.send_msg (channel, msg, cmd, endl) def send_global (self, msg, cmd = "PRIVMSG", endl = "\r\n"): if CREDITS[self.realname].speak(): self.srv.send_global (msg, cmd, endl) def send_chn (self, msg): """Send msg on the same channel as receive message""" if CREDITS[self.realname].speak(): if self.channel == self.srv.nick: self.send_snd (msg) else: self.srv.send_msg (self.channel, msg) def send_snd (self, msg): """Send msg to the sender who send the original message""" if CREDITS[self.realname].speak(): self.srv.send_msg_usr (self.sender, msg) def authorize (self): if self.realname not in CREDITS: CREDITS[self.realname] = Credits(self.realname) elif self.content[0] == '`': return True elif not CREDITS[self.realname].ask(): return False return self.srv.accepted_channel(self.channel) def treat (self, mods): if self.cmd == "PING": self.pong () elif self.cmd == "PRIVMSG" and self.name is None: self.parsectcp () elif self.cmd == "PRIVMSG" and self.authorize(): self.parsemsg (mods) # elif self.cmd == "NICK": # print ("%s change de nom pour %s" % (self.sender, self.content)) # elif self.cmd == "PART": # print ("%s vient de quitter %s" % (self.sender, self.channel)) # elif self.cmd == "JOIN": # print ("%s arrive sur %s" % (self.sender, self.channel)) def pong (self): self.srv.s.send(("PONG %s\r\n" % self.content).encode ()) def parsectcp(self): if self.content == 'VERSION': self.srv.send_ctcp_response(self.channel, self.sender, "VERSION nemubot v3") def reparsemsg(self): if self.mods is not None: self.parsemsg(self.mods) else: print ("Can't reparse message") def parsemsg (self, mods): #Treat all messages starting with 'nemubot:' as distinct commands if self.content.find("%s:"%self.srv.nick) == 0: messagel = self.content.lower() #Is it a simple response? if re.match(".*(m[' ]?entends?[ -]+tu|h?ear me|do you copy|ping)", messagel) is not None: self.send_chn ("%s: pong"%(self.sender)) elif re.match(".*(quel(le)? heure est[ -]il|what time is it)", messagel) is not None: now = datetime.now() self.send_chn ("%s: j'envoie ce message à %s:%d:%d."%(self.sender, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)) elif re.match(".*qui est ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)", messagel) is not None: result = re.match(".*qui est ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+).*", self.content) self.send_chn ("!whois %s"%(result.group(1))) elif re.match(".*di[st] (a|à) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) (.+)$", messagel) is not None: result = re.match(".*di[st] (a|à) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) (qu(e |'))?(.+)$", self.content) self.send_chn ("%s: %s"%(result.group(2), result.group(5))) elif re.match(".*di[st] (.+) (a|à) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$", messagel) is not None: result = re.match(".*di[st] (.+) (à|a) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$", self.content) self.send_chn ("%s: %s"%(result.group(3), result.group(1))) elif re.match(".*di[st] sur (#[a-zA-Z0-9]+) (.+)$", self.content) is not None: result = re.match(".*di[st] sur (#[a-zA-Z0-9]+) (.+)$", self.content) self.send_msg(result.group(1), result.group(2)) elif re.match(".*di[st] (.+) sur (#[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$", self.content) is not None: result = re.match(".*di[st] (.+) sur (#[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$", self.content) self.send_msg(result.group(2), result.group(1)) #Try modules else: for im in mods: #try: if im.parseask(self): return #except AttributeError: #print ("Warning: in module `%s', no function parseask defined." % im.name) #im.parseask = lambda x: False #continue #Owner commands elif self.content[0] == '`' and self.sender == self.srv.owner: self.cmd = self.content[1:].split(' ') if self.cmd[0] == "reload" or self.cmd[0] == "reload_nosave": if len(self.cmd) > 1: if self.cmd[1] in mods: if self.cmd[0] == "reload": mods[self.cmd[1]].save_module () imp.reload(mods[self.cmd[1]]) mods[self.cmd[1]].load_module (self.srv.datas_dir) self.send_snd ("Module %s rechargé avec succès."%self.cmd[1]) else: self.send_snd ("Module inconnu %s."%self.cmd[1]) else: self.send_snd ("Usage: `reload /module/.") self.send_snd ("Loaded modules: " + ', '.join(mods.keys()) + ".") elif self.cmd[0] == "ban": if len(self.cmd) > 1: BANLIST.append(self.cmd[1]) else: print (BANLIST) elif self.cmd[0] == "banlist": print (BANLIST) elif self.cmd[0] == "unban": if len(self.cmd) > 1: BANLIST.remove(self.cmd[1]) elif self.cmd[0] == "credits": if len(self.cmd) > 1 and self.cmd[1] in CREDITS: self.send_chn ("%s a %d crédits." % (self.cmd[1], CREDITS[self.cmd[1]])) else: for c in CREDITS.keys(): print (CREDITS[c].to_string()) #Messages stating with ! elif self.content[0] == '!': self.mods = mods self.cmd = self.content[1:].split(' ') if self.cmd[0] == "help": if len (self.cmd) > 1: if self.cmd[1] in mods: self.send_snd(mods[self.cmd[1]].help_full ()) else: self.send_snd("No help for command %s" % self.cmd[1]) else: self.send_snd("Pour me demander quelque chose, commencez votre message par mon nom ; je réagis à certain messages commençant par !, consulter l'aide de chaque module :") for im in mods: self.send_snd(" - !help %s: %s" % (im.name, im.help_tiny ())) else: for im in mods: if im.parseanswer(self): return else: for im in mods: if im.parselisten(self): return # def parseOwnerCmd(self, cmd): ############################## # # # Extraction/Format text # # # ############################## def just_countdown (self, delta, resolution = 5): sec = delta.seconds hours, remainder = divmod(sec, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) an = int(delta.days / 365.25) days = delta.days % 365.25 sentence = "" force = False if resolution > 0 and (force or an > 0): force = True sentence += " %i an"%(an) if an > 1: sentence += "s" if resolution > 2: sentence += "," elif resolution > 1: sentence += " et" if resolution > 1 and (force or days > 0): force = True sentence += " %i jour"%(days) if days > 1: sentence += "s" if resolution > 3: sentence += "," elif resolution > 2: sentence += " et" if resolution > 2 and (force or hours > 0): force = True sentence += " %i heure"%(hours) if hours > 1: sentence += "s" if resolution > 4: sentence += "," elif resolution > 3: sentence += " et" if resolution > 3 and (force or minutes > 0): force = True sentence += " %i minute"%(minutes) if minutes > 1: sentence += "s" if resolution > 4: sentence += " et" if resolution > 4 and (force or seconds > 0): force = True sentence += " %i seconde"%(seconds) if seconds > 1: sentence += "s" return sentence[1:] def countdown_format (self, date, msg_before, msg_after, timezone = None): """Replace in a text %s by a sentence incidated the remaining time before/after an event""" if timezone != None: os.environ['TZ'] = timezone time.tzset() #Calculate time before the date if datetime.now() > date: sentence_c = msg_after delta = datetime.now() - date else: sentence_c = msg_before delta = date - datetime.now() if timezone != None: os.environ['TZ'] = "Europe/Paris" return sentence_c % self.just_countdown(delta) def extractDate (self): """Parse a message to extract a time and date""" msgl = self.content.lower () result = re.match("^[^0-9]+(([0-9]{1,4})[^0-9]+([0-9]{1,2}|janvier|january|fevrier|février|february|mars|march|avril|april|mai|maï|may|juin|juni|juillet|july|jully|august|aout|août|septembre|september|october|octobre|oktober|novembre|november|decembre|décembre|december)([^0-9]+([0-9]{1,4}))?)[^0-9]+(([0-9]{1,2})[^0-9]*[h':]([^0-9]*([0-9]{1,2})([^0-9]*[m\":][^0-9]*([0-9]{1,2}))?)?)?.*$", msgl + " TXT") if result is not None: day = result.group(2) if len(day) == 4: year = day day = 0 month = result.group(3) if month == "janvier" or month == "january" or month == "januar": month = 1 elif month == "fevrier" or month == "février" or month == "february": month = 2 elif month == "mars" or month == "march": month = 3 elif month == "avril" or month == "april": month = 4 elif month == "mai" or month == "may" or month == "maï": month = 5 elif month == "juin" or month == "juni" or month == "junni": month = 6 elif month == "juillet" or month == "jully" or month == "july": month = 7 elif month == "aout" or month == "août" or month == "august": month = 8 elif month == "september" or month == "septembre": month = 9 elif month == "october" or month == "october" or month == "oktober": month = 10 elif month == "november" or month == "novembre": month = 11 elif month == "december" or month == "decembre" or month == "décembre": month = 12 if day == 0: day = result.group(5) else: year = result.group(5) hour = result.group(7) minute = result.group(9) second = result.group(11) print ("Chaîne reconnue : %s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s"%(day, month, year, hour, minute, second)) if year == None: year = date.today().year if hour == None: hour = 0 if minute == None: minute = 0 if second == None: second = 1 else: second = int (second) + 1 if second > 59: minute = int (minute) + 1 second = 0 return datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute), int(second)) else: return None