#!/usr/bin/python3 # coding=utf-8 import sys import socket import signal import os import re import subprocess from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from xml.dom.minidom import parse import _thread if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print ("This script takes exactly 1 arg: a XML config file") sys.exit(1) def onSignal(signum, frame): print ("\nSIGINT receive, saving states and close") sys.exit (0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, onSignal) if len(sys.argv) == 3: basedir = sys.argv[2] else: basedir = "./" import message SMILEY = list() CORRECTIONS = list() g_queue = list() talkEC = 0 stopSpk = 0 lastmsg = None dom = parse(sys.argv[1]) config = dom.getElementsByTagName('config')[0] if config.hasAttribute("nick"): NICK = config.getAttribute("nick") else: NICK = "bot" if config.hasAttribute("owner"): OWNER = config.getAttribute("owner") else: OWNER = " " if config.hasAttribute("realname"): REALNAME = config.getAttribute("realname") else: REALNAME = OWNER + "'s bot" for smiley in config.getElementsByTagName('smiley'): if smiley.hasAttribute("txt") and smiley.hasAttribute("mood"): SMILEY.append((smiley.getAttribute("txt"), smiley.getAttribute("mood"))) print ("%d smileys loaded"%len(SMILEY)) for correct in config.getElementsByTagName('correction'): if correct.hasAttribute("bad") and correct.hasAttribute("good"): CORRECTIONS.append((" " + (correct.getAttribute("bad") + " "), (" " + correct.getAttribute("good") + " "))) print ("%d corrections loaded"%len(CORRECTIONS)) def speak(endstate): global lastmsg, g_queue, talkEC, stopSpk talkEC = 1 stopSpk = 0 if lastmsg is None: lastmsg = message.Message(None, b":Quelqun!someone@p0m.fr PRIVMSG channel nothing") while not stopSpk and len(g_queue) > 0: msg = g_queue.pop(0) lang = "fr" sentence = "" force = 0 #Skip identic body if msg.content == lastmsg.content: continue if force or msg.time - lastmsg.time > timedelta(0, 500): sentence += "A {0} heure {1} : ".format(msg.time.hour, msg.time.minute) force = 1 if force or msg.channel != lastmsg.channel: if msg.channel == OWNER: sentence += "En message priver. " #Just to avoid é :p else: sentence += "Sur " + msg.channel + ". " force = 1 action = 0 if msg.content.find("ACTION ") == 1: sentence += msg.nick + " " msg.content = msg.content.replace("ACTION ", "") action = 1 for (txt, mood) in SMILEY: if msg.content.find(txt) >= 0: sentence += msg.nick + (" %s : "%mood) msg.content = msg.content.replace(txt, "") action = 1 break for (bad, good) in CORRECTIONS: if msg.content.find(bad) >= 0: msg.content = (" " + msg.content + " ").replace(bad, good) if action == 0 and (force or msg.sender != lastmsg.sender): sentence += msg.nick + " dit : " if re.match(".*(https?://)?(www\\.)?ycc.fr/[a-z0-9A-Z]+.*", msg.content) is not None: msg.content = re.sub("(https?://)?(www\\.)?ycc.fr/[a-z0-9A-Z]+", " U.R.L Y.C.C ", msg.content) if re.match(".*https?://.*", msg.content) is not None: msg.content = re.sub(r'https?://[^ ]+', " U.R.L ", msg.content) if re.match("^ *[^a-zA-Z0-9 ][a-zA-Z]{2}[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", msg.content) is not None: if sentence != "": intro = subprocess.call(["espeak", "-v", "fr", sentence]) #intro.wait() lang = msg.content[1:3].lower() sentence = msg.content[4:] else: sentence += msg.content spk = subprocess.call(["espeak", "-v", lang, sentence]) #spk.wait() lastmsg = msg if not stopSpk: talkEC = endstate else: talkEC = 1 class Server: def __init__(self, server): if server.hasAttribute("server"): self.host = server.getAttribute("server") else: self.host = "localhost" if server.hasAttribute("port"): self.port = int(server.getAttribute("port")) else: self.port = 6667 if server.hasAttribute("password"): self.password = server.getAttribute("password") else: self.password = None self.channels = list() for channel in server.getElementsByTagName('channel'): self.channels.append(channel.getAttribute("name")) def launch(self): _thread.start_new_thread(self.connect, ()) def authorize(self, msg): return msg.nick != OWNER and (msg.channel == OWNER or msg.channel in self.channels) def read(self): global stopSpk, talkEC, g_queue readbuffer = b"" #Here we store all the messages from server while 1: raw = self.s.recv(1024) #recieve server messages if not raw: break readbuffer = readbuffer + raw temp = readbuffer.split(b"\n") readbuffer = temp.pop( ) for line in temp: try: msg = message.Message(self, line) except: print ("Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement du message : %s"%line) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) continue if msg.cmd == b"PING": self.s.send(("PONG %s\r\n" % msg.content).encode ()) elif msg.cmd == b"PRIVMSG" and (self.authorize(msg) or msg.content[0] == '`'): if msg.content[0] == '`' and msg.nick == OWNER: cmd = msg.content[1:].split(' ') if cmd[0] == "speak": _thread.start_new_thread(speak, (0,)) elif cmd[0] == 'reset': while len(g_queue) > 0: g_queue.pop() elif cmd[0] == 'save': if talkEC == 0: talkEC = 1 stopSpk = 1 elif cmd[0] == 'test': g_queue.append(message.Message(self, b":Quelqun!someone@p0m.fr PRIVMSG %s :Ceci est un message de test ;)"%(self.channels))) elif cmd[0] == 'list': print ("Currently listened channels:") for chan in self.channels: print (chan) print ("-- ") elif cmd[0] == 'add' and len(cmd) > 1: self.channels.append(cmd[1]) print (cmd[1] + " added to listened channels") elif cmd[0] == 'del' and len(cmd) > 1: if self.channels.count(cmd[1]) > 0: self.channels.remove(cmd[1]) print (cmd[1] + " removed from listened channels") else: print (cmd[1] + " not in listened channels") else: g_queue.append(msg) if talkEC == 0: _thread.start_new_thread(speak, (0,)) def connect(self): self.s = socket.socket( ) #Create the socket self.s.connect((self.host, self.port)) #Connect to server if self.password != None: self.s.send(("PASS %s\r\n" % self.password).encode()) self.s.send(("NICK %s\r\n" % NICK).encode()) self.s.send(("USER %s %s bla :%s\r\n" % (NICK, self.host, REALNAME)).encode()) self.read() for server in config.getElementsByTagName('server'): srv = Server(server) srv.launch() def sighup_h(signum, frame): global talkEC, stopSpk sys.stdout.write ("Signal reçu ... ") if os.path.exists("/tmp/isPresent"): _thread.start_new_thread(speak, (0,)) print ("Morning!") else: print ("Sleeping!") if talkEC == 0: talkEC = 1 stopSpk = 1 signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sighup_h) print ("Nemuspeak ready, waiting for new messages...") prompt="" while prompt != "quit": prompt=sys.stdin.readlines () sys.exit(0)