# coding=utf-8 """The 2014 football worldcup module""" from datetime import datetime, timezone import json import re from urllib.parse import quote from urllib.request import urlopen from nemubot.hooks import hook nemubotversion = 3.4 from more import Response API_URL="http://worldcup.sfg.io/%s" def load(context): from event import ModuleEvent add_event(ModuleEvent(func=lambda url: urlopen(url, timeout=10).read().decode(), func_data=API_URL % "matches/current?by_date=DESC", call=current_match_new_action, interval=30)) def help_full (): return "!worldcup: do something." def start_watch(msg): global DATAS w = ModuleState("watch") w["server"] = msg.server w["channel"] = msg.channel w["proprio"] = msg.nick w["start"] = datetime.now(timezone.utc) DATAS.addChild(w) save() raise IRCException("This channel is now watching world cup events!") @hook("cmd_hook", "watch_worldcup") def cmd_watch(msg): global DATAS # Get current state node = None for n in DATAS.getChilds(): if n["server"] == msg.server and n["channel"] == msg.channel: node = n break if len(msg.cmds) >= 2: if msg.cmds[1] == "stop" and node is not None: DATAS.delChild(node) save() raise IRCException("This channel will not anymore receives world cup events.") elif msg.cmds[1] == "start" and node is None: start_watch(msg) else: raise IRCException("Use only start or stop as first argument") else: if node is None: start_watch(msg) else: DATAS.delChild(node) save() raise IRCException("This channel will not anymore receives world cup events.") def current_match_new_action(match_str, osef): global DATAS add_event(ModuleEvent(func=lambda url: urlopen(url).read().decode(), func_data=API_URL % "matches/current?by_date=DESC", call=current_match_new_action, interval=30)) matches = json.loads(match_str) for match in matches: if is_valid(match): events = sort_events(match["home_team"], match["away_team"], match["home_team_events"], match["away_team_events"]) msg = "Match %s vs. %s ; score %s - %s" % (match["home_team"]["country"], match["away_team"]["country"], match["home_team"]["goals"], match["away_team"]["goals"]) if len(events) > 0: msg += " ; à la " + txt_event(events[0]) for n in DATAS.getChilds(): send_response(n["server"], Response(msg, channel=n["channel"])) def is_int(s): try: int(s) return True except ValueError: return False def sort_events(teamA, teamB, eventA, eventB): res = [] for e in eventA: e["team"] = teamA res.append(e) for e in eventB: e["team"] = teamB res.append(e) return sorted(res, key=lambda evt: int(evt["time"][0:2]), reverse=True) def detail_event(evt): if evt == "yellow-card": return "carton jaune pour" elif evt == "yellow-card-second": return "second carton jaune pour" elif evt == "red-card": return "carton rouge pour" elif evt == "substitution-in" or evt == "substitution-in halftime": return "joueur entrant :" elif evt == "substitution-out" or evt == "substitution-out halftime": return "joueur sortant :" elif evt == "goal": return "but de" elif evt == "goal-own": return "but contre son camp de" elif evt == "goal-penalty": return "but (pénalty) de" return evt + " par" def txt_event(e): return "%se minutes : %s %s (%s)" % (e["time"], detail_event(e["type_of_event"]), e["player"], e["team"]["code"]) def prettify(match): matchdate_local = datetime.strptime(match["datetime"].replace(':', ''), "%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S.%f%z") matchdate = matchdate_local - (matchdate_local.utcoffset() - datetime.timedelta(hours=2)) if match["status"] == "future": return ["Match à venir (%s) le %s : %s vs. %s" % (match["match_number"], matchdate.strftime("%A %d à %H:%M"), match["home_team"]["country"], match["away_team"]["country"])] else: msgs = list() msg = "" if match["status"] == "completed": msg += "Match (%s) du %s terminé : " % (match["match_number"], matchdate.strftime("%A %d à %H:%M")) else: msg += "Match en cours (%s) depuis %d minutes : " % (match["match_number"], (datetime.now(matchdate.tzinfo) - matchdate_local).seconds / 60) msg += "%s %d - %d %s" % (match["home_team"]["country"], match["home_team"]["goals"], match["away_team"]["goals"], match["away_team"]["country"]) events = sort_events(match["home_team"], match["away_team"], match["home_team_events"], match["away_team_events"]) if len(events) > 0: msg += " ; dernière action, à la " + txt_event(events[0]) msgs.append(msg) for e in events[1:]: msgs.append("À la " + txt_event(e)) else: msgs.append(msg) return msgs def is_valid(match): return isinstance(match, dict) and ( isinstance(match.get('home_team'), dict) and 'goals' in match.get('home_team') ) and ( isinstance(match.get('away_team'), dict) and 'goals' in match.get('away_team') ) or isinstance(match.get('group_id'), int) def get_match(url, matchid): allm = get_matches(url) for m in allm: if int(m["match_number"]) == matchid: return [ m ] def get_matches(url): try: raw = urlopen(url) except: raise IRCException("requête invalide") matches = json.loads(raw.read().decode()) for match in matches: if is_valid(match): yield match @hook("cmd_hook", "worldcup") def cmd_worldcup(msg): res = Response(channel=msg.channel, nomore="No more match to display", count=" (%d more matches)") nb = len(msg.cmds) url = None if nb == 2: if msg.cmds[1] == "today" or msg.cmds[1] == "aujourd'hui": url = "matches/today?by_date=ASC" elif msg.cmds[1] == "tomorrow" or msg.cmds[1] == "demain": url = "matches/tomorrow?by_date=ASC" elif msg.cmds[1] == "all" or msg.cmds[1] == "tout" or msg.cmds[1] == "tous": url = "matches/" elif len(msg.cmds[1]) == 3: url = "matches/country?fifa_code=%s&by_date=DESC" % msg.cmds[1] elif is_int(msg.cmds[1]): url = int(msg.cmds[1]) else: raise IRCException("unrecognized request; choose between 'today', 'tomorrow', a FIFA country code or a match identifier") if url is None: url = "matches/current?by_date=ASC" res.nomore = "There is no match currently" if isinstance(url, int): matches = get_match(API_URL % "matches/", url) else: matches = [m for m in get_matches(API_URL % url)] for match in matches: if len(matches) == 1: res.count = " (%d more actions)" for m in prettify(match): res.append_message(m) else: res.append_message(prettify(match)[0]) return res