# coding=utf-8 """Show many information about a movie or serie""" import re import urllib.parse from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.tools import web nemubotversion = 3.4 from more import Response def help_full(): return "Search a movie title with: !imdbs ; View movie details with !imdb " def get_movie(title=None, year=None, imdbid=None, fullplot=True, tomatoes=False): """Returns the information about the matching movie""" # Built URL url = "http://www.omdbapi.com/?" if title is not None: url += "t=%s&" % urllib.parse.quote(title) if year is not None: url += "y=%s&" % urllib.parse.quote(year) if imdbid is not None: url += "i=%s&" % urllib.parse.quote(imdbid) if fullplot: url += "plot=full&" if tomatoes: url += "tomatoes=true&" print_debug(url) # Make the request data = web.getJSON(url) # Return data if "Error" in data: raise IRCException(data["Error"]) elif "Response" in data and data["Response"] == "True": return data else: raise IRCException("An error occurs during movie search") def find_movies(title): """Find existing movies matching a approximate title""" # Built URL url = "http://www.omdbapi.com/?s=%s" % urllib.parse.quote(title) print_debug(url) # Make the request data = web.getJSON(url) # Return data if "Error" in data: raise IRCException(data["Error"]) elif "Search" in data: return data else: raise IRCException("An error occurs during movie search") @hook("cmd_hook", "imdb") def cmd_imdb(msg): """View movie details with !imdb <title>""" if len(msg.cmds) < 2: raise IRCException("precise a movie/serie title!") title = ' '.join(msg.cmds[1:]) if re.match("^tt[0-9]{7}$", title) is not None: data = get_movie(imdbid=title) else: rm = re.match(r"^(.+)\s\(([0-9]{4})\)$", title) if rm is not None: data = get_movie(title=rm.group(1), year=rm.group(2)) else: data = get_movie(title=title) res = Response(channel=msg.channel, title="%s (%s)" % (data['Title'], data['Year']), nomore="No more information, more at http://www.imdb.com/title/%s" % data['imdbID']) res.append_message("\x02rating\x0F: %s (%s votes); \x02plot\x0F: %s" % (data['imdbRating'], data['imdbVotes'], data['Plot'])) res.append_message("%s \x02from\x0F %s \x02released on\x0F %s; \x02genre:\x0F %s; \x02directed by:\x0F %s; \x02writed by:\x0F %s; \x02main actors:\x0F %s" % (data['Type'], data['Country'], data['Released'], data['Genre'], data['Director'], data['Writer'], data['Actors'])) return res @hook("cmd_hook", "imdbs") def cmd_search(msg): """!imdbs <approximative title> to search a movie title""" data = find_movies(' '.join(msg.cmds[1:])) movies = list() for m in data['Search']: movies.append("\x02%s\x0F (%s of %s)" % (m['Title'], m['Type'], m['Year'])) return Response(movies, title="Titles found", channel=msg.channel)