# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Nemubot is a smart and modulable IM bot. # Copyright (C) 2012-2014 nemunaire # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from datetime import datetime import re import shlex import bot from channel import Channel from message import Message import server from server.socket import SocketServer class IRCServer(SocketServer): def __init__(self, node, nick, owner, realname): self.id = nick + "@" + node["host"] + ":" + node["port"] SocketServer.__init__(self, node["host"], node["port"], node["password"], node.hasAttribute("ssl") and node["ssl"].lower() == "true") self.nick = nick self.owner = owner self.realname = realname #Keep a list of connected channels self.channels = dict() if node.hasAttribute("caps"): if node["caps"].lower() == "no": self.capabilities = None else: self.capabilities = node["caps"].split(",") else: self.capabilities = list() # Register CTCP capabilities self.ctcp_capabilities = dict() def _ctcp_clientinfo(msg): """Response to CLIENTINFO CTCP message""" return _ctcp_response(" ".join(self.ctcp_capabilities.keys())) def _ctcp_dcc(msg): """Response to DCC CTCP message""" try: ip = srv.toIP(int(msg.cmds[3])) port = int(msg.cmds[4]) conn = DCC(srv, msg.sender) except: return _ctcp_response("ERRMSG invalid parameters provided as DCC CTCP request") self.logger.info("Receive DCC connection request from %s to %s:%d", conn.sender, ip, port) if conn.accept_user(ip, port): srv.dcc_clients[conn.sender] = conn conn.send_dcc("Hello %s!" % conn.nick) else: self.logger.error("DCC: unable to connect to %s:%d", ip, port) return _ctcp_response("ERRMSG unable to connect to %s:%d" % (ip, port)) self.ctcp_capabilities["ACTION"] = lambda msg: print ("ACTION receive: %s" % msg.text) self.ctcp_capabilities["CLIENTINFO"] = _ctcp_clientinfo #self.ctcp_capabilities["DCC"] = _ctcp_dcc self.ctcp_capabilities["FINGER"] = lambda msg: _ctcp_response( "VERSION nemubot v%s" % bot.__version__) self.ctcp_capabilities["NEMUBOT"] = lambda msg: _ctcp_response( "NEMUBOT %s" % bot.__version__) self.ctcp_capabilities["PING"] = lambda msg: _ctcp_response( "PING %s" % " ".join(msg.cmds[1:])) self.ctcp_capabilities["SOURCE"] = lambda msg: _ctcp_response( "SOURCE https://github.com/nemunaire/nemubot") self.ctcp_capabilities["TIME"] = lambda msg: _ctcp_response( "TIME %s" % (datetime.now())) self.ctcp_capabilities["USERINFO"] = lambda msg: _ctcp_response( "USERINFO %s" % self.realname) self.ctcp_capabilities["VERSION"] = lambda msg: _ctcp_response( "VERSION nemubot v%s" % bot.__version__) self.logger.debug("CTCP capabilities setup: %s", ", ".join(self.ctcp_capabilities)) # Register hooks on some IRC CMD self.hookscmd = dict() # Respond to PING def _on_ping(msg): self.write(b"PONG :" + msg.params[0]) self.hookscmd["PING"] = _on_ping # Respond to 001 def _on_connect(msg): # First, send user defined command if node.hasAttribute("on_connect"): self.write(node["on_connect"]) # Then, JOIN some channels for chn in node.getNodes("channel"): if chn["password"] is not None: self.write("JOIN %s %s" % (chn["name"], chn["password"])) else: self.write("JOIN %s" % chn["name"]) self.hookscmd["001"] = _on_connect # Respond to ERROR def _on_error(msg): self.close() self.hookscmd["ERROR"] = _on_error # Respond to CAP def _on_cap(msg): if len(msg.params) != 3 or msg.params[1] != b"LS": return server_caps = msg.params[2].decode().split(" ") for cap in self.capabilities: if cap not in server_caps: self.capabilities.remove(cap) if len(self.capabilities) > 0: self.write("CAP REQ :" + " ".join(self.capabilities)) self.write("CAP END") self.hookscmd["CAP"] = _on_cap # Respond to JOIN def _on_join(msg): if len(msg.params) == 0: return for chname in msg.params[0].split(b","): # Register the channel chan = Channel(msg.decode(chname)) self.channels[chname] = chan self.hookscmd["JOIN"] = _on_join # Respond to PART def _on_part(msg): if len(msg.params) != 1 and len(msg.params) != 2: return for chname in msg.params[0].split(b","): if chname in self.channels: if msg.nick == self.nick: del self.channels[chname] elif msg.nick in self.channels[chname].people: del self.channels[chname].people[msg.nick] self.hookscmd["PART"] = _on_part # Respond to 331/RPL_NOTOPIC,332/RPL_TOPIC,TOPIC def _on_topic(msg): if len(msg.params) != 1 and len(msg.params) != 2: return if msg.params[0] in self.channels: if len(msg.params) == 1 or len(msg.params[1]) == 0: self.channels[msg.params[0]].topic = None else: self.channels[msg.params[0]].topic = msg.decode(msg.params[1]) self.hookscmd["331"] = _on_topic self.hookscmd["332"] = _on_topic self.hookscmd["TOPIC"] = _on_topic # Respond to 353/RPL_NAMREPLY def _on_353(msg): if len(msg.params) == 3: msg.params.pop(0) # 353: like RFC 1459 if len(msg.params) != 2: return if msg.params[0] in self.channels: for nk in msg.decode(msg.params[1]).split(" "): res = re.match("^(?P[^a-zA-Z[\]\\`_^{|}])(?P[a-zA-Z[\]\\`_^{|}][a-zA-Z0-9[\]\\`_^{|}-]*)$") self.channels[msg.params[0]].people[res.group("nickname")] = res.group("level") self.hookscmd["353"] = _on_353 def _open(self): if SocketServer._open(self): if self.password is not None: self.write("PASS :" + self.password) if self.capabilities is not None: self.write("CAP LS") self.write("NICK :" + self.nick) self.write("USER %s %s bla :%s" % (self.nick, self.host, self.realname)) return True return False def _close(self): if self.socket is not None: self.write("QUIT") return SocketServer._close(self) def read(self): for line in SocketServer.read(self): msg = IRCMessage(line, datetime.now()) if msg.cmd in self.hookscmd: self.hookscmd[msg.cmd](msg) else: mes = msg.to_message() mes.raw = msg.raw if hasattr(mes, "receivers"): # Private message: prepare response for i in range(len(mes.receivers)): if mes.receivers[i] == self.nick: mes.receivers[i] = mes.nick if (mes.cmd == "PRIVMSG" or mes.cmd == "NOTICE") and mes.is_ctcp: if mes.cmds[0] in self.ctcp_capabilities: res = self.ctcp_capabilities[mes.cmds[0]](mes) else: res = _ctcp_response("ERRMSG Unknown or unimplemented CTCP request") if res is not None: res = res % mes.nick self.write(res) else: yield mes def _ctcp_response(msg): return "NOTICE %%s :\x01%s\x01" % msg mgx = re.compile(b'''^(?:@(?P[^ ]+)\ )? (?::(?P (?P[^!@ ]+) (?: !(?P[^@ ]+))? (?:@(?P[^ ]+))? )\ )? (?P(?:[a-zA-Z]+|[0-9]{3})) (?P(?:\ [^:][^ ]*)*)(?:\ :(?P.*))? $''', re.X) class IRCMessage: def __init__(self, raw, timestamp): self.raw = raw self.tags = { 'time': timestamp } self.params = list() p = mgx.match(raw.rstrip()) if p is None: raise Exception("Not a valid IRC message: %s" % raw) # Parse tags if exists: @aaa=bbb;ccc;example.com/ddd=eee if p.group("tags"): for tgs in self.decode(p.group("tags")).split(';'): tag = tgs.split('=') if len(tag) > 1: self.add_tag(tag[0], tag[1]) else: self.add_tag(tag[0]) # Parse prefix if exists: :nick!user@host.com self.prefix = self.decode(p.group("prefix")) self.nick = self.decode(p.group("nick")) self.user = self.decode(p.group("user")) self.host = self.decode(p.group("host")) # Parse command self.cmd = self.decode(p.group("command")) # Parse params if p.group("params") is not None: for param in p.group("params").strip().split(b' '): self.params.append(param) if p.group("trailing") is not None: self.params.append(p.group("trailing")) def add_tag(self, key, value=None): """Add an IRCv3.2 Message Tags""" # Treat special tags if key == "time": # TODO: this is UTC timezone, nemubot works with local timezone value = datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") # Store tag self.tags[key] = value def decode(self, s): """Decode the content string usign a specific encoding""" if isinstance(s, bytes): try: s = s.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: #TODO: use encoding from config file s = s.decode('utf-8', 'replace') return s def to_message(self): return Message(self) def to_irc_string(self, client=True): res = ";".join(["@%s=%s" % (k,v) for k, v in self.tags.items()]) if not client: res += " :%s!%s@%s" % (self.nick, self.user, self.host) res += " " + self.cmd if len(self.params) > 0: if len(self.params) > 1: res += " " + " ".join(self.params[:-1]) res += " :" + self.params[-1] return res