# -*- coding: iso-8859-2 -*- # Aspell interface using ctypes. # $Date: 2008-10-02 21:29:05 $, $Revision: 1.5 $ # # This is straightforward translation of my # aspell-python, C extension. # # License: BSD # # author: Wojciech Muła # e-mail: wojciech_mula@poczta.onet.pl # www : http://0x80.pl/proj/aspell-python/ # # TODO: add method to get/change **current** speller's config # # Changes: # 2011-02-20 # * python3 compatible # * fixed docs # # 2008-09-xx: # * fixed typo in save_all, thanks to Thomas Waldecker (thomas!yospot.de) # try: import ctypes import ctypes.util except ImportError: raise ImportError("ctypes library is needed") class AspellError(Exception): pass class AspellConfigError(AspellError): pass class AspellSpellerError(AspellError): pass try: bytes def _to_bytes(s): return s.encode() def _from_bytes(s): return s.decode() except NameError: def _to_bytes(s): return s def _from_bytes(s): return s class AspellLinux(object): """ Aspell speller object. Allows to check spelling, get suggested spelling list, manage user dictionaries, and other. Must be closed with 'close' method, or one may experience problems, like segfaults. """ def __init__(self, configkeys=None, libname=None): """ Parameters: * configkeys - list of configuration parameters; each element is a pair key & value (both strings) if None, then default configuration is used * libname - explicitly set aspell library name; if None then default name is used """ if libname is None: libname = ctypes.util.find_library('aspell') self.__lib = ctypes.CDLL(libname) # Initialize speller # 1. create configuration config = self.__lib.new_aspell_config() if config == None: raise AspellError("Can't create aspell config object") # 2. parse configkeys arg. if configkeys is not None: assert type(configkeys) in [tuple, list], "Tuple or list expected" if len(configkeys) == 2 and \ type(configkeys[0]) is str and \ type(configkeys[1]) is str: configkeys = [configkeys] for key, value in configkeys: assert type(key) is str, "Key must be string" assert type(value) is str, "Value must be string" if not self.__lib.aspell_config_replace(config, _to_bytes(key), _to_bytes(value)): raise self._aspell_config_error(config) # 3. create speller possible_error = self.__lib.new_aspell_speller(config) self.__lib.delete_aspell_config(config) if self.__lib.aspell_error_number(possible_error) != 0: self.__lib.delete_aspell_can_have_error(possible_error) raise AspellError("Can't create speller object") self.__speller = self.__lib.to_aspell_speller(possible_error) def check(self, word): """ Check if word is present in main, personal or session dictionary. Boolean value is returned """ if type(word) is str: return bool( self.__lib.aspell_speller_check( self.__speller, word, len(word) )) else: raise TypeError("String expected") __contains__ = check def suggest(self, word): """ Return list of spelling suggestions of given word. Works even if word is correct. """ if type(word) is str: return self._aspellwordlist( self.__lib.aspell_speller_suggest( self.__speller, word, len(word) )) else: raise TypeError("String expected") def personal_dict(self, word=None): """ Aspell's personal dictionary is a user defined, persistent list of word (saved in certain file). If 'word' is not given, then method returns list of words stored in dict. If 'word' is given, then is added to personal dict. New words are not saved automatically, method 'save_all' have to be call. """ if word is not None: # add new word assert type(word) is str, "String expected" self.__lib.aspell_speller_add_to_personal( self.__speller, _to_bytes(word), len(word) ) self._aspell_check_error() else: # return list of words from personal dictionary return self._aspellwordlist( self.__lib.aspell_speller_personal_word_list(self.__speller) ) def session_dict(self, word=None, clear=False): """ Aspell's session dictionary is a user defined, volatile list of word, that is destroyed with aspell object. If 'word' is None, then list of words from session dictionary is returned. If 'word' is present, then is added to dict. If 'clear' is True, then session dictionary is cleared. """ if clear: self.__lib.aspell_speller_clear_session(self.__speller) self._aspell_check_error() return if word is not None: # add new word assert type(word) is str, "String expected" self.__lib.aspell_speller_add_to_session( self.__speller, _to_bytes(word), len(word) ) self._aspell_check_error() else: # return list of words from personal dictionary return self._aspellwordlist( self.__lib.aspell_speller_session_word_list(self.__speller) ) def add_replacement_pair(self, misspelled, correct): """ Add replacement pair, i.e. pair of misspelled and correct word. It affects on order of words appear on list returned by 'suggest' method. """ assert type(misspelled) is str, "String is required" assert type(correct) is str, "String is required" self.__lib.aspell_speller_store_replacement( self.__speller, _to_bytes(misspelled), len(misspelled), _to_bytes(correct), len(correct) ) self._aspell_check_error() def save_all(self): """ Saves all words added to personal or session dictionary to the apell's defined file. """ self.__lib.aspell_speller_save_all_word_lists(self.__speller) self._aspell_check_error() def configkeys(self): """ Returns list of all available config keys that can be passed to constructor. List contains a 3-tuples: 1. key name 2. default value of type: * bool * int * string * list of string 3. short description if None, then this key is undocumented is should not be used, unless one know what really do """ config = self.__lib.aspell_speller_config(self.__speller) if config is None: raise AspellConfigError("Can't get speller's config") keys_enum = self.__lib.aspell_config_possible_elements(config, 1) if keys_enum is None: raise AspellError("Can't get list of config keys") class KeyInfo(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("name", ctypes.c_char_p), ("type", ctypes.c_int), ("default", ctypes.c_char_p), ("desc", ctypes.c_char_p), ("flags", ctypes.c_int), ("other_data", ctypes.c_int), ] key_next = self.__lib.aspell_key_info_enumeration_next key_next.restype = ctypes.POINTER(KeyInfo) list = [] while True: key_info = key_next(keys_enum) if not key_info: break else: key_info = key_info.contents if key_info.type == 0: # string list.append(( _from_bytes(key_info.name), _from_bytes(key_info.default), _from_bytes(key_info.desc), )) elif key_info.type == 1: # integer list.append(( _from_bytes(key_info.name), int(key_info.default), _from_bytes(key_info.desc), )) elif key_info.type == 2: # boolean if _from_bytes(key_info.default.lower()) == 'true': list.append(( _from_bytes(key_info.name), True, _from_bytes(key_info.desc), )) else: list.append(( _from_bytes(key_info.name), False, _from_bytes(key_info.desc), )) elif key_info.type == 3: # list list.append(( _from_bytes(key_info.name), _from_bytes(key_info.default.split()), _from_bytes(key_info.desc), )) self.__lib.delete_aspell_key_info_enumeration(keys_enum) return list def close(self): """ Close aspell speller object. """ self.__lib.delete_aspell_speller(self.__speller) # XXX: internal function, do not call directly def _aspellwordlist(self, wordlist_id): """ XXX: internal function Converts aspell list into python list. """ elements = self.__lib.aspell_word_list_elements(wordlist_id) list = [] while True: wordptr = self.__lib.aspell_string_enumeration_next(elements) if not wordptr: break else: word = ctypes.c_char_p(wordptr) list.append(word.value.decode()) self.__lib.delete_aspell_string_enumeration(elements) return list def _aspell_config_error(self, config): """ XXX: internal function Raise exception if operation of speller config caused an error. Additionally destroy config object. """ # make exception object & copy error msg exc = AspellConfigError( _from_bytes(ctypes.c_char_p( self.__lib.aspell_config_error_message(config) ).value) ) # then destroy config objcet self.__lib.delete_aspell_config(config) # and then raise exception raise exc def _aspell_check_error(self): """ XXX: internal function Raise exception if previous speller operation caused an error. """ if self.__lib.aspell_speller_error(self.__speller) != 0: msg = self.__lib.aspell_speller_error_message(self.__speller) raise AspellSpellerError(_from_bytes(msg)) #class Aspell = AspellLinux if __name__ == '__main__': # TODO: more test cases a = Aspell(("lang", "en")) print("when" in a) print(a.check("when")) print(a.suggest("wehn")) a.add_replacement_pair("wehn", "ween") print(a.suggest("wehn")) print(a.session_dict()) print(a.check("pyaspell")) a.session_dict("pyaspell") print(a.session_dict()) print(a.check("pyaspell")) a.session_dict(clear=True) print(a.session_dict()) for item in a.configkeys(): print(item) a.close() # vim: ts=4 sw=4