"""Search engine for IoT""" # PYTHON STUFFS ####################################################### from datetime import datetime import ipaddress import urllib.parse from nemubot import context from nemubot.exception import IMException from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.tools import web from more import Response # GLOBALS ############################################################# BASEURL = "https://api.shodan.io/shodan/" # LOADING ############################################################# def load(context): if not context.config or "apikey" not in context.config: raise ImportError("You need a Shodan API key in order to use this " "module. Add it to the module configuration file:\n" "\nRegister at https://account.shodan.io/register") # MODULE CORE ######################################################### def host_lookup(ip): url = BASEURL + "host/" + urllib.parse.quote(ip) + "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({'key': context.config["apikey"]}) return web.getJSON(url) def search_hosts(query): url = BASEURL + "host/search?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({'query': query, 'key': context.config["apikey"]}) return web.getJSON(url, max_size=4194304) def print_ssl(ssl): return ( "SSL: " + " ".join([v for v in ssl["versions"] if v[0] != "-"]) + "; cipher used: " + ssl["cipher"]["name"] + ("; certificate: " + ssl["cert"]["sig_alg"] + " issued by: " + ssl["cert"]["issuer"]["CN"] + " expires on: " + str(datetime.strptime(ssl["cert"]["expires"], "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")) if "cert" in ssl else "") ) def print_service(svc): ip = ipaddress.ip_address(svc["ip_str"]) return ((svc["ip_str"] if ip.version == 4 else "[%s]" % svc["ip_str"]) + ":{port}/{transport} ({module}):" + (" {os}" if svc["os"] else "") + (" {product}" if "product" in svc else "") + (" {version}" if "version" in svc else "") + (" {info}" if "info" in svc else "") + (" Vulns: " + ", ".join(svc["opts"]["vulns"]) if "opts" in svc and "vulns" in svc["opts"] else "") + (" " + print_ssl(svc["ssl"]) if "ssl" in svc else "") + (" \x03\x1D" + svc["data"].replace("\r\n", "\n").split("\n")[0] + "\x03\x1D" if "data" in svc else "") + (" " + svc["title"] if "title" in svc else "") ).format(module=svc["_shodan"]["module"], **svc) # MODULE INTERFACE #################################################### @hook.command("shodan", help="Use shodan.io to get information on machines connected to Internet", help_usage={ "IP": "retrieve information about the given IP (can be v4 or v6)", "TERM": "retrieve all hosts matching TERM somewhere in their exposed stuff" }) def shodan(msg): if not msg.args: raise IMException("indicate an IP or a term to search!") terms = " ".join(msg.args) try: ip = ipaddress.ip_address(terms) except ValueError: ip = None if ip: h = host_lookup(terms) res = Response(channel=msg.channel, title="%s" % ((h["ip_str"] if ip.version == 4 else "[%s]" % h["ip_str"]) + (" (" + ", ".join(h["hostnames"]) + ")") if h["hostnames"] else "")) res.append_message("{isp} ({asn}) -> {city} ({country_code}), running {os}. Vulns: {vulns_str}. Open ports: {open_ports}. Last update: {last_update}".format( open_ports=", ".join(map(lambda a: str(a), h["ports"])), vulns_str=", ".join(h["vulns"]) if "vulns" in h else None, **h).strip()) for d in h["data"]: res.append_message(print_service(d)) else: q = search_hosts(terms) res = Response(channel=msg.channel, count=" (%%s/%s results)" % q["total"]) for r in q["matches"]: res.append_message(print_service(r)) return res