# coding=utf-8 import http.client import re import socket from urllib.parse import quote import module_states_file as xmlparser class WFASearch: def __init__(self, terms): self.terms = terms self.curPod = 1 self.curSubPod = 0 (res, page) = getPage(terms) if res == http.client.OK: self.wfares = xmlparser.parse_string(page) else: self.wfares = None @property def success(self): try: return self.wfares["success"] == "true" except: return False @property def error(self): if self.wfares["error"] == "true": return "An error occurs during computation: " + self.wfares.getNode("error").getNode("msg").getContent() elif self.wfares.hasNode("didyoumeans"): start = "Did you mean: " tag = "didyoumean" end = "?" elif self.wfares.hasNode("tips"): start = "Tips: " tag = "tip" end = "" elif self.wfares.hasNode("relatedexamples"): start = "Related examples: " tag = "relatedexample" end = "" elif self.wfares.hasNode("futuretopic"): return self.wfares.getNode("futuretopic")["msg"] else: return "An error occurs during computation" proposal = list() for dym in self.wfares.getNode(tag + "s").getNodes(tag): if tag == "tip": proposal.append(dym["text"]) elif tag == "relatedexample": proposal.append(dym["desc"]) else: proposal.append(dym.getContent()) return start + ', '.join(proposal) + end @property def nextRes(self): try: if len(self.wfares.getNodes("pod")) > self.curPod: txt = "" while txt == "" or subnode.getFirstNode("plaintext").getContent() == "": node = self.wfares.getNodes("pod")[self.curPod] subnode = node.getNodes("subpod")[self.curSubPod] self.curSubPod += 1 if len(node.getNodes("subpod")) <= self.curSubPod: self.curPod += 1 self.curSubPod = 0 txt = node["title"] + " " + subnode["title"] + ": " + subnode.getFirstNode("plaintext").getContent() return txt except IndexError: pass self.curPod = 1 return "No more results" def getPage(terms): conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("api.wolframalpha.com") try: conn.request("GET", "/v2/query?input=%s&appid=%s" % (quote(terms), CONF.getNode("wfaapi")["key"])) except socket.gaierror: print ("impossible de récupérer la page Wolfram|Alpha.") return (http.client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, None) except (TypeError, KeyError): print ("You need a Wolfram|Alpha API key in order to use this module. Add it to the module configuration file:\n\nRegister at http://products.wolframalpha.com/api/") return (http.client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, None) res = conn.getresponse() data = res.read() conn.close() return (res.status, data)