# coding=utf-8 import re import sys import socket import time import _thread import threading from datetime import datetime from datetime import date from datetime import timedelta from urllib.parse import unquote from module_state import ModuleState nemubotversion = 3.0 NS_SERVER = 'ns-server.epita.fr' NS_PORT = 4242 THREAD = None search = list() class UpdatedStorage: def __init__(self): sock = connect_to_ns(CONF.getNode("server")["url"], CONF.getNode("server").getInt("port")) self.users = dict() if sock != None: for l in list_users(sock): u = User(l) if u.login not in self.users: self.users[u.login] = list() self.users[u.login].append(u) sock.close() self.lastUpdate = datetime.now () def update(self): if datetime.now () - self.lastUpdate < timedelta(minutes=10): return self else: return None class User(object): def __init__(self, line): fields = line.split() self.login = fields[1] self.ip = fields[2] self.location = fields[8] self.promo = fields[9] @property def sm(self): for sm in CONF.getNodes("sm"): if self.ip.startswith(sm["ip"]): return sm["name"] return None @property def poste(self): if self.sm is None: if self.ip.startswith('10.'): return 'quelque part sur le PIE (%s)'%self.ip else: return "chez lui" else: if self.ip.startswith('10.247') or self.ip.startswith('10.248') or self.ip.startswith('10.249') or self.ip.startswith('10.250'): return "en " + self.sm + " rangée " + self.ip.split('.')[2] + " poste " + self.ip.split('.')[3] else: return "en " + self.sm def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.login, other.login) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.login) def connect_to_ns(server, port): try: s = socket.socket() s.settimeout(1) s.connect((server, port)) except socket.error: return None s.recv(8192) return s def list_users(sock): sock.send('list_users\n'.encode()) buf = '' while True: tmp = sock.recv(8192).decode() buf += tmp if '\nrep 002' in tmp or tmp == '': break return buf.split('\n')[:-2] def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "Find a user on the PIE" def help_full (): return "!whereis /who/: gives the position of /who/.\n!whereare /who/ [/other who/ ...]: gives the position of /who/." datas = None def startWhereis(msg): global datas, THREAD, search if datas is not None: datas = datas.update () if datas is None: datas = UpdatedStorage() if datas is None: msg.send_chn("Hmm c'est embarassant, serait-ce la fin du monde ou juste netsoul qui est mort ?") return if msg.cmd[0] == "peoplein": peoplein(msg) elif msg.cmd[0] == "whoison" or msg.cmd[0] == "whoisin": whoison(msg) else: whereis_msg(msg) THREAD = None if len(search) > 0: startWhereis(search.pop()) def peoplein(msg): if len(msg.cmd) > 1: for sm in msg.cmd: sm = sm.lower() if sm == "peoplein": continue else: count = 0 for userC in datas.users: for user in datas.users[userC]: usersm = user.sm if usersm is not None and usersm.lower() == sm: count += 1 if count > 1: sOrNot = "s" else: sOrNot = "" msg.send_chn ("Il y a %d personne%s en %s." % (count, sOrNot, sm)) def whoison(msg): if len(msg.cmd) > 1: for pb in msg.cmd: pc = pb.lower() if pc == "whoison" or pc == "whoisin": continue else: found = list() for userC in datas.users: for user in datas.users[userC]: if (msg.cmd[0] == "whoison" and (user.ip[:len(pc)] == pc or user.location.lower() == pc)) or (msg.cmd[0] == "whoisin" and user.sm == pc): found.append(user.login) if len(found) > 0: if len(found) <= 15: if pc == "whoisin": msg.send_chn ("En %s, il y a %s" % (pb, ", ".join(found))) else: msg.send_chn ("%s correspond à %s" % (pb, ", ".join(found))) else: msg.send_chn ("%s: %d personnes" % (pb, len(found))) else: msg.send_chn ("%s: personne ne match ta demande :(" % (msg.sender)) DELAYED = dict() delayEvnt = threading.Event() class Delayed: def __init__(self): self.names = dict() def whereis_msg(msg): names = list() for name in msg.cmd: if name == "whereis" or name == "whereare" or name == "ouest" or name == "ousont" or name == "ip": if len(msg.cmd) >= 2: continue else: name = msg.sender else: names.append(name) pasla = whereis(msg, names) if len(pasla) > 0: global DELAYED DELAYED[msg] = Delayed() for name in pasla: DELAYED[msg].names[name] = None #msg.srv.send_msg_prtn ("~whois %s" % name) msg.srv.send_msg_prtn ("~whois %s" % " ".join(pasla)) startTime = datetime.now() names = list() while len(DELAYED[msg].names) > 0 and startTime + timedelta(seconds=4) > datetime.now(): delayEvnt.clear() delayEvnt.wait(2) rem = list() for name in DELAYED[msg].names.keys(): if DELAYED[msg].names[name] is not None: pasla = whereis(msg, (DELAYED[msg].names[name],)) if len(pasla) != 0: names.append(pasla[0]) rem.append(name) for r in rem: del DELAYED[msg].names[r] for name in DELAYED[msg].names.keys(): if DELAYED[msg].names[name] is None: names.append(name) else: names.append(DELAYED[msg].names[name]) if len(names) > 1: msg.send_chn ("%s ne sont pas connectés sur le PIE." % (", ".join(names))) else: for name in names: msg.send_chn ("%s n'est pas connecté sur le PIE." % name) def whereis(msg, names): pasla = list() for name in names: if name in datas.users: if msg.cmd[0] == "ip": if len(datas.users[name]) == 1: msg.send_chn ("L'ip de %s est %s." %(name, datas.users[name][0].ip)) else: out = "" for local in datas.users[name]: out += ", " + local.ip msg.send_chn ("%s est connecté à plusieurs endroits : %s." %(name, out[2:])) else: if len(datas.users[name]) == 1: msg.send_chn ("%s est %s (%s)." %(name, datas.users[name][0].poste, unquote(datas.users[name][0].location))) else: out = "" for local in datas.users[name]: out += ", " + local.poste + " (" + unquote(local.location) + ")" msg.send_chn ("%s est %s." %(name, out[2:])) else: pasla.append(name) return pasla def parseanswer (msg): global datas, THREAD, search if msg.cmd[0] == "whereis" or msg.cmd[0] == "whereare" or msg.cmd[0] == "ouest" or msg.cmd[0] == "ousont" or msg.cmd[0] == "ip" or msg.cmd[0] == "peoplein" or msg.cmd[0] == "whoison" or msg.cmd[0] == "whoisin": if len(msg.cmd) > 10: msg.send_snd ("Demande moi moins de personnes à la fois dans ton !%s" % msg.cmd[0]) return True if THREAD is None: THREAD = _thread.start_new_thread (startWhereis, (msg,)) else: search.append(msg) return True return False def parseask (msg): if len(DELAYED) > 0 and msg.sender == msg.srv.partner: treat = False for part in msg.content.split(';'): if part is None: continue for d in DELAYED.keys(): for n in DELAYED[d].names.keys(): if DELAYED[d].names[n] is None and part.find(n) >= 0: result = re.match(".* est (.*[^.])\.?", part) if result is not None: DELAYED[d].names[n] = result.group(1) delayEvnt.set() return treat return False def parselisten (msg): return False