# coding=utf-8 import re import sys from datetime import timedelta from datetime import datetime from datetime import date import time import threading from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml.dom.minidom import parseString from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation import imodule class Manager(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, servers): self.servers = servers self.stop = False threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): global STREND while not self.stop: newStrendEvt.clear() closer = None #Gets the closer event for evt in STREND.keys(): if ((closer is None or closer.end is None) or (STREND[evt].end is not None and STREND[evt].end < closer.end)) and STREND[evt].end is not None and STREND[evt].end > datetime.now(): closer = STREND[evt] if closer is not None and closer.end is not None: #print ("Closer: %s à %s"%(closer.name, closer.end)) timeleft = (closer.end - datetime.now()).seconds timer = threading.Timer(timeleft, closer.alertEnd, (self.servers,)) timer.start() #print ("Start timer (%ds)"%timeleft) newStrendEvt.wait() if closer is not None and closer.end is not None and closer.end > datetime.now(): timer.cancel() class Strend: def __init__(self, item): if item is not None: self.name = item.getAttribute("name") self.start = datetime.fromtimestamp (time.mktime (time.strptime (item.getAttribute("start")[:19], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) self.proprio = item.getAttribute("proprio") self.server = item.getAttribute("server") self.channel = item.getAttribute("channel") if item.getAttribute("end") is not None and item.getAttribute("end") != "": try: self.end = datetime.fromtimestamp (time.mktime (time.strptime (item.getAttribute("end")[:19], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) except: self.end = None else: self.end = None else: self.start = datetime.now() self.end = None def alertEnd(self, SRVS): for server in SRVS.keys(): if server == self.server: if self.channel == SRVS[server].nick: SRVS[server].send_msg_usr(self.proprio, "%s: %s arrivé à échéance."%(self.proprio, self.name)) else: SRVS[server].send_msg(self.channel, "%s: %s arrivé à échéance."%(self.proprio, self.name)) del STREND[self.name] newStrendEvt.set() class Nemodule(imodule.ModuleBase): filename = "" events = dict() strend = dict() threadManager = None newStrendEvt = threading.Event() def launch (self, servers): self.stop() self.threadManager = Manager(servers) self.threadManager.start() def stop (self): if self.threadManager is not None: self.threadManager.stop = True self.newStrendEvt.set() def xmlparse(self, node): """Parse the given node and add events to the global list.""" for item in node.getElementsByTagName("strend"): strend[item.getAttribute("name")] = Strend(item) for item in node.getElementsByTagName("event"): if (item.hasAttribute("year")): year = int(item.getAttribute("year")) else: year = 0 if (item.hasAttribute("month")): month = int(item.getAttribute("month")) else: month = 0 if (item.hasAttribute("day")): day = int(item.getAttribute("day")) else: day = 0 if (item.hasAttribute("hour")): hour = int(item.getAttribute("hour")) else: hour = 0 if (item.hasAttribute("minute")): minute = int(item.getAttribute("minute")) else: minute = 0 if (item.hasAttribute("second")): second = int(item.getAttribute("second")) else: second = 0 if year == month == day == hour == minute == second == 0: events[item.getAttribute("name")] = (None, item.getAttribute("before_after"), None) else: events[item.getAttribute("name")] = (datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second),item.getAttribute("msg_before"), item.getAttribute("msg_after")) def load_module(datas_path): """Load this module""" global EVENTS, STREND, filename EVENTS = {} STREND = {} filename = datas_path + "/events.xml" sys.stdout.write ("Loading events ... ") dom = parse(filename) xmlparse (dom.getElementsByTagName('events')[0]) print ("done (%d loaded)" % len(EVENTS)) def save_module(): """Save the dates""" global filename sys.stdout.write ("Saving events ... ") impl = getDOMImplementation() newdoc = impl.createDocument(None, 'events', None) top = newdoc.documentElement for name in STREND.keys(): iend = "" if STREND[name].end is not None: iend = ' end="%s"'%STREND[name].end item = parseString ('' % (name, STREND[name].start, STREND[name].proprio, STREND[name].server, STREND[name].channel, iend)).documentElement top.appendChild(item); for name in EVENTS.keys(): (day, msg_before, msg_after) = EVENTS[name] bonus="" if day is None: item = parseString ('' % (name, msg_before)).documentElement else: if day.hour != 0: bonus += 'hour="%s" ' % day.hour if day.minute != 0: bonus += 'minute="%s" ' % day.minute if day.second != 1: bonus += 'second="%s" ' % day.second item = parseString ('' % (name, day.year, day.month, day.day, bonus, msg_after, msg_before)).documentElement top.appendChild(item); with open(filename, "w") as f: newdoc.writexml (f) print ("done") def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "events manager" def help_full (): return "This module store a lot of events: ny, we, vacs, " + (", ".join(EVENTS.keys())) + "\n!eventslist: gets list of timer\n!start /something/: launch a timer" def parseanswer(msg): global STREND if msg.cmd[0] == "we" or msg.cmd[0] == "week-end" or msg.cmd[0] == "weekend": ndate = datetime.today() + timedelta(5 - datetime.today().weekday()) ndate = datetime(ndate.year, ndate.month, ndate.day, 0, 0, 1) msg.send_chn ( msg.countdown_format (ndate, "Il reste %s avant le week-end, courrage ;)", "Youhou, on est en week-end depuis %s.")) return True elif msg.cmd[0] == "new-year" or msg.cmd[0] == "newyear" or msg.cmd[0] == "ny": msg.send_chn ( msg.countdown_format (datetime(datetime.today().year + 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), "Il reste %s avant la nouvelle année.", "Nous faisons déjà la fête depuis %s !")) return True elif msg.cmd[0] == "vacances" or msg.cmd[0] == "vacs" or msg.cmd[0] == "holiday" or msg.cmd[0] == "holidays": msg.send_chn ( msg.countdown_format (datetime(2012, 7, 30, 18, 0, 1), "Il reste %s avant les vacances :)", "Profitons, c'est les vacances depuis %s.")) return True elif msg.cmd[0] == "start" and len(msg.cmd) > 1: if msg.cmd[1] not in STREND: STREND[msg.cmd[1]] = Strend(None) STREND[msg.cmd[1]].server = msg.srv.id STREND[msg.cmd[1]].channel = msg.channel STREND[msg.cmd[1]].proprio = msg.sender STREND[msg.cmd[1]].name = msg.cmd[1] if len(msg.cmd) > 2: result = re.match("([0-9]+)([smhdjSMHDJ])?", msg.cmd[2]) if result is not None: try: if result.group(2) is not None and (result.group(2) == "m" or result.group(2) == "M"): STREND[msg.cmd[1]].end = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=int(result.group(1))) elif result.group(2) is not None and (result.group(2) == "h" or result.group(2) == "H"): STREND[msg.cmd[1]].end = datetime.now() + timedelta(hours=int(result.group(1))) elif result.group(2) is not None and (result.group(2) == "d" or result.group(2) == "D" or result.group(2) == "j" or result.group(2) == "J"): STREND[msg.cmd[1]].end = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=int(result.group(1))) else: STREND[msg.cmd[1]].end = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=int(result.group(1))) newStrendEvt.set() msg.send_snd ("%s commencé le %s et se terminera le %s."% (msg.cmd[1], datetime.now(), STREND[msg.cmd[1]].end)) except: msg.send_snd ("Impossible de définir la fin de %s."% (msg.cmd[1])) msg.send_snd ("%s commencé le %s."% (msg.cmd[1], datetime.now())) else: msg.send_snd ("%s commencé le %s"% (msg.cmd[1], datetime.now())) else: msg.send_snd ("%s existe déjà."% (msg.cmd[1])) elif (msg.cmd[0] == "end" or msg.cmd[0] == "forceend") and len(msg.cmd) > 1: if msg.cmd[1] in STREND: msg.send_chn ("%s a duré %s." % (msg.cmd[1], msg.just_countdown(datetime.now () - STREND[msg.cmd[1]].start))) if STREND[msg.cmd[1]].proprio == msg.sender or (msg.cmd[0] == "forceend" and msg.sender == msg.srv.owner): del STREND[msg.cmd[1]] newStrendEvt.set() else: msg.send_snd ("Vous ne pouvez pas terminer le compteur %s, créé par %s."% (msg.cmd[1], STREND[msg.cmd[1]].proprio)) else: msg.send_snd ("%s n'est pas un compteur connu."% (msg.cmd[1])) elif msg.cmd[0] == "eventslist" or msg.cmd[0] == "eventlist" or msg.cmd[0] == "eventsliste" or msg.cmd[0] == "eventliste": msg.send_snd ("Compteurs connus : %s." % ", ".join(STREND.keys())) elif msg.cmd[0] in STREND: msg.send_chn ("%s commencé il y a %s." % (msg.cmd[0], msg.just_countdown(datetime.now () - STREND[msg.cmd[0]].start))) elif msg.cmd[0] in EVENTS: (day, msg_before, msg_after) = EVENTS[msg.cmd[0]] if day is None: msg.send_chn (msg_before) else: msg.send_chn (msg.countdown_format (day, msg_before, msg_after)) return True else: return False def parseask(msg): msgl = msg.content.lower () if re.match("^.*((create|new) +(a|an|a +new|an *other)? *(events?|commande?)|(nouvel(le)?|ajoute|cr[ée]{1,3}) +(un)? *([eé]v[ée]nements?|commande?)).*$", msgl) is not None: name = re.match("^.*!([^ \"'@!]+).*$", msg.content) if name is not None and name.group (1) not in EVENTS: texts = re.match("^[^\"]*(avant|après|apres|before|after)?[^\"]*\"([^\"]+)\"[^\"]*((avant|après|apres|before|after)?.*\"([^\"]+)\".*)?$", msg.content) if texts is not None and texts.group (3) is not None: extDate = msg.extractDate () if extDate is None or extDate == "": msg.send_snd ("La date de l'événement est invalide...") else: if texts.group (1) is not None and (texts.group (1) == "après" or texts.group (1) == "apres" or texts.group (1) == "after"): msg_after = texts.group (2) msg_before = texts.group (5) if (texts.group (4) is not None and (texts.group (4) == "après" or texts.group (4) == "apres" or texts.group (4) == "after")) or texts.group (1) is None: msg_before = texts.group (2) msg_after = texts.group (5) if msg_before.find ("%s") != -1 and msg_after.find ("%s") != -1: EVENTS[name.group (1)] = (extDate, msg_before, msg_after) save_module () msg.send_snd ("Nouvel événement !%s ajouté avec succès."%name.group (1)) else: msg.send_snd ("Pour que l'événement soit valide, ajouter %s à l'endroit où vous voulez que soit ajouté le compte à rebours.") elif texts is not None and texts.group (2) is not None: EVENTS[name.group (1)] = (None, texts.group (2), None) save_module () msg.send_snd ("Nouvelle commande !%s ajoutée avec succès."%name.group (1)) else: msg.send_snd ("Veuillez indiquez les messages d'attente et d'après événement entre guillemets.") elif name is None: msg.send_snd ("Veuillez attribuer une commande à l'événement.") else: msg.send_snd ("Un événement portant ce nom existe déjà.") return False def parselisten (msg): return False