# coding=utf-8 """Create alias of commands""" import re import sys from datetime import datetime, timezone import shlex from nemubot import context from nemubot.exception import IRCException from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.message import Command from nemubot.tools.xmlparser.node import ModuleState nemubotversion = 3.4 from more import Response def load(context): """Load this module""" if not context.data.hasNode("aliases"): context.data.addChild(ModuleState("aliases")) context.data.getNode("aliases").setIndex("alias") if not context.data.hasNode("variables"): context.data.addChild(ModuleState("variables")) context.data.getNode("variables").setIndex("name") def help_full(): return "TODO" def set_variable(name, value, creator): var = ModuleState("variable") var["name"] = name var["value"] = value var["creator"] = creator context.data.getNode("variables").addChild(var) def get_variable(name, msg=None): if name == "sender" or name == "from" or name == "nick": return msg.frm elif name == "chan" or name == "channel": return msg.channel elif name == "date": return datetime.now(timezone.utc).strftime("%c") elif name in context.data.getNode("variables").index: return context.data.getNode("variables").index[name]["value"] else: return "" @hook("cmd_hook", "set") def cmd_set(msg): if len(msg.cmds) > 2: set_variable(msg.cmds[1], " ".join(msg.cmds[2:]), msg.nick) res = Response("Variable \$%s définie." % msg.cmds[1], channel=msg.channel) context.save() return res return Response("!set prend au minimum deux arguments : " "le nom de la variable et sa valeur.", channel=msg.channel) @hook("cmd_hook", "listalias") def cmd_listalias(msg): if len(msg.cmds) > 1: res = list() for user in msg.cmds[1:]: als = [x["alias"] for x in context.data.getNode("aliases").index.values() if x["creator"] == user] if len(als) > 0: res.append("Alias créés par %s : %s" % (user, ", ".join(als))) else: res.append("%s n'a pas encore créé d'alias" % user) return Response(" ; ".join(res), channel=msg.channel) else: return Response("Alias connus : %s." % ", ".join(context.data.getNode("aliases").index.keys()), channel=msg.channel) @hook("cmd_hook", "listvars") def cmd_listvars(msg): if len(msg.cmds) > 1: res = list() for user in msg.cmds[1:]: als = [x["alias"] for x in context.data.getNode("variables").index.values() if x["creator"] == user] if len(als) > 0: res.append("Variables créées par %s : %s" % (user, ", ".join(als))) else: res.append("%s n'a pas encore créé de variable" % user) return Response(" ; ".join(res), channel=msg.channel) else: return Response("Variables connues : %s." % ", ".join(context.data.getNode("variables").index.keys()), channel=msg.channel) @hook("cmd_hook", "alias") def cmd_alias(msg): if len(msg.cmds) > 1: res = list() for alias in msg.cmds[1:]: if alias[0] == "!": alias = alias[1:] if alias in context.data.getNode("aliases").index: res.append("!%s correspond à %s" % (alias, context.data.getNode("aliases").index[alias]["origin"])) else: res.append("!%s n'est pas un alias" % alias) return Response(res, channel=msg.channel, nick=msg.nick) else: return Response("!alias prend en argument l'alias à étendre.", channel=msg.channel, nick=msg.nick) @hook("cmd_hook", "unalias") def cmd_unalias(msg): if len(msg.cmds) > 1: res = list() for alias in msg.cmds[1:]: if alias[0] == "!" and len(alias) > 1: alias = alias[1:] if alias in context.data.getNode("aliases").index: context.data.getNode("aliases").delChild(context.data.getNode("aliases").index[alias]) res.append(Response("%s a bien été supprimé" % alias, channel=msg.channel)) else: res.append(Response("%s n'est pas un alias" % alias, channel=msg.channel)) return res else: return Response("!unalias prend en argument l'alias à supprimer.", channel=msg.channel) def replace_variables(cnt, msg=None): if isinstance(cnt, list): return [replace_variables(c, msg) for c in cnt] unsetCnt = list() for res in re.findall("\\$\{(?P[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\}", cnt): try: varI = int(res) - 1 cnt = cnt.replace("${%s}" % res, msg.args[varI], 1) unsetCnt.append(varI) except: cnt = cnt.replace("${%s}" % res, get_variable(res), 1) for u in sorted(unsetCnt, reverse=True): msg.args.pop(u) return cnt @hook("pre_Command") def treat_alias(msg): if msg.cmd in context.data.getNode("aliases").index: txt = context.data.getNode("aliases").index[msg.cmd]["origin"] # TODO: for legacy compatibility if txt[0] == "!": txt = txt[1:] try: args = shlex.split(txt) except ValueError: args = txt.split(' ') nmsg = Command(args[0], replace_variables(args[1:], msg) + msg.args, **msg.export_args()) # Avoid infinite recursion if msg.cmd != nmsg.cmd: # Also return origin message, if it can be treated as well return [msg, nmsg] return msg @hook("ask_default") def parseask(msg): if re.match(".*(set|cr[ée]{2}|nouvel(le)?) alias.*", msg.text) is not None: result = re.match(".*alias !?([^ ]+) (pour|=|:) (.+)$", msg.text) if result.group(1) in context.data.getNode("aliases").index: raise IRCException("cet alias est déjà défini.") else: alias = ModuleState("alias") alias["alias"] = result.group(1) alias["origin"] = result.group(3) alias["creator"] = msg.nick context.data.getNode("aliases").addChild(alias) res = Response("Nouvel alias %s défini avec succès." % result.group(1), channel=msg.channel) context.save() return res return None