import http.client import socket import subprocess import tempfile import urllib from nemubot import __version__ from nemubot.exception import IRCException from import web def load(CONF, add_hook): # check w3m exists pass def headers(url): """Retrieve HTTP header for the given URL Argument: url -- the page URL to get header """ o = urllib.parse.urlparse(url, "http") if o.netloc == "": raise IRCException("invalid URL") if o.scheme == "http": conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(o.hostname, port=o.port, timeout=5) else: conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(o.hostname, port=o.port, timeout=5) try: conn.request("HEAD", o.path, None, {"User-agent": "Nemubot v%s" % __version__}) except socket.timeout: raise IRCException("request timeout") except socket.gaierror: print (" Unable to receive page %s from %s on %d." % (o.path, o.hostname, o.port)) raise IRCException("an unexpected error occurs") try: res = conn.getresponse() except http.client.BadStatusLine: raise IRCException("An error occurs") finally: conn.close() return (res.version, res.status, res.reason, res.getheaders()) def _onNoneDefault(): raise IRCException("An error occurs when trying to access the page") def fetch(url, onNone=_onNoneDefault): """Retrieve the content of the given URL Argument: url -- the URL to fetch """ try: req = web.getURLContent(url) if req is not None: return req else: if onNone is not None: return onNone() else: return None except socket.timeout: raise IRCException("The request timeout when trying to access the page") except socket.error as e: raise IRCException(e.strerror) def render(url, onNone=_onNoneDefault): """Use w3m to render the given url Argument: url -- the URL to render """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fp: cnt = fetch(url, onNone) if cnt is None: return None fp.write(cnt.encode()) args = ["w3m", "-T", "text/html", "-dump"] args.append( with subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: return def traceURL(url, stack=None): """Follow redirections and return the redirections stack Argument: url -- the URL to trace """ if stack is None: stack = list() stack.append(url) if len(stack) > 15: stack.append('stack overflow :(') return stack _, status, _, heads = headers(url) if status == http.client.FOUND or status == http.client.MOVED_PERMANENTLY or status == http.client.SEE_OTHER: for h, c in heads: if h == "Location": url = c if url in stack: stack.append("loop on " + url) return stack else: return traceURL(url, stack) return stack