# coding=utf-8 import re import sys import socket import time import _thread import threading from datetime import datetime from datetime import date from datetime import timedelta from urllib.parse import unquote from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml.dom.minidom import parseString from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation NS_SERVER = 'ns-server.epita.fr' NS_PORT = 4242 THREAD = None search = list() class UpdatedStorage: def __init__(self): sock = connect_to_ns(NS_SERVER, NS_PORT) self.users = dict() if sock != None: for l in list_users(sock): u = User(l) if u.login not in self.users: self.users[u.login] = list() self.users[u.login].append(u) sock.close() self.lastUpdate = datetime.now () def update(self): if datetime.now () - self.lastUpdate < timedelta(minutes=10): return self else: return None class User(object): def __init__(self, line): fields = line.split() self.login = fields[1] self.ip = fields[2] self.location = fields[8] self.promo = fields[9] @property def sm(self): if self.ip.startswith('10.200'): ip = self.ip.split('.') if 20 < int(ip[2]) < 30: return 'SM02' else: return 'SM' + self.ip.split('.')[2] elif self.ip.startswith('10.242'): return 'bocal' elif self.ip.startswith('10.247'): return 'pasteur' elif self.ip.startswith('10.248'): return 'srlab' elif self.ip.startswith('10.249'): return 'midlab' elif self.ip.startswith('10.250'): return 'cisco' elif self.ip.startswith('10.41.'): return 'wifi' else: return None @property def poste(self): if self.sm is None: if self.ip.startswith('10'): return 'quelque part sur le PIE (%s)'%self.ip else: return "chez lui" else: if self.ip.startswith('10.200'): sm = self.sm if sm == "SM02": return "en " + sm else: return "en " + sm + " poste " + self.ip.split('.')[3] else: return "en " + self.sm + " rangée " + self.ip.split('.')[2] + " poste " + self.ip.split('.')[3] def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.login, other.login) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.login) def connect_to_ns(server, port): try: s = socket.socket() s.settimeout(1) s.connect((server, port)) except socket.error: return None s.recv(8192) return s def list_users(sock): sock.send('list_users\n'.encode()) buf = '' while True: tmp = sock.recv(8192).decode() buf += tmp if '\nrep 002' in tmp or tmp == '': break return buf.split('\n')[:-2] def load_module(datas_path): """Load this module""" return def save_module(): """Save the module state""" return def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "Find a user on the PIE" def help_full (): return "!whereis /who/: gives the position of /who/.\n!whereare /who/ [/other who/ ...]: gives the position of /who/." datas = None def startWhereis(msg): global datas, THREAD, search if datas is not None: datas = datas.update () if datas is None: datas = UpdatedStorage() if datas is None: msg.send_chn("Hmm c'est embarassant, serait-ce la fin du monde ou juste netsoul qui est mort ?") return if msg.cmd[0] == "peoplein": peoplein(msg) elif msg.cmd[0] == "whoison": whoison(msg) else: whereis_msg(msg) THREAD = None if len(search) > 0: startWhereis(search.pop()) def peoplein(msg): if len(msg.cmd) > 1: for sm in msg.cmd: sm = sm.lower() if sm == "peoplein": continue else: count = 0 for userC in datas.users: for user in datas.users[userC]: usersm = user.sm if usersm is not None and usersm.lower() == sm: count += 1 if count > 1: sOrNot = "s" else: sOrNot = "" msg.send_chn ("Il y a %d personne%s en %s." % (count, sOrNot, sm)) def whoison(msg): if len(msg.cmd) > 1: for pb in msg.cmd: pc = pb.lower() if pc == "whoison": continue else: found = list() print (len(datas.users)) for userC in datas.users: for user in datas.users[userC]: if user.ip[:len(pc)] == pc or user.location.lower() == pc: found.append(user.login) if len(found) > 0: if len(found) <= 15: msg.send_chn ("%s correspond à %s" % (pb, ", ".join(found))) else: msg.send_chn ("%s: %d personnes" % (pb, len(found))) else: msg.send_chn ("%s: personne ne match ta demande :(" % (msg.sender)) DELAYED = dict() delayEvnt = threading.Event() class Delayed: def __init__(self): self.names = dict() def whereis_msg(msg): names = list() for name in msg.cmd: if name == "whereis" or name == "whereare" or name == "ouest" or name == "ousont" or name == "ip": if len(msg.cmd) >= 2: continue else: name = msg.sender else: names.append(name) pasla = whereis(msg, names) if len(pasla) > 0: global DELAYED DELAYED[msg] = Delayed() for name in pasla: DELAYED[msg].names[name] = None #msg.srv.send_msg_prtn ("~whois %s" % name) msg.srv.send_msg_prtn ("~whois %s" % " ".join(pasla)) startTime = datetime.now() names = list() while len(DELAYED[msg].names) > 0 and startTime + timedelta(seconds=4) > datetime.now(): delayEvnt.clear() delayEvnt.wait(2) rem = list() for name in DELAYED[msg].names.keys(): if DELAYED[msg].names[name] is not None: pasla = whereis(msg, (DELAYED[msg].names[name],)) if len(pasla) != 0: names.append(pasla[0]) rem.append(name) for r in rem: del DELAYED[msg].names[r] for name in DELAYED[msg].names.keys(): if DELAYED[msg].names[name] is None: names.append(name) else: names.append(DELAYED[msg].names[name]) if len(names) > 1: msg.send_chn ("%s ne sont pas connectés sur le PIE." % (", ".join(names))) else: for name in names: msg.send_chn ("%s n'est pas connecté sur le PIE." % name) def whereis(msg, names): pasla = list() for name in names: if name in datas.users: if msg.cmd[0] == "ip": if len(datas.users[name]) == 1: msg.send_chn ("L'ip de %s est %s." %(name, datas.users[name][0].ip)) else: out = "" for local in datas.users[name]: out += ", " + local.ip msg.send_chn ("%s est connecté à plusieurs endroits : %s." %(name, out[2:])) else: if len(datas.users[name]) == 1: msg.send_chn ("%s est %s (%s)." %(name, datas.users[name][0].poste, unquote(datas.users[name][0].location))) else: out = "" for local in datas.users[name]: out += ", " + local.poste + " (" + unquote(local.location) + ")" msg.send_chn ("%s est %s." %(name, out[2:])) else: pasla.append(name) return pasla def parseanswer (msg): global datas, THREAD, search if msg.cmd[0] == "whereis" or msg.cmd[0] == "whereare" or msg.cmd[0] == "ouest" or msg.cmd[0] == "ousont" or msg.cmd[0] == "ip" or msg.cmd[0] == "peoplein" or msg.cmd[0] == "whoison": if len(msg.cmd) > 10: msg.send_snd ("Demande moi moins de personnes à la fois dans ton !%s" % msg.cmd[0]) return True if THREAD is None: THREAD = _thread.start_new_thread (startWhereis, (msg,)) else: search.append(msg) return True return False def parseask (msg): if len(DELAYED) > 0 and msg.sender == msg.srv.partner: treat = False for part in msg.content.split(';'): if part is None: continue for d in DELAYED.keys(): for n in DELAYED[d].names.keys(): if DELAYED[d].names[n] is None and part.find(n) >= 0: result = re.match(".* est (.*[^.])\.?", part) if result is not None: DELAYED[d].names[n] = result.group(1) delayEvnt.set() return treat return False def parselisten (msg): return False