# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Nemubot is a modulable IRC bot, built around XML configuration files. # Copyright (C) 2012 Mercier Pierre-Olivier # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import json import random import shlex import urllib.parse import zlib from DCC import DCC import hooks from response import Response class NetworkBot: def __init__(self, context, srv, dest, dcc=None): # General informations self.context = context self.srv = srv self.dest = dest self.dcc = dcc # DCC connection to the other bot self.hooks = list() self.REGISTERED_HOOKS = list() # Tags monitor self.my_tag = random.randint(0,255) self.inc_tag = 0 self.tags = dict() @property def sender(self): if self.dcc is not None: return self.dcc.sender return None @property def nick(self): if self.dcc is not None: return self.dcc.nick return None @property def realname(self): if self.dcc is not None: return self.dcc.realname return None def isDCC(self, someone): """Abstract implementation""" return True def send_cmd(self, cmd, data=None): """Create a tag and send the command""" # First, define a tag self.inc_tag = (self.inc_tag + 1) % 256 while self.inc_tag in self.tags: self.inc_tag = (self.inc_tag + 1) % 256 tag = ("%c%c" % (self.my_tag, self.inc_tag)).encode() self.tags[tag] = (cmd, data) # Send the command with the tag self.send_response_final(tag, cmd) def send_response(self, res, tag): self.send_response_final(tag, [res.sender, res.channel, res.nick, res.nomore, res.title, res.more, res.count, json.dumps(res.messages)]) def msg_treated(self, tag): self.send_ack(tag) def send_response_final(self, tag, msg): """Send a response with a tag""" if isinstance(msg, list): cnt = b'' for i in msg: if i is None: cnt += b' ""' elif isinstance(i, int): cnt += (' %d' % i).encode() elif isinstance(i, float): cnt += (' %f' % i).encode() else: cnt += b' "' + urllib.parse.quote(i).encode() + b'"' if False and len(cnt) > 10: cnt = b' Z ' + zlib.compress(cnt) print (cnt) self.dcc.send_dcc_raw(tag + cnt) else: for line in msg.split("\n"): self.dcc.send_dcc_raw(tag + b' ' + line.encode()) def send_ack(self, tag): """Acknowledge a command""" if tag in self.tags: del self.tags[tag] self.send_response_final(tag, "ACK") def connect(self): """Making the connexion with dest through srv""" if self.dcc is None or not self.dcc.connected: self.dcc = DCC(self.srv, self.dest) self.dcc.treatement = self.hello self.dcc.send_dcc("NEMUBOT###") else: self.send_cmd("FETCH") def disconnect(self, reason=""): """Close the connection and remove the bot from network list""" del self.context.network[self.dcc.id] self.dcc.send_dcc("DISCONNECT :%s" % reason) self.dcc.disconnect() def hello(self, line): if line == b'NEMUBOT###': self.dcc.treatement = self.treat_msg self.send_cmd("MYTAG %c" % self.my_tag) self.send_cmd("FETCH") elif line != b'Hello ' + self.srv.nick.encode() + b'!': self.disconnect("Sorry, I think you were a bot") def treat_msg(self, line, cmd=None): words = line.split(b' ') # Ignore invalid commands if len(words) >= 2: tag = words[0] # Is it a response? if tag in self.tags: # Is it compressed content? if words[1] == b'Z': #print (line) line = zlib.decompress(line[len(tag) + 3:]) self.response(line, tag, [urllib.parse.unquote(arg) for arg in shlex.split(line[len(tag) + 1:].decode())], self.tags[tag]) else: cmd = words[1] if len(words) > 2: args = shlex.split(line[len(tag) + len(cmd) + 2:].decode()) args = [urllib.parse.unquote(arg) for arg in args] else: args = list() #print ("request:", line) self.request(tag, cmd, args) def response(self, line, tag, args, t): (cmds, data) = t #print ("response for", cmds, ":", args) if isinstance(cmds, list): cmd = cmds[0] else: cmd = cmds cmds = list(cmd) if args[0] == 'ACK': # Acknowledge a command del self.tags[tag] elif cmd == "FETCH" and len(args) >= 5: level = int(args[1]) while len(self.hooks) <= level: self.hooks.append(hooks.MessagesHook(self.context)) if args[2] == "": args[2] = None if args[3] == "": args[3] = None if args[4] == "": args[4] = list() else: args[4] = args[4].split(',') self.hooks[level].add_hook(args[0], hooks.Hook(self.exec_hook, args[2], None, args[3], args[4]), self) elif cmd == "HOOK" and len(args) >= 8: # Rebuild the response if args[1] == '': args[1] = None if args[2] == '': args[2] = None if args[3] == '': args[3] = None if args[4] == '': args[4] = None if args[5] == '': args[5] = None if args[6] == '': args[6] = None res = Response(args[0], channel=args[1], nick=args[2], nomore=args[3], title=args[4], more=args[5], count=args[6]) for msg in json.loads(args[7]): res.append_message(msg) if len(res.messages) <= 1: res.alone = True self.srv.send_response(res, None) def request(self, tag, cmd, args): # Parse if cmd == b'MYTAG' and len(args) > 0: # Inform about choosen tag while args[0] == self.my_tag: self.my_tag = random.randint(0,255) self.send_ack(tag) elif cmd == b'FETCH': # Get known commands for name in ["cmd_hook", "ask_hook", "msg_hook"]: elts = self.context.create_cache(name) for elt in elts: (hooks, lvl, store) = elts[elt] for h in hooks: self.send_response_final(tag, [name, lvl, elt, h.regexp, ','.join(h.channels)]) self.send_ack(tag) elif (cmd == b'HOOK' or cmd == b'"HOOK"') and len(args) > 0: # Action requested self.context.receive_message(self, args[0].encode(), True, tag) def exec_hook(self, msg): self.send_cmd(["HOOK", msg.raw])