# coding=utf-8 import http.client import re import socket import json from urllib.parse import quote from urllib.request import urlopen nemubotversion = 3.3 import xmlparser LANG = ["ar", "zh", "cz", "en", "fr", "gr", "it", "ja", "ko", "pl", "pt", "ro", "es", "tr"] URL = "http://api.wordreference.com/0.8/%s/json/%%s%%s/%%s" def load(context): global URL if not CONF or not CONF.hasNode("wrapi") or not CONF.getNode("wrapi").hasAttribute("key"): print ("You need a WordReference API key in order to use this module." " Add it to the module configuration file:\n\nRegister at " "http://www.wordreference.com/docs/APIregistration.aspx") return None else: URL = URL % CONF.getNode("wrapi")["key"] from hooks import Hook add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_translate, "translate")) def help_tiny(): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "Translation module" def help_full(): return "!translate [lang] [ [...]]: Found translation of from/to english to/from . Data © WordReference.com" def cmd_translate(msg): if len(msg.cmds) < 2: raise IRCException("which word would you translate?") if len(msg.cmds) > 3 and msg.cmds[1] == "en" and msg.cmds[2] in LANG: langFrom = "en" langTo = msg.cmds[2] term = ' '.join(msg.cmds[3:]) elif len(msg.cmds) > 2 and msg.cmds[1] in LANG: langFrom = msg.cmds[1] if langFrom == "en": langTo = "fr" else: langTo = "en" term = ' '.join(msg.cmds[2:]) else: langFrom = "en" langTo = "fr" term = ' '.join(msg.cmds[1:]) try: raw = urlopen(URL % (langFrom, langTo, quote(term))) except: raise IRCException("invalid request") wres = json.loads(raw.read().decode()) if "Error" in wres: raise IRCException(wres["Note"]) else: res = Response(msg.sender, channel=msg.channel, nomore="No more translation") for k, t in wres.items(): if len(k) > 4 and k[:4] == "term": if "Entries" in t: ent = t["Entries"] else: ent = t["PrincipalTranslations"] for i in ent: res.append_message("Translation of %s%s: %s" % ( ent[i]["OriginalTerm"]["term"], meaning(ent[i]["OriginalTerm"]), extract_traslation(ent[i]))) return res def meaning(entry): ret = list() if "sense" in entry and len(entry["sense"]) > 0: ret.append('« %s »' % entry["sense"]) if "usage" in entry and len(entry["usage"]) > 0: ret.append(entry["usage"]) if len(ret) > 0: return " as " + "/".join(ret) else: return "" def extract_traslation(entry): ret = list() for i in [ "FirstTranslation", "SecondTranslation", "ThirdTranslation", "FourthTranslation" ]: if i in entry: ret.append("\x03\x02%s\x03\x02%s" % (entry[i]["term"], meaning(entry[i]))) return ", ".join(ret)