# coding=utf-8 import re import sys from datetime import datetime from datetime import date from xmlparser.node import ModuleState nemubotversion = 3.2 def load(context): global DATAS DATAS.setIndex("name", "birthday") def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "People birthdays and ages" def help_full (): return "!anniv /who/: gives the remaining time before the anniversary of /who/\n!age /who/: gives the age of /who/\nIf /who/ is not given, gives the remaining time before your anniversary.\n\n To set yout birthday, say it to nemubot :)" def findName(msg): if len(msg.cmd) < 2 or msg.cmd[1].lower() == "moi" or msg.cmd[1].lower() == "me": name = msg.nick.lower() else: name = msg.cmd[1].lower() matches = [] if name in DATAS.index: matches.append(name) else: for k in DATAS.index.keys (): if k.find (name) == 0: matches.append (k) return (matches, name) def cmd_anniv(msg): (matches, name) = findName(msg) if len(matches) == 1: name = matches[0] tyd = DATAS.index[name].getDate("born") tyd = datetime(date.today().year, tyd.month, tyd.day) if tyd.day == datetime.today().day and tyd.month == datetime.today().month: msg.send_chn (msg.countdown_format (DATAS.index[name].getDate("born"), "", "C'est aujourd'hui l'anniversaire de %s ! Il a%s. Joyeux anniversaire :)" % (name, "%s"))) else: if tyd < datetime.today(): tyd = datetime(date.today().year + 1, tyd.month, tyd.day) msg.send_chn (msg.countdown_format (tyd, "Il reste %s avant l'anniversaire de %s !" % ("%s", name), "")) else: msg.send_chn ("%s: désolé, je ne connais pas la date d'anniversaire de %s. Quand est-il né ?"%(msg.nick, name)) return True def cmd_age(msg): (matches, name) = findName(msg) if len(matches) == 1: name = matches[0] d = DATAS.index[name].getDate("born") msg.send_chn (msg.countdown_format (d, "%s va naître dans %s." % (name, "%s"), "%s a %s." % (name, "%s"))) else: msg.send_chn ("%s: désolé, je ne connais pas l'âge de %s. Quand est-il né ?"%(msg.nick, name)) return True def parseask(msg): msgl = msg.content.lower () if re.match("^.*(date de naissance|birthday|geburtstag|née? |nee? le|born on).*$", msgl) is not None: try: extDate = msg.extractDate () if extDate is None or extDate.year() > datetime.now().year(): msg.send_chn ("%s: ta date de naissance ne paraît pas valide..." % (msg.nick)) else: if msg.nick.lower() in DATAS.index: DATAS.index[msg.nick.lower()]["born"] = extDate else: ms = ModuleState("birthday") ms.setAttribute("name", msg.nick.lower()) ms.setAttribute("born", extDate) DATAS.addChild(ms) msg.send_chn ("%s: ok, c'est noté, ta date de naissance est le %s" % (msg.nick, extDate.strftime("%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M"))) save() except: msg.send_chn ("%s: ta date de naissance ne paraît pas valide..." % (msg.nick)) return True return False def parselisten (msg): return False