# coding=utf-8 import re import imp from datetime import datetime nemubotversion = 3.0 from . import GameUpdater from . import QDWrapper from . import Score channels = "#nemutest #42sh #ykar #epitagueule" LASTSEEN = dict () temps = dict () SCORES = None def load(context): global DATAS, SCORES, CONF DATAS.setIndex("name", "player") SCORES = QDWrapper.QDWrapper(DATAS) GameUpdater.SCORES = SCORES GameUpdater.CONF = CONF GameUpdater.save = save GameUpdater.getUser = getUser def reload(): imp.reload(GameUpdater) imp.reload(QDWrapper) imp.reload(Score) def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "42 game!" def help_full (): return "!42: display scores\n!42 help: display the performed calculate\n!42 manche: display information about current round\n!42 /who/: show the /who/'s scores" def parseanswer (msg): if msg.cmd[0] == "42" or msg.cmd[0] == "score" or msg.cmd[0] == "scores": global SCORES if len(msg.cmd) > 2 and msg.is_owner and ((msg.cmd[1] == "merge" and len(msg.cmd) > 3) or msg.cmd[1] == "oupstriche"): if msg.cmd[2] in SCORES and (len(msg.cmd) <= 3 or msg.cmd[3] in SCORES): if msg.cmd[1] == "merge": SCORES[msg.cmd[2]].merge (SCORES[msg.cmd[3]]) del SCORES[msg.cmd[3]] msg.send_chn ("%s a été correctement fusionné avec %s."%(msg.cmd[3], msg.cmd[2])) elif msg.cmd[1] == "oupstriche": SCORES[msg.cmd[2]].oupsTriche() else: if msg.cmd[2] not in SCORES: msg.send_chn ("%s n'est pas un joueur connu."%msg.cmd[2]) elif msg.cmd[3] not in SCORES: msg.send_chn ("%s n'est pas un joueur connu."%msg.cmd[3]) elif len(msg.cmd) > 1 and (msg.cmd[1] == "help" or msg.cmd[1] == "aide"): msg.send_chn ("Formule : \"42\" * 2 + great * 5 + leet * 13.37 + (pi + 1) * 3.1415 * (not_found + 1) + tententen * 10 + \"23\" - (bad + 1) * 10 * (triche * 5 + 1) + 7") elif len(msg.cmd) > 1 and (msg.cmd[1] == "manche" or msg.cmd[1] == "round"): manche = DATAS.getNode("manche") msg.send_chn ("Nous sommes dans la %de manche, gagnée par %s avec %d points et commencée par %s le %s." % (manche.getInt("number"), manche["winner"], manche.getInt("winner_score"), manche["who"], manche.getDate("date"))) #elif msg.channel == "#nemutest": else: phrase = "" if len(msg.cmd) > 1: if msg.cmd[1] in SCORES: phrase += " " + msg.cmd[1] + ": " + SCORES[msg.cmd[1]].details() else: phrase = " %s n'a encore jamais joué,"%(msg.cmd[1]) else: for nom, scr in sorted(SCORES.items(), key=rev, reverse=True): score = scr.score() if score != 0: if phrase == "": phrase = " *%s.%s: %d*,"%(nom[0:1], nom[1:len(nom)], score) else: phrase += " %s.%s: %d,"%(nom[0:1], nom[1:len(nom)], score) msg.send_chn ("Scores :%s" % (phrase[0:len(phrase)-1])) return True else: return False def win(msg): global SCORES who = msg.nick manche = DATAS.getNode("manche") maxi_scor = 0 maxi_name = None for player in DATAS.index.keys(): scr = SCORES[player].score() if scr > maxi_scor: maxi_scor = scr maxi_name = player for player in DATAS.index.keys(): scr = SCORES[player].score() if scr > maxi_scor / 3: del SCORES[player] else: DATAS.index[player]["great"] = 0 SCORES.flush() if who != maxi_name: msg.send_chn ("Félicitations %s, tu remportes cette manche terminée par %s, avec un score de %d !"%(maxi_name, who, maxi_scor)) else: msg.send_chn ("Félicitations %s, tu remportes cette manche avec %d points !"%(maxi_name, maxi_scor)) manche.setAttribute("number", manche.getInt("number") + 1) manche.setAttribute("winner", maxi_name) manche.setAttribute("winner_score", maxi_scor) manche.setAttribute("who", who) manche.setAttribute("date", datetime.now()) print ("Nouvelle manche !") save() def parseask (msg): if len(GameUpdater.DELAYED) > 0: if msg.nick in GameUpdater.DELAYED: GameUpdater.DELAYED[msg.nick].msg = msg.content GameUpdater.DELAYED[msg.nick].delayEvnt.set() return True return False def rev (tupl): (k, v) = tupl return (v.score(), k) def getUser(name): global SCORES if name not in SCORES: SCORES[name] = Score.Score() return SCORES[name] def parselisten (msg): if len(GameUpdater.DELAYED) > 0 and msg.nick in GameUpdater.DELAYED and GameUpdater.DELAYED[msg.nick].good(msg.content): msg.send_chn("%s: n'oublie pas le nemubot: devant ta réponse pour qu'elle soit prise en compte !" % msg.nick) bfrseen = None if msg.realname in LASTSEEN: bfrseen = LASTSEEN[msg.realname] LASTSEEN[msg.realname] = datetime.now() # if msg.channel == "#nemutest" and msg.nick not in GameUpdater.DELAYED: if msg.channel != "#nemutest" and msg.nick not in GameUpdater.DELAYED: if re.match("^(42|quarante[- ]?deux).{,2}$", msg.content.strip().lower()): if msg.time.minute == 10 and msg.time.second == 10 and msg.time.hour == 10: getUser(msg.nick).playTen() getUser(msg.nick).playGreat() elif msg.time.minute == 42: if msg.time.second == 0: getUser(msg.nick).playGreat() getUser(msg.nick).playFtt() else: getUser(msg.nick).playBad() if re.match("^(23|vingt[ -]?trois).{,2}$", msg.content.strip().lower()): if msg.time.minute == 23: if msg.time.second == 0: getUser(msg.nick).playGreat() getUser(msg.nick).playTwt() else: getUser(msg.nick).playBad() if re.match("^(10){3}.{,2}$", msg.content.strip().lower()): if msg.time.minute == 10 and msg.time.hour == 10: if msg.time.second == 10: getUser(msg.nick).playGreat() getUser(msg.nick).playTen() else: getUser(msg.nick).playBad() if re.match("^0?12345.{,2}$", msg.content.strip().lower()): if msg.time.hour == 1 and msg.time.minute == 23 and (msg.time.second == 45 or (msg.time.second == 46 and msg.time.microsecond < 330000)): getUser(msg.nick).playSuite() else: getUser(msg.nick).playBad() if re.match("^[1l][e3]{2}[t7] ?t?ime.{,2}$", msg.content.strip().lower()): if msg.time.hour == 13 and msg.time.minute == 37: if msg.time.second == 0: getUser(msg.nick).playGreat() getUser(msg.nick).playLeet() else: getUser(msg.nick).playBad() if re.match("^(pi|3.14) ?time.{,2}$", msg.content.strip().lower()): if msg.time.hour == 3 and msg.time.minute == 14: if msg.time.second == 15 or msg.time.second == 16: getUser(msg.nick).playGreat() getUser(msg.nick).playPi() else: getUser(msg.nick).playBad() if re.match("^(404( ?time)?|time ?not ?found).{,2}$", msg.content.strip().lower()): if msg.time.hour == 4 and msg.time.minute == 4: if msg.time.second == 0 or msg.time.second == 4: getUser(msg.nick).playGreat() getUser(msg.nick).playNotfound() else: getUser(msg.nick).playBad() if getUser(msg.nick).isWinner(): print ("Nous avons un vainqueur ! Nouvelle manche :p") win(msg) return True elif getUser(msg.nick).hasChanged(): gu = GameUpdater.GameUpdater(msg, bfrseen) gu.start() return True return False