import imp import socket import sys import threading import traceback import time message = __import__("message") imp.reload(message) channel = __import__("channel") imp.reload(channel) dcc = __import__("DCC") imp.reload(dcc) class Server(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, node, nick, owner, realname, socket = None): self.stop = False self.stopping = threading.Event() self.nick = nick self.owner = owner self.realname = realname self.s = socket self.connected = self.s is not None self.node = node self.listen_nick = True self.dcc_clients = dict() self.channels = dict() for chn in node.getNodes("channel"): chan = channel.Channel(chn) self.channels[] = chan threading.Thread.__init__(self) def isDCC(self, to=None): return to is not None and to in self.dcc_clients @property def host(self): if self.node.hasAttribute("server"): return self.node["server"] else: return "localhost" @property def port(self): if self.node.hasAttribute("port"): return self.node.getInt("port") else: return "6667" @property def password(self): if self.node.hasAttribute("password"): return self.node["password"] else: return None @property def partner(self): if self.node.hasAttribute("partner"): return self.node["partner"] else: return None @property def ip(self): sum = 0 if self.node.hasAttribute("ip"): for b in self.node["ip"].split("."): sum = 256 * sum + int(b) else: #TODO: find the external IP pass return sum def toIP(self, input): """Convert little-endian int to IPv4 adress""" ip = "" for i in range(0,4): mod = input % 256 ip = "%d.%s" % (mod, ip) input = (input - mod) / 256 return ip[:len(ip) - 1] @property def autoconnect(self): if self.node.hasAttribute("autoconnect"): value = self.node["autoconnect"].lower() return value != "no" and value != "off" and value != "false" else: return False @property def id(self): return + ":" + str(self.port) def send_ctcp(self, to, msg, cmd = "NOTICE", endl = "\r\n"): if msg is not None and to is not None: for line in msg.split("\n"): if line != "": self.s.send (("%s %s :\x01%s\x01%s" % (cmd, to.split("!")[0], line, endl)).encode ()) def send_dcc(self, msg, to): """Send a message through DCC connection""" if msg is not None and to is not None: if to not in self.dcc_clients.keys(): d = dcc.DCC(self, to) self.dcc_clients[to] = d self.dcc_clients[to].send_dcc(msg) def send_msg_final(self, channel, msg, cmd = "PRIVMSG", endl = "\r\n"): if channel == self.nick: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) print ("\033[1;35mWarning:\033[0m Nemubot talks to himself: %s" % msg) if msg is not None and channel is not None: for line in msg.split("\n"): if line != "": if len(line) < 442: self.s.send (("%s %s :%s%s" % (cmd, channel, line, endl)).encode ()) else: self.s.send (("%s %s :%s%s" % (cmd, channel, line[0:442]+"...", endl)).encode ()) def send_msg_prtn(self, msg): """Send a message to partner bot""" self.send_msg_final(self.partner, msg) def send_msg_usr(self, user, msg): if user is not None and user[0] != "#": if user in self.dcc_clients: self.send_dcc(msg, user) else: self.send_msg_final(user.split('!')[0], msg) def send_msg(self, channel, msg, cmd = "PRIVMSG", endl = "\r\n"): if self.accepted_channel(channel): self.send_msg_final(channel, msg, cmd, endl) def send_msg_verified(self, sender, channel, msg, cmd = "PRIVMSG", endl = "\r\n"): if self.accepted_channel(channel, sender): self.send_msg_final(channel, msg, cmd, endl) def send_global(self, msg, cmd = "PRIVMSG", endl = "\r\n"): for channel in self.channels.keys(): self.send_msg(channel, msg, cmd, endl) def accepted_channel(self, chan, sender = None): if self.listen_nick: return (chan in self.channels and (sender is None or sender in self.channels[chan].people)) or chan == self.nick else: return chan in self.channels and (sender is None or sender in self.channels[chan].people) def disconnect(self): if self.connected: self.stop = True self.s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) #Close all DCC connection for clt in self.dcc_clients: self.dcc_clients[clt].disconnect() self.stopping.wait() return True else: return False def kill(self): if self.connected: self.stop = True self.connected = False #Send a message in order to close the socket self.s.send(("WHO %s\r\n" % self.nick).encode ()) self.stopping.wait() return True else: return False def join(self, chan, password = None): if chan is not None and self.connected and chan not in self.channels: chn = xmlparser.module_state.ModuleState("channel") chn["name"] = chan chn["password"] = password self.node.addChild(chn) self.channels[chan] = channel.Channel(chn) if password is not None: self.s.send(("JOIN %s %s\r\n" % (chan, password)).encode ()) else: self.s.send(("JOIN %s\r\n" % chan).encode ()) return True else: return False def leave(self, chan): if chan is not None and self.connected and chan in self.channels: self.s.send(("PART %s\r\n" % self.channels[chan].name).encode ()) del self.channels[chan] return True else: return False def update_mods(self, mods): self.mods = mods def launch(self, mods): if not self.connected: self.stop = False self.mods = mods self.start() else: print (" Already connected.") def treat_msg(self, line, srv = None, private = False): if srv is None: srv = self try: msg = message.Message (srv, line, private) msg.treat (self.mods) except: print ("\033[1;31mERROR:\033[0m occurred during the processing of the message: %s" % line) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) def run(self): if not self.connected: self.s = socket.socket() #Create the socket self.s.connect((, self.port)) #Connect to server self.stopping.clear() self.connected = True if self.password != None: self.s.send(b"PASS " + self.password.encode () + b"\r\n") self.s.send(("NICK %s\r\n" % self.nick).encode ()) self.s.send(("USER %s %s bla :%s\r\n" % (self.nick,, self.realname)).encode ()) print ("Connection to %s:%d completed" % (, self.port)) if len(self.channels) > 0: for chn in self.channels.keys(): if self.channels[chn].password is not None: self.s.send(("JOIN %s %s\r\n" % (self.channels[chn].name, self.channels[chn].password)).encode ()) else: self.s.send(("JOIN %s\r\n" % self.channels[chn].name).encode ()) print ("Listen to channels: %s" % ' '.join (self.channels.keys())) readbuffer = b'' #Here we store all the messages from server while not self.stop: raw = self.s.recv(1024) #recieve server messages if not raw: break readbuffer = readbuffer + raw temp = readbuffer.split(b'\n') readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: self.treat_msg(line) if self.connected: self.s.close() self.connected = False print ("Server `%s' successfully stopped." % self.stopping.set() #Rearm Thread threading.Thread.__init__(self)