# coding=utf-8 from datetime import datetime import http.client import re import random import sys import time nemubotversion = 3.0 def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "MCQ module, working with http://bot.nemunai.re/" def help_full (): return "!qcm [] []" from . import Question from . import Course from . import Session def load(): CONF.setIndex("name", "file") def buildSession(msg, categ = None, nbQuest = 10, channel = False): if Question.QUESTIONS is None: Question.QUESTIONS = xmlparser.parse_file(CONF.index["main"]["url"]) Question.QUESTIONS.setIndex("xml:id") Course.COURSES = xmlparser.parse_file(CONF.index["courses"]["url"]) Course.COURSES.setIndex("xml:id") User.USERS = xmlparser.parse_file(CONF.index["users"]["url"]) User.USERS.setIndex("xml:id") #Remove no validated questions keys = list() for k in Question.QUESTIONS.index.keys(): keys.append(k) for ques in keys: if Question.QUESTIONS.index[ques]["validated"] != "1" or Question.QUESTIONS.index[ques]["reported"] == "1": del Question.QUESTIONS.index[ques] #Apply filter QS = list() if categ is not None and len(categ) > 0: #Find course id corresponding to categ courses = list() for c in Course.COURSES.childs: if c["code"] in categ: courses.append(c["xml:id"]) #Keep only questions matching course or branch for q in Question.QUESTIONS.index.keys(): if (Question.QUESTIONS.index[q]["branch"] is not None and Question.QUESTIONS.index[q]["branch"].find(categ)) or Question.QUESTIONS.index[q]["course"] in courses: QS.append(q) else: for q in Question.QUESTIONS.index.keys(): QS.append(q) nbQuest = min(nbQuest, len(QS)) if channel: sess = Session.Session(msg.srv, msg.channel, msg.channel) else: sess = Session.Session(msg.srv, msg.channel, msg.sender) maxQuest = len(QS) - 1 for i in range(0, nbQuest): while True: q = QS[random.randint(0, maxQuest)] if sess.addQuestion(q): break if channel: Session.SESSIONS[msg.channel] = sess else: Session.SESSIONS[msg.sender] = sess def askQuestion(msg, bfr = ""): Session.SESSIONS[msg.sender].askNext(bfr) def parseanswer(msg): global DATAS if msg.cmd[0] == "qcm" or msg.cmd[0] == "qcmchan" or msg.cmd[0] == "simulateqcm": if msg.sender in Session.SESSIONS: if len(msg.cmd) > 1: if msg.cmd[1] == "stop" or msg.cmd[1] == "end": sess = Session.SESSIONS[msg.sender] if sess.good > 1: goodS = "s" else: goodS = "" msg.send_chn("%s: Fini, tu as donné %d bonne%s réponse%s sur %d questions." % (msg.sender, sess.good, goodS, goodS, sess.current)) del Session.SESSIONS[msg.sender] return True elif msg.cmd[1] == "next" or msg.cmd[1] == "suivant" or msg.cmd[1] == "suivante": askQuestion(msg) return True msg.send_chn("%s: tu as déjà une session de QCM en cours, finis-la avant d'en commencer une nouvelle." % msg.sender) elif msg.channel in Session.SESSIONS: if len(msg.cmd) > 1: if msg.cmd[1] == "stop" or msg.cmd[1] == "end": sess = Session.SESSIONS[msg.channel] if sess.good > 1: goodS = "s" else: goodS = "" msg.send_chn("Fini, vous avez donné %d bonne%s réponse%s sur %d questions." % (sess.good, goodS, goodS, sess.current)) del Session.SESSIONS[msg.channel] return True elif msg.cmd[1] == "next" or msg.cmd[1] == "suivant" or msg.cmd[1] == "suivante": Session.SESSIONS[msg.channel].prepareNext(1) return True else: nbQuest = 10 filtre = list() if len(msg.cmd) > 1: for cmd in msg.cmd[1:]: try: tmp = int(cmd) nbQuest = tmp except ValueError: filtre.append(cmd.upper()) if len(filtre) == 0: filtre = None if msg.channel in Session.SESSIONS: msg.send_snd("Il y a deja une session de QCM sur ce chan.") else: buildSession(msg, filtre, nbQuest, msg.cmd[0] == "qcmchan") if msg.cmd[0] == "qcm": askQuestion(msg) elif msg.cmd[0] == "qcmchan": Session.SESSIONS[msg.channel].askNext() else: msg.send_chn("QCM de %d questions" % len(Session.SESSIONS[msg.sender].questions)) del Session.SESSIONS[msg.sender] return True elif msg.sender in Session.SESSIONS: if msg.cmd[0] == "info" or msg.cmd[0] == "infoquestion": msg.send_chn("Cette question a été écrite par %s et validée par %s, le %s" % Session.SESSIONS[msg.sender].question.tupleInfo) return True elif msg.cmd[0] == "report" or msg.cmd[0] == "reportquestion": if len(msg.cmd) == 1: msg.send_chn("Veuillez indiquer une raison de report") elif Session.SESSIONS[msg.sender].question.report(' '.join(msg.cmd[1:])): msg.send_chn("Cette question vient d'être signalée.") Session.SESSIONS[msg.sender].askNext() else: msg.send_chn("Une erreur s'est produite lors du signalement de la question, veuillez recommencer plus tard.") return True elif msg.channel in Session.SESSIONS: if msg.cmd[0] == "info" or msg.cmd[0] == "infoquestion": msg.send_chn("Cette question a été écrite par %s et validée par %s, le %s" % Session.SESSIONS[msg.channel].question.tupleInfo) return True elif msg.cmd[0] == "report" or msg.cmd[0] == "reportquestion": if len(msg.cmd) == 1: msg.send_chn("Veuillez indiquer une raison de report") elif Session.SESSIONS[msg.channel].question.report(' '.join(msg.cmd[1:])): msg.send_chn("Cette question vient d'être signalée.") Session.SESSIONS[msg.channel].prepareNext() else: msg.send_chn("Une erreur s'est produite lors du signalement de la question, veuillez recommencer plus tard.") return True else: if msg.cmd[0] == "listecours": if Course.COURSES is None: msg.send_chn("La liste de cours n'est pas encore construite, lancez un QCM pour la construire.") else: lst = "" for cours in Course.COURSES.getNodes("course"): lst += cours["code"] + " (" + cours["name"] + "), " msg.send_chn("Liste des cours existants : " + lst[:len(lst)-2]) elif msg.cmd[0] == "refreshqcm": Question.QUESTIONS = None Course.COURSES = None User.USERS = None return False def parseask(msg): if msg.sender in Session.SESSIONS: dest = msg.sender if Session.SESSIONS[dest].question.isCorrect(msg.content): Session.SESSIONS[dest].good += 1 Session.SESSIONS[dest].score += Session.SESSIONS[dest].question.getScore(msg.content) askQuestion(msg, "correct ; ") else: Session.SESSIONS[dest].bad += 1 if Session.SESSIONS[dest].trys == 0: Session.SESSIONS[dest].trys = 1 msg.send_chn("%s: non, essaie encore :p" % msg.sender) else: askQuestion(msg, "non, la bonne reponse était : %s ; " % Session.SESSIONS[dest].question.bestAnswer) return True elif msg.channel in Session.SESSIONS: dest = msg.channel if Session.SESSIONS[dest].question.isCorrect(msg.content): Session.SESSIONS[dest].good += 1 Session.SESSIONS[dest].score += Session.SESSIONS[dest].question.getScore(msg.content) msg.send_chn("%s: correct :)" % msg.sender) Session.SESSIONS[dest].prepareNext() else: Session.SESSIONS[dest].bad += 1 msg.send_chn("%s: non, essaie encore :p" % msg.sender) return True return False