# coding=utf-8 import http.client import imp import re import sys from . import Tinyfier nemubotversion = 3.0 def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "Gets YCC urls" def help_full (): return "!ycc []: with an argument, reduce the given thanks to ycc.fr; without argument, reduce the last URL said on the current channel." def reload(): imp.reload(Tinyfier) def parseanswer(msg): global LAST_URLS if msg.cmd[0] == "ycc": if len(msg.cmd) == 1: if msg.channel in LAST_URLS and len(LAST_URLS[msg.channel]) > 0: url = LAST_URLS[msg.channel].pop() t = Tinyfier.Tinyfier(url, msg) t.start() else: msg.send_chn("%s: je n'ai pas d'autre URL reduire" % msg.sender) else: if len(msg.cmd) < 6: for url in msg.cmd[1:]: t = Tinyfier.Tinyfier(url, msg) t.start() else: msg.send_chn("%s: je ne peux pas réduire autant d'URL d'un seul coup." % msg.sender) return True else: return False LAST_URLS = dict() def parselisten (msg): global LAST_URLS if re.match(".*(https?://|www\.)[^ ]+.*", msg.content) is not None: res = re.match(".*(((ht|f)tps?://|www\.)[^ ]+).*", msg.content) if msg.channel in LAST_URLS: LAST_URLS[msg.channel].append(res.group(1)) else: LAST_URLS[msg.channel] = list(res.group(1)) return True return False