# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Nemubot is a modulable IRC bot, built around XML configuration files. # Copyright (C) 2012 Mercier Pierre-Olivier # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import logging from queue import Queue import re from select import select import threading import time import uuid __version__ = '3.4.dev0' __author__ = 'nemunaire' from consumer import Consumer, EventConsumer, MessageConsumer from event import ModuleEvent import hooks from networkbot import NetworkBot from server.IRC import IRCServer from server.DCC import DCC import response logger = logging.getLogger("nemubot.bot") class Bot(threading.Thread): """Class containing the bot context and ensuring key goals""" def __init__(self, ip="", modules_paths=list(), data_path="./datas/"): """Initialize the bot context Keyword arguments: ip -- The external IP of the bot (default: modules_paths -- Paths to all directories where looking for module data_path -- Path to directory where store bot context data """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) logger.info("Initiate nemubot v%s", __version__) # External IP for accessing this bot self.ip = ip # Context paths self.modules_paths = modules_paths self.data_path = data_path # Save various informations self.ctcp_capabilities = dict() self.init_ctcp_capabilities() # Keep global context: servers and modules self.servers = dict() self.modules = dict() self.modules_configuration = dict() # Events self.events = list() self.event_timer = None # Own hooks self.hooks = hooks.MessagesHook(self, self) # Other known bots, making a bots network self.network = dict() self.hooks_cache = dict() # Messages to be treated self.cnsr_queue = Queue() self.cnsr_thrd = list() self.cnsr_thrd_size = -1 self.hooks.add_hook("irc_hook", hooks.Hook(self.treat_prvmsg, "PRIVMSG"), self) def run(self): from server import _rlist, _wlist, _xlist self.stop = False while not self.stop: rl, wl, xl = select(_rlist, _wlist, _xlist, 0.1) for x in xl: x.exception() for w in wl: w.write_select() for r in rl: for i in r.read(): self.receive_message(r, i) def init_ctcp_capabilities(self): """Reset existing CTCP capabilities to default one""" def _ctcp_clientinfo(srv, msg): """Response to CLIENTINFO CTCP message""" return _ctcp_response(msg.sender, " ".join(self.ctcp_capabilities.keys())) def _ctcp_dcc(srv, msg): """Response to DCC CTCP message""" try: ip = srv.toIP(int(msg.cmds[3])) port = int(msg.cmds[4]) conn = DCC(srv, msg.sender) except: return _ctcp_response(msg.sender, "ERRMSG invalid parameters provided as DCC CTCP request") logger.info("Receive DCC connection request from %s to %s:%d", conn.sender, ip, port) if conn.accept_user(ip, port): srv.dcc_clients[conn.sender] = conn conn.send_dcc("Hello %s!" % conn.nick) else: logger.error("DCC: unable to connect to %s:%d", ip, port) return _ctcp_response(msg.sender, "ERRMSG unable to connect to %s:%d" % (ip, port)) self.ctcp_capabilities["ACTION"] = lambda srv, msg: print ("ACTION receive: %s" % msg.text) self.ctcp_capabilities["CLIENTINFO"] = _ctcp_clientinfo self.ctcp_capabilities["DCC"] = _ctcp_dcc self.ctcp_capabilities["FINGER"] = lambda srv, msg: _ctcp_response( msg.sender, "VERSION nemubot v%s" % __version__) self.ctcp_capabilities["NEMUBOT"] = lambda srv, msg: _ctcp_response( msg.sender, "NEMUBOT %s" % __version__) self.ctcp_capabilities["PING"] = lambda srv, msg: _ctcp_response( msg.sender, "PING %s" % " ".join(msg.cmds[1:])) self.ctcp_capabilities["SOURCE"] = lambda srv, msg: _ctcp_response( msg.sender, "SOURCE https://github.com/nemunaire/nemubot") self.ctcp_capabilities["TIME"] = lambda srv, msg: _ctcp_response( msg.sender, "TIME %s" % (datetime.now())) self.ctcp_capabilities["USERINFO"] = lambda srv, msg: _ctcp_response( msg.sender, "USERINFO %s" % srv.realname) self.ctcp_capabilities["VERSION"] = lambda srv, msg: _ctcp_response( msg.sender, "VERSION nemubot v%s" % __version__) logger.debug("CTCP capabilities setup: %s", ", ".join(self.ctcp_capabilities)) # Events methods def add_event(self, evt, eid=None, module_src=None): """Register an event and return its identifiant for futur update Return: None if the event is not in the queue (eg. if it has been executed during the call) or returns the event ID. Argument: evt -- The event object to add Keyword arguments: eid -- The desired event ID (object or string UUID) module_src -- The module to which the event is attached to """ # Generate the event id if no given if eid is None: eid = uuid.uuid1() # Fill the id field of the event if type(eid) is uuid.UUID: evt.id = str(eid) else: # Ok, this is quite useless... try: evt.id = str(uuid.UUID(eid)) except ValueError: evt.id = eid # Add the event in its place t = evt.current i = 0 # sentinel for i in range(0, len(self.events)): if self.events[i].current > t: break self.events.insert(i, evt) if i == 0: # First event changed, reset timer self._update_event_timer() if len(self.events) <= 0 or self.events[i] != evt: # Our event has been executed and removed from queue return None # Register the event in the source module if module_src is not None: module_src.REGISTERED_EVENTS.append(evt.id) evt.module_src = module_src logger.info("New event registered: %s -> %s", evt.id, evt) return evt.id def del_event(self, evt, module_src=None): """Find and remove an event from list Return: True if the event has been found and removed, False else Argument: evt -- The ModuleEvent object to remove or just the event identifier Keyword arguments: module_src -- The module to which the event is attached to (ignored if evt is a ModuleEvent) """ logger.info("Removing event: %s from %s", evt, module_src) if type(evt) is ModuleEvent: id = evt.id module_src = evt.module_src else: id = evt if len(self.events) > 0 and id == self.events[0].id: self.events.remove(self.events[0]) self._update_event_timer() if module_src is not None: module_src.REGISTERED_EVENTS.remove(evt.id) return True for evt in self.events: if evt.id == id: self.events.remove(evt) if module_src is not None: module_src.REGISTERED_EVENTS.remove(evt.id) return True return False def _update_event_timer(self): """(Re)launch the timer to end with the closest event""" # Reset the timer if this is the first item if self.event_timer is not None: self.event_timer.cancel() if len(self.events) > 0: logger.debug("Update timer: next event in %d seconds", self.events[0].time_left.seconds) if datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=5) >= self.events[0].current: while datetime.now() < self.events[0].current: time.sleep(0.6) self._end_event_timer() else: self.event_timer = threading.Timer( self.events[0].time_left.seconds + 1, self._end_event_timer) self.event_timer.start() else: logger.debug("Update timer: no timer left") def _end_event_timer(self): """Function called at the end of the event timer""" while len(self.events) > 0 and datetime.now() >= self.events[0].current: evt = self.events.pop(0) self.cnsr_queue.put_nowait(EventConsumer(evt)) self._launch_consumers() self._update_event_timer() # Consumers methods def _launch_consumers(self): """Launch new consumer threads if necessary""" while self.cnsr_queue.qsize() > self.cnsr_thrd_size: # Next launch if two more items in queue self.cnsr_thrd_size += 2 c = Consumer(self) self.cnsr_thrd.append(c) c.start() def add_server(self, node, nick, owner, realname): """Add a new server to the context""" srv = IRCServer(node, nick, owner, realname) srv.add_hook = lambda h: self.hooks.add_hook("irc_hook", h, self) srv.add_networkbot = self.add_networkbot srv.send_bot = lambda d: self.send_networkbot(srv, d) #srv.register_hooks() if srv.id not in self.servers: self.servers[srv.id] = srv srv.open() return True else: return False # Modules methods def add_modules_path(self, path): """Add a path to the modules_path array, used by module loader""" # The path must end by / char if path[-1] != "/": path += "/" if path not in self.modules_paths: self.modules_paths.append(path) return True return False def add_module(self, module): """Add a module to the context, if already exists, unload the old one before""" # Check if the module already exists for mod in self.modules.keys(): if self.modules[mod].name == module.name: self.unload_module(self.modules[mod].name) break self.modules[module.name] = module return True def unload_module(self, name): """Unload a module""" if name in self.modules: self.modules[name].print_debug("Unloading module %s" % name) self.modules[name].save() if hasattr(self.modules[name], "unload"): self.modules[name].unload(self) # Remove registered hooks for (s, h) in self.modules[name].REGISTERED_HOOKS: self.hooks.del_hook(s, h) # Remove registered events for e in self.modules[name].REGISTERED_EVENTS: self.del_event(e) # Remove from the dict del self.modules[name] logger.info("Module `%s' successfully unloaded.", name) return True return False def receive_message(self, srv, raw_msg, private=False, data=None): """Queued the message for treatment""" #print (raw_msg) self.cnsr_queue.put_nowait(MessageConsumer(srv, raw_msg, datetime.now(), private, data)) # Launch a new thread if necessary self._launch_consumers() def add_networkbot(self, srv, dest, dcc=None): """Append a new bot into the network""" id = srv.id + "/" + dest if id not in self.network: self.network[id] = NetworkBot(self, srv, dest, dcc) return self.network[id] def send_networkbot(self, srv, cmd, data=None): for bot in self.network: if self.network[bot].srv == srv: self.network[bot].send_cmd(cmd, data) def quit(self): """Save and unload modules and disconnect servers""" if self.event_timer is not None: logger.info("Stop the event timer...") self.event_timer.cancel() logger.info("Save and unload all modules...") k = list(self.modules.keys()) for mod in k: self.unload_module(mod) logger.info("Close all servers connection...") k = list(self.servers.keys()) for srv in k: self.servers[srv].close() self.stop = True # Hooks cache def create_cache(self, name): if name not in self.hooks_cache: if isinstance(self.hooks.__dict__[name], list): self.hooks_cache[name] = list() # Start by adding locals hooks for h in self.hooks.__dict__[name]: tpl = (h, 0, self.hooks.__dict__[name], self.hooks.bot) self.hooks_cache[name].append(tpl) # Now, add extermal hooks level = 0 while level == 0 or lvl_exist: lvl_exist = False for ext in self.network: if len(self.network[ext].hooks) > level: lvl_exist = True for h in self.network[ext].hooks[level].__dict__[name]: if h not in self.hooks_cache[name]: self.hooks_cache[name].append((h, level + 1, self.network[ext].hooks[level].__dict__[name], self.network[ext].hooks[level].bot)) level += 1 elif isinstance(self.hooks.__dict__[name], dict): self.hooks_cache[name] = dict() # Start by adding locals hooks for h in self.hooks.__dict__[name]: self.hooks_cache[name][h] = (self.hooks.__dict__[name][h], 0, self.hooks.__dict__[name], self.hooks.bot) # Now, add extermal hooks level = 0 while level == 0 or lvl_exist: lvl_exist = False for ext in self.network: if len(self.network[ext].hooks) > level: lvl_exist = True for h in self.network[ext].hooks[level].__dict__[name]: if h not in self.hooks_cache[name]: self.hooks_cache[name][h] = (self.network[ext].hooks[level].__dict__[name][h], level + 1, self.network[ext].hooks[level].__dict__[name], self.network[ext].hooks[level].bot) level += 1 else: raise Exception(name + " hook type unrecognized") return self.hooks_cache[name] # Treatment def check_rest_times(self, store, hook): """Remove from store the hook if it has been executed given time""" if hook.times == 0: if isinstance(store, dict): store[hook.name].remove(hook) if len(store) == 0: del store[hook.name] elif isinstance(store, list): store.remove(hook) def treat_pre(self, msg, srv): """Treat a message before all other treatment""" # Treat all messages starting with 'nemubot:' as distinct commands if msg.cmd == "PRIVMSG" and msg.text.find("%s:"%srv.nick) == 0: # Remove the bot name msg.text = msg.text[len(srv.nick)+1:].strip() msg.parse_content() msg.private = True for h, lvl, store, bot in self.create_cache("all_pre"): if h.is_matching(None, server=srv): h.run(msg, self.create_cache) self.check_rest_times(store, h) def treat_post(self, res): """Treat a message before send""" for h, lvl, store, bot in self.create_cache("all_post"): if h.is_matching(None, channel=res.channel, server=res.server): c = h.run(res) self.check_rest_times(store, h) if not c: return False return True def treat_irc(self, msg, srv): """Treat all incoming IRC commands""" treated = list() irc_hooks = self.create_cache("irc_hook") if msg.cmd in irc_hooks: (hks, lvl, store, bot) = irc_hooks[msg.cmd] for h in hks: if h.is_matching(msg.cmd, server=srv): res = h.run(msg, srv, msg.cmd) if res is not None and res != False: treated.append(res) self.check_rest_times(store, h) return treated def treat_prvmsg_ask(self, msg, srv): # Treat ping if re.match("^ *(m[' ]?entends?[ -]+tu|h?ear me|do you copy|ping)", msg.text, re.I) is not None: return response.Response(msg.sender, message="pong", channel=msg.receivers, nick=msg.nick) # Ask hooks else: return self.treat_ask(msg, srv) def treat_prvmsg(self, msg, srv): # First, treat CTCP if msg.is_ctcp: if msg.cmds[0] in self.ctcp_capabilities: return self.ctcp_capabilities[msg.cmds[0]](srv, msg) else: return _ctcp_response(msg.sender, "ERRMSG Unknown or unimplemented CTCP request") # Owner commands if len(msg.text) > 1 and msg.text[0] == '`' and msg.nick == srv.owner: #TODO: owner commands pass elif len(msg.text) > 1 and msg.text[0] == '!': # Remove the ! msg.cmds[0] = msg.cmds[0][1:] if msg.cmds[0] == "help": return _help_msg(msg.sender, self.modules, msg.cmds) elif msg.cmds[0] == "dcc": logger.debug("dcctest for %s", msg.sender) srv.send_dcc("Hello %s!" % msg.nick, msg.sender) elif msg.cmds[0] == "pvdcctest": logger.debug("dcctest") return Response(msg.sender, message="Test DCC") elif msg.cmds[0] == "dccsendtest": logger.debug("dccsendtest") conn = DCC(srv, msg.sender) conn.send_file("bot_sample.xml") else: return self.treat_cmd(msg, srv) else: res = self.treat_answer(msg, srv) # Assume the message starts with nemubot: if not res and msg.private: return self.treat_prvmsg_ask(msg, srv) return res def treat_cmd(self, msg, srv): """Treat a command message""" treated = list() # First, treat simple hook cmd_hook = self.create_cache("cmd_hook") if msg.cmds[0] in cmd_hook: (hks, lvl, store, bot) = cmd_hook[msg.cmds[0]] for h in hks: if h.is_matching(msg.cmds[0], channel=msg.receivers, server=srv) and (msg.private or lvl == 0 or bot.nick not in srv.channels[msg.receivers].people): res = h.run(msg, strcmp=msg.cmds[0]) if res is not None and res != False: treated.append(res) self.check_rest_times(store, h) # Then, treat regexp based hook cmd_rgxp = self.create_cache("cmd_rgxp") for hook, lvl, store, bot in cmd_rgxp: if hook.is_matching(msg.cmds[0], msg.receivers, server=srv) and (msg.private or lvl == 0 or bot.nick not in srv.channels[msg.receivers].people): res = hook.run(msg) if res is not None and res != False: treated.append(res) self.check_rest_times(store, hook) # Finally, treat default hooks if not catched before cmd_default = self.create_cache("cmd_default") for hook, lvl, store, bot in cmd_default: if treated: break res = hook.run(msg) if res is not None and res != False: treated.append(res) self.check_rest_times(store, hook) return treated def treat_ask(self, msg, srv): """Treat an ask message""" treated = list() # First, treat simple hook ask_hook = self.create_cache("ask_hook") if msg.text in ask_hook: hks, lvl, store, bot = ask_hook[msg.text] for h in hks: if h.is_matching(msg.text, channel=msg.receivers, server=srv) and (msg.private or lvl == 0 or bot.nick not in srv.channels[msg.receivers].people): res = h.run(msg, strcmp=msg.text) if res is not None and res != False: treated.append(res) self.check_rest_times(store, h) # Then, treat regexp based hook ask_rgxp = self.create_cache("ask_rgxp") for hook, lvl, store, bot in ask_rgxp: if hook.is_matching(msg.text, channel=msg.receivers, server=srv) and (msg.private or lvl == 0 or bot.nick not in srv.channels[msg.receivers].people): res = hook.run(msg, strcmp=msg.text) if res is not None and res != False: treated.append(res) self.check_rest_times(store, hook) # Finally, treat default hooks if not catched before ask_default = self.create_cache("ask_default") for hook, lvl, store, bot in ask_default: if treated: break res = hook.run(msg) if res is not None and res != False: treated.append(res) self.check_rest_times(store, hook) return treated def treat_answer(self, msg, srv): """Treat a normal message""" treated = list() # First, treat simple hook msg_hook = self.create_cache("msg_hook") if msg.text in msg_hook: hks, lvl, store, bot = msg_hook[msg.text] for h in hks: if h.is_matching(msg.text, channel=msg.receivers, server=srv) and (msg.private or lvl == 0 or bot.nick not in srv.channels[msg.receivers].people): res = h.run(msg, strcmp=msg.text) if res is not None and res != False: treated.append(res) self.check_rest_times(store, h) # Then, treat regexp based hook msg_rgxp = self.create_cache("msg_rgxp") for hook, lvl, store, bot in msg_rgxp: if hook.is_matching(msg.text, channel=msg.receivers, server=srv) and (msg.private or lvl == 0 or bot.nick not in srv.channels[msg.receivers].people): res = hook.run(msg, strcmp=msg.text) if res is not None and res != False: treated.append(res) self.check_rest_times(store, hook) # Finally, treat default hooks if not catched before msg_default = self.create_cache("msg_default") for hook, lvl, store, bot in msg_default: if len(treated) > 0: break res = hook.run(msg) if res is not None and res != False: treated.append(res) self.check_rest_times(store, hook) return treated def _ctcp_response(sndr, msg): return response.Response(sndr, msg, ctcp=True) def _help_msg(sndr, modules, cmd): """Parse and response to help messages""" res = response.Response(sndr) if len(cmd) > 1: if cmd[1] in modules: if len(cmd) > 2: if hasattr(modules[cmd[1]], "HELP_cmd"): res.append_message(modules[cmd[1]].HELP_cmd(cmd[2])) else: res.append_message("No help for command %s in module %s" % (cmd[2], cmd[1])) elif hasattr(modules[cmd[1]], "help_full"): res.append_message(modules[cmd[1]].help_full()) else: res.append_message("No help for module %s" % cmd[1]) else: res.append_message("No module named %s" % cmd[1]) else: res.append_message("Pour me demander quelque chose, commencez " "votre message par mon nom ; je réagis " "également à certaine commandes commençant par" " !. Pour plus d'informations, envoyez le " "message \"!more\".") res.append_message("Mon code source est libre, publié sous " "licence AGPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/). " "Vous pouvez le consulter, le dupliquer, " "envoyer des rapports de bogues ou bien " "contribuer au projet sur GitHub : " "http://github.com/nemunaire/nemubot/") res.append_message(title="Pour plus de détails sur un module, " "envoyez \"!help nomdumodule\". Voici la liste" " de tous les modules disponibles localement", message=["\x03\x02%s\x03\x02 (%s)" % (im, modules[im].__doc__) for im in modules if modules[im].__doc__]) return res def hotswap(bak): new = Bot(str(bak.ip), bak.modules_paths, bak.data_path) new.ctcp_capabilities = bak.ctcp_capabilities new.servers = bak.servers new.modules = bak.modules new.modules_configuration = bak.modules_configuration new.events = bak.events new.hooks = bak.hooks new.network = bak.network return new def reload(): import imp import channel imp.reload(channel) import consumer imp.reload(consumer) import DCC imp.reload(DCC) import event imp.reload(event) import hooks imp.reload(hooks) import importer imp.reload(importer) import message imp.reload(message) import prompt.builtins imp.reload(prompt.builtins) import server imp.reload(server) import xmlparser imp.reload(xmlparser) import xmlparser.node imp.reload(xmlparser.node)