# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Nemubot is a modulable IRC bot, built around XML configuration files. # Copyright (C) 2012 Mercier Pierre-Olivier # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import errno import os import ssl import socket import threading import traceback from channel import Channel from server.DCC import DCC from hooks import Hook import message import server import xmlparser class IRCServer(server.Server): """Class to interact with an IRC server""" def __init__(self, node, nick, owner, realname, ssl=False): """Initialize an IRC server Arguments: node -- server node from XML configuration nick -- nick used by the bot on this server owner -- nick used by the bot owner on this server realname -- string used as realname on this server ssl -- require SSL? """ self.node = node server.Server.__init__(self) self.nick = nick self.owner = owner self.realname = realname self.ssl = ssl # Listen private messages? self.listen_nick = True self.dcc_clients = dict() self.channels = dict() for chn in self.node.getNodes("channel"): chan = Channel(chn["name"], chn["password"]) self.channels[chan.name] = chan @property def host(self): """Return the server hostname""" if self.node is not None and self.node.hasAttribute("server"): return self.node["server"] else: return "localhost" @property def port(self): """Return the connection port used on this server""" if self.node is not None and self.node.hasAttribute("port"): return self.node.getInt("port") else: return "6667" @property def password(self): """Return the password used to connect to this server""" if self.node is not None and self.node.hasAttribute("password"): return self.node["password"] else: return None @property def allow_all(self): """If True, treat message from all channels, not only listed one""" return (self.node is not None and self.node.hasAttribute("allowall") and self.node["allowall"] == "true") @property def autoconnect(self): """Autoconnect the server when added""" if self.node is not None and self.node.hasAttribute("autoconnect"): value = self.node["autoconnect"].lower() return value != "no" and value != "off" and value != "false" else: return False @property def id(self): """Gives the server identifiant""" return self.host + ":" + str(self.port) def register_hooks(self): self.add_hook(Hook(self.evt_channel, "JOIN")) self.add_hook(Hook(self.evt_channel, "PART")) self.add_hook(Hook(self.evt_server, "NICK")) self.add_hook(Hook(self.evt_server, "QUIT")) self.add_hook(Hook(self.evt_channel, "332")) self.add_hook(Hook(self.evt_channel, "353")) def evt_server(self, msg, srv): for chan in self.channels: self.channels[chan].treat(msg.cmd, msg) def evt_channel(self, msg, srv): if msg.receivers is not None: for receiver in msg.receivers: if receiver in self.channels: self.channels[receiver].treat(msg.cmd, msg) def accepted_channel(self, chan, sender=None): """Return True if the channel (or the user) is authorized""" return (self.allow_all or (chan in self.channels and (sender is None or sender in self.channels[chan].people)) or (self.listen_nick and chan == self.nick)) def join(self, chan, password=None, force=False): """Join a channel""" if force or (chan is not None and self.connected and chan not in self.channels): self.channels[chan] = Channel(chan, password) if password is not None: self.s.send(("JOIN %s %s\r\n" % (chan, password)).encode()) else: self.s.send(("JOIN %s\r\n" % chan).encode()) return True else: return False def leave(self, chan): """Leave a channel""" if chan is not None and self.connected and chan in self.channels: if isinstance(chan, list): for c in chan: self.leave(c) else: self.s.send(("PART %s\r\n" % self.channels[chan].name).encode()) del self.channels[chan] return True else: return False # Main loop def run(self): if not self.connected: self.s = socket.socket() #Create the socket if self.ssl: ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) self.s = ctx.wrap_socket(self.s) try: self.s.connect((self.host, self.port)) #Connect to server except socket.error as e: self.s = None self.logger.critical("Unable to connect to %s:%d: %s", self.host, self.port, os.strerror(e.errno)) return self.stopping.clear() if self.password != None: self.s.send(b"PASS " + self.password.encode () + b"\r\n") self.s.send(("NICK %s\r\n" % self.nick).encode ()) self.s.send(("USER %s %s bla :%s\r\n" % (self.nick, self.host, self.realname)).encode()) raw = self.s.recv(1024) if not raw: self.logger.critical("Unable to connect to %s:%d", self.host, self.port) return self.connected = True self.logger.info("Connection to %s:%d completed", self.host, self.port) if len(self.channels) > 0: for chn in self.channels.keys(): self.join(self.channels[chn].name, self.channels[chn].password, force=True) readbuffer = b'' #Here we store all the messages from server try: while not self.stop: readbuffer = readbuffer + raw temp = readbuffer.split(b'\n') readbuffer = temp.pop() for line in temp: self.treat_msg(line) raw = self.s.recv(1024) #recieve server messages except socket.error: pass if self.connected: self.s.close() self.connected = False if self.closing_event is not None: self.closing_event() self.logger.info("Server `%s' successfully stopped.", self.id) self.stopping.set() # Rearm Thread threading.Thread.__init__(self) # Overwritted methods def disconnect(self): """Close the socket with the server and all DCC client connections""" #Close all DCC connection clts = [c for c in self.dcc_clients] for clt in clts: self.dcc_clients[clt].disconnect() return server.Server.disconnect(self) # Abstract methods def send_pong(self, cnt): """Send a PONG command to the server with argument cnt""" self.s.send(("PONG %s\r\n" % cnt).encode()) def msg_treated(self, origin): """Do nothing; here for implement abstract class""" pass def send_dcc(self, msg, to): """Send a message through DCC connection""" if msg is not None and to is not None: realname = to.split("!")[1] if realname not in self.dcc_clients.keys(): d = DCC(self, to) self.dcc_clients[realname] = d self.dcc_clients[realname].send_dcc(msg) def send_msg_final(self, channel, line, cmd="PRIVMSG", endl="\r\n"): """Send a message without checks or format""" #TODO: add something for post message treatment here if channel == self.nick: self.logger.warn("Nemubot talks to himself: %s", line, stack_info=True) if line is not None and channel is not None: if self.s is None: self.logger.warn("Attempt to send message on a non connected server: %s: %s", self.id, line, stack_info=True) elif len(line) < 442: self.s.send(("%s %s :%s%s" % (cmd, channel, line, endl)).encode ()) else: self.logger.warn("Message truncated due to size (%d ; max : 442) : %s", len(line), line, stack_info=True) self.s.send (("%s %s :%s%s" % (cmd, channel, line[0:442]+"<…>", endl)).encode ()) def send_msg_usr(self, user, msg): """Send a message to a user instead of a channel""" if user is not None and user[0] != "#": realname = user.split("!")[1] if realname in self.dcc_clients or user in self.dcc_clients: self.send_dcc(msg, user) else: for line in msg.split("\n"): if line != "": self.send_msg_final(user.split('!')[0], msg) def send_msg(self, channel, msg, cmd="PRIVMSG", endl="\r\n"): """Send a message to a channel""" if self.accepted_channel(channel): server.Server.send_msg(self, channel, msg, cmd, endl) def send_msg_verified(self, sender, channel, msg, cmd = "PRIVMSG", endl = "\r\n"): """Send a message to a channel, only if the source user is on this channel too""" if self.accepted_channel(channel, sender): self.send_msg_final(channel, msg, cmd, endl) def send_global(self, msg, cmd="PRIVMSG", endl="\r\n"): """Send a message to all channels on this server""" for channel in self.channels.keys(): self.send_msg(channel, msg, cmd, endl)