"""Display latests news from a website""" # PYTHON STUFFS ####################################################### import datetime import re from urllib.parse import urljoin from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from nemubot.exception import IRCException from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.tools import web from more import Response from nemubot.tools.feed import Feed, AtomEntry # HELP ################################################################ def help_full(): return "Display the latests news from a given URL: !news URL" # MODULE CORE ######################################################### def find_rss_links(url): soup = BeautifulSoup(web.getURLContent(url)) for rss in soup.find_all('link', attrs={"type": re.compile("^application/atom")}): yield urljoin(url, rss["href"]) def get_last_news(url): feed = Feed(web.getURLContent(url)) return feed.entries # MODULE INTERFACE #################################################### @hook("cmd_hook", "news") def cmd_news(msg): if not len(msg.args): raise IRCException("Indicate the URL to visit.") url = " ".join(msg.args) links = [x for x in find_rss_links(url)] if len(links) == 0: links = [ url ] res = Response(channel=msg.channel, nomore="No more news from %s" % url) for n in get_last_news(links[0]): res.append_message("%s published %s: %s %s" % (("\x02" + web.striphtml(n.title) + "\x0F") if n.title else "An article without title", (n.updated.strftime("on %A %d. %B %Y at %H:%M") if n.updated else "someday") if isinstance(n, AtomEntry) else n.pubDate, web.striphtml(n.summary) if n.summary else "", n.link if n.link else "")) return res