"""Performing search and calculation""" # PYTHON STUFFS ####################################################### from urllib.parse import quote import re from nemubot import context from nemubot.exception import IMException from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.tools import web from more import Response # LOADING ############################################################# URL_API = "http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?input=%%s&format=plaintext&appid=%s" def load(context): global URL_API if not context.config or "apikey" not in context.config: raise ImportError ("You need a Wolfram|Alpha API key in order to use " "this module. Add it to the module configuration: " "\n\n" "Register at http://products.wolframalpha.com/api/") URL_API = URL_API % quote(context.config["apikey"]).replace("%", "%%") # MODULE CORE ######################################################### class WFAResults: def __init__(self, terms): self.wfares = web.getXML(URL_API % quote(terms), timeout=12) @property def success(self): try: return self.wfares.documentElement.hasAttribute("success") and self.wfares.documentElement.getAttribute("success") == "true" except: return False @property def error(self): if self.wfares is None: return "An error occurs during computation." elif self.wfares.documentElement.hasAttribute("error") and self.wfares.documentElement.getAttribute("error") == "true": return ("An error occurs during computation: " + self.wfares.getElementsByTagName("error")[0].getElementsByTagName("msg")[0].firstChild.nodeValue) elif len(self.wfares.getElementsByTagName("didyoumeans")): start = "Did you mean: " tag = "didyoumean" end = "?" elif len(self.wfares.getElementsByTagName("tips")): start = "Tips: " tag = "tip" end = "" elif len(self.wfares.getElementsByTagName("relatedexamples")): start = "Related examples: " tag = "relatedexample" end = "" elif len(self.wfares.getElementsByTagName("futuretopic")): return self.wfares.getElementsByTagName("futuretopic")[0].getAttribute("msg") else: return "An error occurs during computation" proposal = list() for dym in self.wfares.getElementsByTagName(tag): if tag == "tip": proposal.append(dym.getAttribute("text")) elif tag == "relatedexample": proposal.append(dym.getAttribute("desc")) else: proposal.append(dym.firstChild.nodeValue) return start + ', '.join(proposal) + end @property def results(self): for node in self.wfares.getElementsByTagName("pod"): for subnode in node.getElementsByTagName("subpod"): if subnode.getElementsByTagName("plaintext")[0].firstChild: yield (node.getAttribute("title") + ((" / " + subnode.getAttribute("title")) if subnode.getAttribute("title") else "") + ": " + "; ".join(subnode.getElementsByTagName("plaintext")[0].firstChild.nodeValue.split("\n"))) # MODULE INTERFACE #################################################### @hook.command("calculate", help="Perform search and calculation using WolframAlpha", help_usage={ "TERM": "Look at the given term on WolframAlpha", "CALCUL": "Perform the computation over WolframAlpha service", }) def calculate(msg): if not len(msg.args): raise IMException("Indicate a calcul to compute") s = WFAResults(' '.join(msg.args)) if not s.success: raise IMException(s.error) res = Response(channel=msg.channel, nomore="No more results") for result in s.results: res.append_message(re.sub(r' +', ' ', result)) if len(res.messages): res.messages.pop(0) return res