# coding=utf-8 import re import imp from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta nemubotversion = 3.0 def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "as http://sleepyti.me/, give you the best time to go to bed" def help_full (): return "TODO" def parseanswer (msg): if msg.cmd[0] == "sleepytime" or msg.cmd[0] == "sleeptime": if len (msg.cmd) > 1: i = int(msg.cmd[1]) start = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=15) length = timedelta(hours=1,minutes=30) * i msg.send_chn("After %d cycles: %s (during %d:%d)" % (i, start.strftime("%H:%M"), length.seconds/3600, (length.seconds%3600)/60)) else: f = [datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=15)] g = list() for i in range(0,6): f.append(f[i] + timedelta(hours=1,minutes=30)) g.append(f[i+1].strftime("%H:%M")) msg.send_chn("If you head to bed right now, you should try to wake up at one of the following times: %s"% ', '.join(g)) return True return False