"""Filter messages, displaying lines matching a pattern""" # PYTHON STUFFS ####################################################### import re from nemubot import context from nemubot.exception import IMException from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.message import Command, Text from more import Response # MODULE CORE ######################################################### def grep(fltr, cmd, args, msg, only=False): """Perform a grep like on known nemubot structures Arguments: fltr -- The filter regexp cmd -- The subcommand to execute args -- subcommand arguments msg -- The original message only -- like the --only-matching parameter of grep """ fltr = re.compile(fltr) for r in context.subtreat(Command(cmd, args, to_response=msg.to_response, frm=msg.frm, server=msg.server)): if isinstance(r, Response): for i in range(len(r.messages) - 1, -1, -1): if isinstance(r.messages[i], list): for j in range(len(r.messages[i]) - 1, -1, -1): res = fltr.match(r.messages[i][j]) if not res: r.messages[i].pop(j) elif only: r.messages[i][j] = res.group(1) if fltr.groups else res.group(0) if len(r.messages[i]) <= 0: r.messages.pop(i) elif isinstance(r.messages[i], str): res = fltr.match(r.messages[i]) if not res: r.messages.pop(i) elif only: r.messages[i] = res.group(1) if fltr.groups else res.group(0) yield r elif isinstance(r, Text): res = fltr.match(r.message) if res: if only: r.message = res.group(1) if fltr.groups else res.group(0) yield r else: yield r # MODULE INTERFACE #################################################### @hook.command("grep", help="Display only lines from a subcommand matching the given pattern", help_usage={"PTRN !SUBCMD": "Filter SUBCMD command using the pattern PTRN"}, keywords={ "only": "Print only the matched parts of a matching line", }) def cmd_grep(msg): if len(msg.args) < 2: raise IMException("Please provide a filter and a command") only = "only" in msg.kwargs return [m for m in grep(msg.args[0] if msg.args[0][0] == "^" else ".*?(" + msg.args[0] + ").*?", msg.args[1][1:] if msg.args[1][0] == "!" else msg.args[1], msg.args[2:], msg, only=only)]