# coding=utf-8 import re from datetime import timedelta from datetime import datetime from datetime import date from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml.dom.minidom import parseString from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation filename = "" EVENTS = {} def xmlparse(node): """Parse the given node and add events to the global list.""" for item in node.getElementsByTagName("event"): if (item.hasAttribute("year")): year = int(item.getAttribute("year")) else: year = 0 if (item.hasAttribute("month")): month = int(item.getAttribute("month")) else: month = 0 if (item.hasAttribute("day")): day = int(item.getAttribute("day")) else: day = 0 if (item.hasAttribute("hour")): hour = int(item.getAttribute("hour")) else: hour = 0 if (item.hasAttribute("minute")): minute = int(item.getAttribute("minute")) else: minute = 0 if (item.hasAttribute("second")): second = int(item.getAttribute("second")) else: second = 0 if year == month == day == hour == minute == second == 0: EVENTS[item.getAttribute("name")] = (None, item.getAttribute("before_after"), None) else: EVENTS[item.getAttribute("name")] = (datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second),item.getAttribute("msg_before"), item.getAttribute("msg_after")) def load_module(datas_path): """Load this module""" global EVENTS, filename EVENTS = {} filename = datas_path + "/events.xml" print ("Loading events ...",) dom = parse(filename) xmlparse (dom.getElementsByTagName('events')[0]) print ("done (%d loaded)" % len(EVENTS)) def save_module(): """Save the dates""" global filename print ("Saving events ...",) impl = getDOMImplementation() newdoc = impl.createDocument(None, 'events', None) top = newdoc.documentElement for name in EVENTS.keys(): (day, msg_before, msg_after) = EVENTS[name] bonus="" if day is None: item = parseString ('' % (name, msg_before)).documentElement else: if day.hour != 0: bonus += 'hour="%s" ' % day.hour if day.minute != 0: bonus += 'minute="%s" ' % day.minute if day.second != 1: bonus += 'second="%s" ' % day.second item = parseString ('' % (name, day.year, day.month, day.day, bonus, msg_after, msg_before)).documentElement top.appendChild(item); with open(filename, "w") as f: newdoc.writexml (f) print ("done") def help_tiny (): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "!events FIXME" def help_full (): return "FIXME" def parseanswer(msg): if msg.cmd[0] == "we" or msg.cmd[0] == "week-end" or msg.cmd[0] == "weekend": ndate = datetime.today() + timedelta(5 - datetime.today().weekday()) ndate = datetime(ndate.year, ndate.month, ndate.day, 0, 0, 1) msg.send_chn ( msg.countdown_format (ndate, "Il reste %s avant le week-end, courrage ;)", "Youhou, on est en week-end depuis %s.")) return True elif msg.cmd[0] == "new-year" or msg.cmd[0] == "newyear" or msg.cmd[0] == "ny": msg.send_chn ( msg.countdown_format (datetime(datetime.today().year + 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), "Il reste %s avant la nouvelle année.", "Nous faisons déjà la fête depuis %s !")) return True elif msg.cmd[0] == "vacances" or msg.cmd[0] == "vacs" or msg.cmd[0] == "holiday" or msg.cmd[0] == "holidays": msg.send_chn ( msg.countdown_format (datetime(2012, 7, 30, 18, 0, 1), "Il reste %s avant les vacances :)", "Profitons, c'est les vacances depuis %s.")) return True elif msg.cmd[0] in EVENTS: (day, msg_before, msg_after) = EVENTS[msg.cmd[0]] if day is None: msg.send_chn (msg_before) else: msg.send_chn (msg.countdown_format (day, msg_before, msg_after)) return True else: return False def parseask(msg): msgl = msg.content.lower () if re.match("^.*((create|new) +(a|an|a +new|an *other)? *(events?|commande?)|(nouvel(le)?|ajoute|cr[ée]{1,3}) +(un)? *([eé]v[ée]nements?|commande?)).*$", msgl) is not None: name = re.match("^.*!([^ \"'@!]+).*$", msg.content) if name is not None and name.group (1) not in EVENTS: texts = re.match("^[^\"]*(avant|après|apres|before|after)?[^\"]*\"([^\"]+)\"[^\"]*((avant|après|apres|before|after)?.*\"([^\"]+)\".*)?$", msg.content) if texts is not None and texts.group (3) is not None: extDate = msg.extractDate () if extDate is None or extDate == "": msg.send_snd ("La date de l'événement est invalide...") else: if texts.group (1) is not None and (texts.group (1) == "après" or texts.group (1) == "apres" or texts.group (1) == "after"): msg_after = texts.group (2) msg_before = texts.group (5) if (texts.group (4) is not None and (texts.group (4) == "après" or texts.group (4) == "apres" or texts.group (4) == "after")) or texts.group (1) is None: msg_before = texts.group (2) msg_after = texts.group (5) if msg_before.find ("%s") != -1 and msg_after.find ("%s") != -1: EVENTS[name.group (1)] = (extDate, msg_before, msg_after) save_module () msg.send_snd ("Nouvel événement !%s ajouté avec succès."%name.group (1)) else: msg.send_snd ("Pour que l'événement soit valide, ajouter %s à l'endroit où vous voulez que soit ajouté le compte à rebours.") elif texts is not None and texts.group (2) is not None: EVENTS[name.group (1)] = (None, texts.group (2), None) save_module () msg.send_snd ("Nouvelle commande !%s ajoutée avec succès."%name.group (1)) else: msg.send_snd ("Veuillez indiquez les messages d'attente et d'après événement entre guillemets.") elif name is None: msg.send_snd ("Veuillez attribuer une commande à l'événement.") else: msg.send_snd ("Un événement portant ce nom existe déjà.") return False def parselisten (msg): return False