from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from nemubot.hooks import hook from nemubot.exception import IRCException from import web from more import Response import json nemubotversion = 3.4 def help_full(): return "Retrieves data from json" @hook("cmd_hook", "json") def get_hn_info(msg): if len(msg.cmds) < 2: raise IRCException("Please specify a url and a list of JSON keys.") request_data = web.getURLContent(msg.cmds[1]) if not request_data: raise IRCException("Please specify a valid url.") json_data = json.loads(request_data) if len(msg.cmds) == 2: raise IRCException("Please specify the keys to return (%s)" % ", ".join(json_data.keys())) tags = msg.cmds[2].split(',') response = "" for tag in tags: if not tag in json_data.keys(): raise IRCException("The key '%s' was not found in the JSON retrieved." % tag) response += tag + ": " + str(json_data[tag]) + "\n" return Response(response,, nomore="No more content", count=" (%d more lines)")