filename = $filename; $this->reload(); } /** * Load or reload the questions file. * Unsave changes will be erased. */ private function reload() { $this->treeXML = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); if (@$this->treeXML->load($this->filename)) { $root_nodes = $this->treeXML->getElementsByTagName("questions"); if ($root_nodes->length > 0) $this->root_node = $root_nodes->item(0); else throw Exception("Not a valid nemubot QuestionsFile."); } else { $this->root_node = $this->treeXML->createElement("questions"); $this->treeXML->appendChild($this->root_node); } } /** * Add a new question into the file * @param $question The question object */ public function add_question($question) { $this->tmp[$question->getId()] = $question; } /** * Get a question from its unique identifiant */ public function get_question($id) { if (isset($this->tmp[$id])) return $this->tmp[$id]; else { $q = $this->treeXML->getElementById($id); if (isset($q)) { $this->root_node->removeChild($q); $this->tmp[$id] = new Question($q); return $this->tmp[$id]; } } return NULL; } /** * Write changes into the real file */ public function save($newfilename = null) { foreach ($this->tmp as $question) { $qnode = $question->to_xml($this->treeXML); $this->root_node->appendChild($qnode); } if (!empty($newfilename)) $this->filename = $newfilename; $this->treeXML->formatOutput = true; $this->treeXML->save($this->filename); } } ?>