package types // An ImpactedStop records the impact to a stop type ImpactedStop struct { // The impacted stop point of the trip Point StopPoint `json:"stop_point"` // New departure hour (format HHMMSS) of the trip on this stop point NewDeparture string // New arrival hour (format HHMMSS) of the trip on this stop point NewArrival string // Base departure hour (format HHMMSS) of the trip on this stop point BaseDeparture string // Base arrival hour (format HHMMSS) of the trip on this stop point BaseArrival string // Cause of the modification Cause string `json:"cause"` // Effect on that StopPoint // Can be "added", "deleted", "delayed" Effect string AmendedArrivalTime string `json:"amended_arrival_time"` StopTimeEffect string `json:"stop_time_effect"` DepartureStatus string `json:"departure_status"` IsDetour bool `json:"is_detour"` AmendedDepartureTime string `json:"amended_departure_time"` BaseArrivalTime string `json:"base_arrival_time"` BaseDepartureTime string `json:"base_departure_time"` ArrivalStatus string `json:"arrival_status"` }