package main import ( "log" "os" "" ) var ( version = "unknown" ) func main() { app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "hugo plugin" app.Usage = "hugo plugin" app.Action = run app.Version = version app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "drafts", Usage: " include content marked as draft", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_BUILDDRAFTS,PLUGIN_DRAFTS", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "expired", Usage: "include expired content", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_BUILDEXPIRED,PLUGIN_EXPIRED", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "future", Usage: "include content with publishdate in the future", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_BUILDFUTURE,PLUGIN_FUTURE", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "cache", Usage: "change cache directory (useful when using caching plugins)", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_CACHEDIR,PLUGIN_CACHE", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "config", Usage: "config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_CONFIG", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "content", Usage: "filesystem path to content directory", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_CONTENT", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "layout", Usage: "filesystem path to layout directory", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_LAYOUT", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "output", Usage: "filesystem path to write files to", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_OUTPUT", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "source", Usage: "filesystem path to read files relative from", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_SOURCE", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "theme", Usage: "theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_THEME", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "url", Usage: "hostname (and path) to the root", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_URL", Value: "", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "hugoversion", Usage: "the hugo version to be used", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_HUGO_VERSION,PLUGIN_VERSION", Value: "", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "extended", Usage: "If the hugo extended package should be used", EnvVar: "PLUGIN_EXTENDED", }, } if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func run(c *cli.Context) error { plugin := Plugin{ Config: Config{ URL: c.String("url"), Drafts: c.Bool("drafts"), Expired: c.Bool("expired"), Future: c.Bool("future"), Config: c.String("config"), Content: c.String("content"), Layout: c.String("layout"), Output: c.String("output"), Source: c.String("source"), Theme: c.String("theme"), Version: c.String("hugoversion"), Extended: c.Bool("extended"), }, BuildInVersion: os.Getenv("PLUGIN_HUGO_SHIPPED_VERSION"), } return plugin.Exec() }