title: "happyDomain" baseURL: "https://www.happydomain.org/" defaultContentLanguageInSubdir: true removePathAccents: true author: name: "happyDNS team" framagit: "happyDomain/" languages: en: title: "happyDomain. Finally a simple interface for domain names." weight: 1 fr: title: "happyDomain. L'interface des noms de domaines." weight: 2 menu: main: - identifier: "features" name: "Fonctionnalités" url: "/fr/#features" weight: 10 - identifier: "downloads" name: "Téléchargements" url: "/fr/#downloads" weight: 20 - identifier: "blog" name: "Blog" url: "https://blog.happydomain.org/fr/" weight: 30 params: DefaultDescription: "L'interface des noms de domaines." others_links: - text: "S'inscrire" href: "/join" class: "btn btn-secondary" icon: "bi-person-plus-fill" - text: "S'identifier" href: "/login" class: "btn btn-outline-primary" icon: "bi-person-check-fill" carousel: - title: "domains-lists" description: "**Page d'accueil:** liste des domaines, de différents hébergeurs" image: "/img/screenshots/domains-list.webp" - title: "domain-abstract" description: "Une zone simplifiée" image: "/img/screenshots/domain-abstract.webp" - title: "service-caa" description: "Des formulaires clairs vous aident pour choisir les meilleurs paramètres" image: "/img/screenshots/service-caa.webp" - title: "zone-diff" description: "Liste les changements avant d'appliquer les modifications" image: "/img/screenshots/zone-diff.webp" - title: "domain-history" description: "Retrouvez tous vos changements en un coup d'œil" image: "/img/screenshots/domain-history.webp" - title: "domain-services" description: "Ajoutez facilement de nouveaux usages à vos zones" image: "/img/screenshots/domain-services.webp" - title: "domain-logs" description: "Le journal d'action de la zone garde un trace de qui à fait quoi, quand" image: "/img/screenshots/domain-logs.webp" - title: "domain-abstract-list" description: "Une zone simplifiée, sous forme de liste, plus rapide à modifier" image: "/img/screenshots/domain-abstract-list.webp" - title: "sources" description: "Liste des sources existantes où récupérer les domaines" image: "/img/screenshots/sources.png" params: DefaultDescription: "Finally a simple interface for domain names." newsletter: "newsletter@happydns.org" tryit: "https://try.happydomain.org/" others_links: - text: "Sign up" href: "/join" class: "btn btn-secondary" icon: "bi-person-plus-fill" - text: "Sign in" href: "/login" class: "btn btn-outline-primary" icon: "bi-person-check-fill" carousel: - title: "domains-lists" description: "**Home page:** domains list on dedicated provider" image: "/img/screenshots/domains-list.webp" - title: "domain-abstract" description: "Simplified zone: records grouped by services" image: "/img/screenshots/domain-abstract.webp" - title: "service-caa" description: "Clear forms help you choose the best settings" image: "/img/screenshots/service-caa.webp" - title: "zone-diff" description: "Display zone diff before applying changes" image: "/img/screenshots/zone-diff.webp" - title: "domain-history" description: "All your changes at a glance" image: "/img/screenshots/domain-history.webp" - title: "domain-services" description: "Easily add new uses to your zones" image: "/img/screenshots/domain-services.webp" - title: "domain-logs" description: "The zone action log keeps track of who did what, when" image: "/img/screenshots/domain-logs.webp" - title: "domain-abstract-list" description: "Simplified zone in list, for quicker editing" image: "/img/screenshots/domain-abstract-list.webp" - title: "sources" description: "Existing sources where pull domains" image: "/img/screenshots/sources.png" menu: main: - identifier: "features" name: "Features" url: "/en/#features" weight: 10 - identifier: "downloads" name: "Downloads" url: "/en/#downloads" weight: 20 - identifier: "News" name: "Blog" url: "https://blog.happydomain.org/" weight: 30 markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true outputs: home: [ "HTML", "RSS" ]