# Ansible Collection for happyDomain The collection (`happydns.happydomain`) contains modules to assist in [happyDomain](https://happydomain.org/) deployment and management. ## Ansible version compatibility The collection is tested and supported with: `ansible >= 2.9` ## Installing the collection Before using the happyDomain collection, you need to install it using the below command: ``` ansible-galaxy collection install happydns.happydomain ``` You can also include it in a `requirements.yml` file and install it via `ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml`, using the format: ```yaml --- collections: - name: happydns.happydomain ``` ## Using this collection ### Deploy happyDomain To setup happyDomain as a local service (support Docker, openrc and systemd), use the role `happydns.happydomain.happydomain`: ```yaml roles: - name: happydns.happydomain.happydomain use_container: no # yes if you want to use Docker instead ``` ### Create a user account on your happyDomain instance ```yaml tasks: - happydns.happydomain.user: username: frederic@happydomain.org password: "mySuperS3cur3P4$$w0rd" ``` This will create and enabled the user (no need to validate the email). ### Register a NS provider Eg. for an AXFR/DDNS provider: ```yaml tasks: - happydns.happydomain.provider: name: test type: DDNSServer data: server: keyname: ddns algorithm: hmac-sha256 keyblob: yourBASE64Secret== happydomain_username: frederic@happydomain.org happydomain_password: "mySuperS3cur3P4$$w0rd" ``` ### Handle a new domain name in happyDomain ```yaml tasks: - happydns.happydomain.domain: provider: test domain: happydomain.tf happydomain_username: frederic@happydomain.org happydomain_password: "mySuperS3cur3P4$$w0rd" ``` ### Create a new record for a domain First, you need a zoneid: ```yaml tasks: - happydns.happydomain.domain: provider: test domain: happydomain.tf happydomain_username: frederic@happydomain.org happydomain_password: "mySuperS3cur3P4$$w0rd" register: my_zone ``` Note the `register`ed variable. Then, use the `happydns.happydomain.service` module: ```yaml tasks: - happydns.happydomain.service: happydomain_username: frederic@happydomain.org happydomain_password: "mySuperS3cur3P4$$w0rd" domain: happydomain.tf zone: "{{ my_zone.current_zone }}" subdomain: "test" type: abstract.Server service: A: AAAA: "::1" apply_changes: yes ``` This will add two records under `test.happydomain.tf`: A and AAAA (part of `abstract.Server`). ### Remove a given record You'll also need a zoneid, see previous section. Then: ```yaml tasks: - happydns.happydomain.service: happydomain_username: frederic@happydomain.org happydomain_password: "mySuperS3cur3P4$$w0rd" domain: happydomain.tf zone: "{{ my_zone.current_zone }}" subdomain: "test" type: scvs.TXT service: content: "This is a test record" state: absent apply_changes: yes ``` This will remove all records matching: ``` test IN TXT "This is a test record" ``` ## Code of Conduct This collection follows the Ansible project's [Code of Conduct](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/community/code_of_conduct.html). Please read and familiarize yourself with this doc. ## License CECILL-2.1