g2312 == null) { include_once 'jpgraph_gb2312.php' ; $this->g2312 = new GB2312toUTF8(); } return $this->g2312->gb2utf8($aTxt); } elseif ($aFF === FF_BIG5) { if (!function_exists('iconv')) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25006); //('Usage of FF_CHINESE (FF_BIG5) font family requires that your PHP setup has the iconv() function. By default this is not compiled into PHP (needs the "--width-iconv" when configured).'); } return iconv('BIG5', 'UTF-8', $aTxt); } elseif (ASSUME_EUCJP_ENCODING && ($aFF == FF_MINCHO || $aFF == FF_GOTHIC || $aFF == FF_PMINCHO || $aFF == FF_PGOTHIC)) { if (!function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25127); } return mb_convert_encoding($aTxt, 'UTF-8', 'EUC-JP'); } elseif ($aFF == FF_DAVID || $aFF == FF_MIRIAM || $aFF == FF_AHRON) { return LanguageConv::heb_iso2uni($aTxt); } else { return $aTxt; } } // Translate iso encoding to unicode public static function iso2uni($isoline) { $uniline=''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($isoline); $i++) { $thischar=substr($isoline, $i, 1); $charcode=ord($thischar); $uniline.=($charcode>175) ? "&#" . (1040+($charcode-176)). ";" : $thischar; } return $uniline; } // Translate greek iso encoding to unicode public static function gr_iso2uni($isoline) { $uniline=''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($isoline); $i++) { $thischar=substr($isoline, $i, 1); $charcode=ord($thischar); $uniline.=($charcode>179 && $charcode!=183 && $charcode!=187 && $charcode!=189) ? "&#" . (900+($charcode-180)). ";" : $thischar; } return $uniline; } // Translate greek win encoding to unicode public static function gr_win2uni($winline) { $uniline=''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($winline); $i++) { $thischar=substr($winline, $i, 1); $charcode=ord($thischar); if ($charcode==161 || $charcode==162) { $uniline.="&#" . (740+$charcode). ";"; } else { $uniline.=(($charcode>183 && $charcode!=187 && $charcode!=189) || $charcode==180) ? "&#" . (900+($charcode-180)). ";" : $thischar; } } return $uniline; } public static function heb_iso2uni($isoline) { $isoline = hebrev($isoline); $o = ''; $n = strlen($isoline); for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) { $c=ord(substr($isoline, $i, 1)); $o .= ($c > 223) && ($c < 251) ? '&#'.(1264+$c).';' : chr($c); } return utf8_encode($o); } } //============================================================= // CLASS TTF // Description: Handle TTF font names and mapping and loading of // font files //============================================================= class TTF { private $font_files; private $style_names; public function __construct() { // String names for font styles to be used in error messages $this->style_names=array( FS_NORMAL =>'normal', FS_BOLD =>'bold', FS_ITALIC =>'italic', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'bolditalic'); // File names for available fonts $this->font_files=array( FF_COURIER => array(FS_NORMAL =>'cour.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'courbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'couri.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'courbi.ttf' ), FF_GEORGIA => array(FS_NORMAL =>'georgia.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'georgiab.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'georgiai.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_TREBUCHE =>array(FS_NORMAL =>'trebuc.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'trebucbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'trebucit.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'trebucbi.ttf' ), FF_VERDANA => array(FS_NORMAL =>'verdana.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'verdanab.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'verdanai.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_TIMES => array(FS_NORMAL =>'times.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'timesbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'timesi.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'timesbi.ttf' ), FF_COMIC => array(FS_NORMAL =>'comic.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'comicbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_ARIAL => array(FS_NORMAL =>'arial.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'arialbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'ariali.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'arialbi.ttf' ) , FF_VERA => array(FS_NORMAL =>'Vera.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'VeraBd.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'VeraIt.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'VeraBI.ttf' ), FF_VERAMONO => array(FS_NORMAL =>'VeraMono.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'VeraMoBd.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'VeraMoIt.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'VeraMoBI.ttf' ), FF_VERASERIF=> array(FS_NORMAL =>'VeraSe.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'VeraSeBd.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ) , /* Chinese fonts */ FF_SIMSUN => array( FS_NORMAL =>'simsun.ttc', FS_BOLD =>'simhei.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_CHINESE => array( FS_NORMAL =>CHINESE_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_BIG5 => array( FS_NORMAL =>CHINESE_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), /* Japanese fonts */ FF_MINCHO => array( FS_NORMAL =>MINCHO_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_PMINCHO => array( FS_NORMAL =>PMINCHO_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_GOTHIC => array( FS_NORMAL =>GOTHIC_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_PGOTHIC => array( FS_NORMAL =>PGOTHIC_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), /* Hebrew fonts */ FF_DAVID => array( FS_NORMAL =>'DAVIDNEW.TTF', FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_MIRIAM => array( FS_NORMAL =>'MRIAMY.TTF', FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_AHRON => array( FS_NORMAL =>'ahronbd.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), /* Misc fonts */ FF_DIGITAL => array( FS_NORMAL =>'DIGIRU__.TTF', FS_BOLD =>'Digirtu_.ttf', FS_ITALIC =>'Digir___.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'DIGIRT__.TTF' ), /* This is an experimental font for the speedometer development FF_SPEEDO => array( FS_NORMAL =>'Speedo.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), */ FF_COMPUTER => array( FS_NORMAL =>'COMPUTER.TTF', FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_CALCULATOR => array( FS_NORMAL =>'Triad_xs.ttf', FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), /* Dejavu fonts */ FF_DV_SANSSERIF => array( FS_NORMAL =>array('DejaVuSans.ttf'), FS_BOLD =>array('DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf','DejaVuSansBold.ttf'), FS_ITALIC =>array('DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf','DejaVuSansOblique.ttf'), FS_BOLDITALIC =>array('DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf','DejaVuSansBoldOblique.ttf') ), FF_DV_SANSSERIFMONO => array( FS_NORMAL =>array('DejaVuSansMono.ttf','DejaVuMonoSans.ttf'), FS_BOLD =>array('DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf','DejaVuMonoSansBold.ttf'), FS_ITALIC =>array('DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf','DejaVuMonoSansOblique.ttf'), FS_BOLDITALIC =>array('DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf','DejaVuMonoSansBoldOblique.ttf') ), FF_DV_SANSSERIFCOND => array( FS_NORMAL =>array('DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf','DejaVuCondensedSans.ttf'), FS_BOLD =>array('DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf','DejaVuCondensedSansBold.ttf'), FS_ITALIC =>array('DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique.ttf','DejaVuCondensedSansOblique.ttf'), FS_BOLDITALIC =>array('DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldOblique.ttf','DejaVuCondensedSansBoldOblique.ttf') ), FF_DV_SERIF => array( FS_NORMAL =>array('DejaVuSerif.ttf'), FS_BOLD =>array('DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf','DejaVuSerifBold.ttf'), FS_ITALIC =>array('DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf','DejaVuSerifItalic.ttf'), FS_BOLDITALIC =>array('DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic.ttf','DejaVuSerifBoldItalic.ttf') ), FF_DV_SERIFCOND => array( FS_NORMAL =>array('DejaVuSerifCondensed.ttf','DejaVuCondensedSerif.ttf'), FS_BOLD =>array('DejaVuSerifCondensed-Bold.ttf','DejaVuCondensedSerifBold.ttf'), FS_ITALIC =>array('DejaVuSerifCondensed-Italic.ttf','DejaVuCondensedSerifItalic.ttf'), FS_BOLDITALIC =>array('DejaVuSerifCondensed-BoldItalic.ttf','DejaVuCondensedSerifBoldItalic.ttf') ), /* Placeholders for defined fonts */ FF_USERFONT1 => array( FS_NORMAL =>'', FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_USERFONT2 => array( FS_NORMAL =>'', FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), FF_USERFONT3 => array( FS_NORMAL =>'', FS_BOLD =>'', FS_ITALIC =>'', FS_BOLDITALIC =>'' ), ); } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Create the TTF file from the font specification public function File($family, $style=FS_NORMAL) { $fam = @$this->font_files[$family]; if (!$fam) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25046, $family);//("Specified TTF font family (id=$family) is unknown or does not exist. Please note that TTF fonts are not distributed with JpGraph for copyright reasons. You can find the MS TTF WEB-fonts (arial, courier etc) for download at http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/"); } $ff = @$fam[$style]; // There are several optional file names. They are tried in order // and the first one found is used if (!is_array($ff)) { $ff = array($ff); } $jpgraph_font_dir = dirname(__FILE__).'/fonts/'; foreach ($ff as $font_file) { // All font families are guaranteed to have the normal style if ($font_file==='') { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25047, $this->style_names[$style], $this->font_files[$family][FS_NORMAL]); }//('Style "'.$this->style_names[$style].'" is not available for font family '.$this->font_files[$family][FS_NORMAL].'.'); if (!$font_file) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25048, $fam);//("Unknown font style specification [$fam]."); } // check jpgraph/src/fonts dir $jpgraph_font_file = $jpgraph_font_dir . $font_file; if (file_exists($jpgraph_font_file) === true && is_readable($jpgraph_font_file) === true) { $font_file = $jpgraph_font_file; break; } // check OS font dir if ($family >= FF_MINCHO && $family <= FF_PGOTHIC) { $font_file = MBTTF_DIR.$font_file; } else { $font_file = TTF_DIR.$font_file; } if (file_exists($font_file) === true && is_readable($font_file) === true) { break; } } if (!file_exists($font_file)) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25049, $font_file);//("Font file \"$font_file\" is not readable or does not exist."); } return $font_file; } public function SetUserFont($aNormal, $aBold='', $aItalic='', $aBoldIt='') { $this->font_files[FF_USERFONT] = array(FS_NORMAL => $aNormal, FS_BOLD => $aBold, FS_ITALIC => $aItalic, FS_BOLDITALIC => $aBoldIt ) ; } public function SetUserFont1($aNormal, $aBold='', $aItalic='', $aBoldIt='') { $this->font_files[FF_USERFONT1] = array(FS_NORMAL => $aNormal, FS_BOLD => $aBold, FS_ITALIC => $aItalic, FS_BOLDITALIC => $aBoldIt ) ; } public function SetUserFont2($aNormal, $aBold='', $aItalic='', $aBoldIt='') { $this->font_files[FF_USERFONT2] = array(FS_NORMAL => $aNormal, FS_BOLD => $aBold, FS_ITALIC => $aItalic, FS_BOLDITALIC => $aBoldIt ) ; } public function SetUserFont3($aNormal, $aBold='', $aItalic='', $aBoldIt='') { $this->font_files[FF_USERFONT3] = array(FS_NORMAL => $aNormal, FS_BOLD => $aBold, FS_ITALIC => $aItalic, FS_BOLDITALIC => $aBoldIt ) ; } } // Class //============================================================================= // CLASS SymChar // Description: Code values for some commonly used characters that // normally isn't available directly on the keyboard, for example // mathematical and greek symbols. //============================================================================= class SymChar { public static function Get($aSymb, $aCapital=false) { $iSymbols = array( /* Greek */ array('alpha','03B1','0391'), array('beta','03B2','0392'), array('gamma','03B3','0393'), array('delta','03B4','0394'), array('epsilon','03B5','0395'), array('zeta','03B6','0396'), array('ny','03B7','0397'), array('eta','03B8','0398'), array('theta','03B8','0398'), array('iota','03B9','0399'), array('kappa','03BA','039A'), array('lambda','03BB','039B'), array('mu','03BC','039C'), array('nu','03BD','039D'), array('xi','03BE','039E'), array('omicron','03BF','039F'), array('pi','03C0','03A0'), array('rho','03C1','03A1'), array('sigma','03C3','03A3'), array('tau','03C4','03A4'), array('upsilon','03C5','03A5'), array('phi','03C6','03A6'), array('chi','03C7','03A7'), array('psi','03C8','03A8'), array('omega','03C9','03A9'), /* Money */ array('euro','20AC'), array('yen','00A5'), array('pound','20A4'), /* Math */ array('approx','2248'), array('neq','2260'), array('not','2310'), array('def','2261'), array('inf','221E'), array('sqrt','221A'), array('int','222B'), /* Misc */ array('copy','00A9'), array('para','00A7'), array('tm','2122'), /* Trademark symbol */ array('rtm','00AE'), /* Registered trademark */ array('degree','00b0'), array('lte','2264'), /* Less than or equal */ array('gte','2265'), /* Greater than or equal */ ); $n = count($iSymbols); $i=0; $found = false; $aSymb = strtolower($aSymb); while ($i < $n && !$found) { $found = $aSymb === $iSymbols[$i++][0]; } if ($found) { $ca = $iSymbols[--$i]; if ($aCapital && count($ca)==3) { $s = $ca[2]; } else { $s = $ca[1]; } return sprintf('&#%04d;', hexdec($s)); } else { return ''; } } }